Chapter one: Why Hong Kong Why?

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Chapter 1: Why Hong Kong Why?

I'm in my room packing up the last box. This one has the rest of my clothes and all of my shoes which, I'm surprised that they all fit because I have at least fifteen pairs. Hey don't judge me,  I like to shop... Mostly for shoes.

Ugh! I can't get this damn box closed and were leaving in less than an hour.

"Maya? Are you still packing?" My mom asks from down stairs.

"Yeah but I can't get this box closed." I yelled back to her, trying a little harder, but it still doesn't budge.

My mom raised me all by herself since she was eighteen. I don't think about my father much but when I do, I think about how much of an asshole he is for saying that he loved my mom and then walked out, on both of us.


* * *
I'm finally done packing and I got that box closed! Yes! I mean I had to sit on it, but it worked.

"Maya I'm going to late!"

"Coming." I say as I'm running down the stairs trying not to trip and fall on my face, which is a little more common in this house than I'd like to admitt . I smile at the thought of the memory of when my mom and I first moved in here.

 But sadly, it's time to say goodbye even though I don't want to.

I meet mom at our cars and she helps me get all my stuff in the back of my jeep. "Okay honey, I have to go before I miss my only flight."

"But..." She doesn't give me time to finish.

"No 'buts', it's only for ten months. I love you honey." she explains.

"But why Hong Kong? Mom why?"

"I already told you it's for a business trip." She explains once again.

I watch her drive off to the airport. "Don't forget, her name is Sally!" She yells out the at window before she gets to far.

I get in the divers seat of my jeep and my phone chimes indicating that I have a text. It's from Zach.

'Hey babe wanna hang out at the mall... Meet me in twenty minutes'

Oh no I can't go to the mall I have to go to Sally's house in twenty minutes. How am I suppose to tell him that. Wait he knew already. Did he forget?

'I can't I have to go to Sally's remember?'

I hit the send button on my galaxy s4. But I don't think he remembers. Wow. For once he actually forgot something. My phone beeps again.

' I know... Can you wait on meeting her? :/ I have to show you something.'

' um... Yeah I guess but she's expecting me today.'

' I know it'll only take twenty minutes please.'

'okay, twenty minutes.'

Well I suppose that I can be forty-five minutes late.

Only because it takes twenty-five minutes to get to Sally's from the mall, and it's only about two minutes from my house.


hey guys this is my first time doing this so please do call me out on spelling and other things. and I hope you really like it!

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You Know The Drill ;) Thanks Guys!!

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