Chapter 17: The Fight

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Chapter 17: the fight

After I got home that day I haven't came out of my room since.

That's the whole weekend. (Including not going to school Friday).

Jake and Cole have been trying to get me to tell them what's wrong.

Have you ever had that feeling where someone asks what's wrong and their the problem. That's what's happening here.

I hear a light knock on the door that leads to Jakes room.

"Go away" I say but it's muffled because my face is in my pillow.

"Come on Maya you can't sulk in here your whole life. what's wrong?"

That's exactly the problem.


Could Zach be right about Jake wanting us back together? Was he lying in order to get me back? Why has he suddenly come back now, after almost three months?

"You know ignoring people is not very friendly." He says again but I just block him out.

I look up to glare at him the. Walk out of the room.

Once I'm to my car (which I haven't driven In a while because Sally insisted that Jake and Cole drive me).

I pull out of the drive way and just drive. I have no idea of where I'm going. All I know is that I have to get away.

I've been driving around for about two hours now and I found a sight seeing spot where you can over look at a canyon. I find a good patch of ground and sit down.

Why would Jake do that to me? I feel like I want to punch his face in but yet I don't at the same time.

If that makes sense.

It's around 9:23 at night and I doubt that--

My thoughts were interrupted when I see head lights turn towards the sight seeing place.

Oh my god. What if it's a kidnapper? Geez, I'm freaking out.

I freeze when I hear a car door open and close.

Not long after I feel a presence beside me.

Then of course being me I had the guts to look over and surprisingly I see Jake.

Why the hell is he here?

"What are doing here?" I ask with anger clear in my voice.

"Sitting, you know it's not illegal to sit down." he says not looking at me.

Oh so you wanna get smart.


"Why? what if I wanna spend time with you?" He says now looking at me.

"I hate you for what you did on Thursday. You can't just go and set crap up Jake! you know I hate Zach and we are never ever getting back together" I yell. Yes I just quoted Taylor Swift.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he's yelling too.

We both are now in a standing position.

"Don't play dumb Jake! You exactly what you did and it wasn't right!" I yell getting in his face a little.

"What the hell did I do!? What wasn't right Maya?" he raised his eye brows.

"You setting me up with Zach again!" I scream with a tear rolling down my left eye.

Why am I crying?

"Maya, who told you this" He says more calm now.

"Your little buddy, uh Drew!" I yell again.

I'm just so mad.

"Maya your blaming me for something I didn't--"

I blocked him out after that. Why would he try something like this, right when I was starting to have feelings for him.

"Maya!" I hear him yell again.

"What Jake! what!? You know what never mind I'm done with you. Zach was right you obviously don't care for me in any way. And I can't believe you pull something like this right when I was starting to have feelings for you. But now they're down the drain!" I yell with tears rolling down my face.

Oh my god.

I just spilled to him! Oh great I just told him I like him!

Amazing. (Note the sarcasm)

I get in my car and drive off leaving him there, once again.

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