Chapter Four: Zach

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Chapter Four: Zach

It's Monday morning. I'm kinda excited for the first day of school back. Winter break was too long. Hey I'm not a nerd but I get to see all my friends again, but I'm not excited to see Zach.


That's all I can seem to think about now. Geez! I need to get him off my mind, something, anything that would help.

Maybe a hot shower before school.

I hop in the shower and surprisingly it helps some. After I get out I start my morning routine.

When I'm all ready for school. I decide to skip breakfast and just leave without saying goodbye to anybody. My goal today is to try to avoid Zach at all costs after hearing what I did a week ago I'm just done with him.

He's such an ass.

I'm pulling in to the parking lot of school and of course the only parking spot left is the one right next to Zach's blue truck. God I hate that truck... So much for avoiding him today.

I have to get my schedule from the office for second semester. Wow. I'm a senior in high school! Man I feel like I'm getting old. Ugh!! But in a senior in high school with Zach.

I hate him, he said he would never leave me, and he did.

Geez get over yourself, you deserve  way better than that jerk. The voice in my head says, trying to give me a pep talk I guess.


I'm in second hour right now and I can't focus on the lecture  because all I have stuck in my head is damn Zach! And I don't know when or where he is going to pop out. I miss him, I really do but I have to get over him.

Damn straight.

Ugh can you hush?

Nope I'm in your head and you have to deal with it.


It's lunch time. Today is going by pretty fast. I don't see Zach anywhere. Well I guess that's a good thing. I mean I was trying to avoid him all day and so far it worked! I find my two best friends, Chloe and Zoe. We sit at our usual table which is the one closest to the door so we can beat the huge crowd before we get to class.

And then Zach just had to walk in as I'm looking at the door. So we just had to make eye contact for what seemed like forever.

I quickly look back down at my food.

"Hey, Maya, are you okay? You don't seem yourself at all today." Zoe says from across the table.

What if he comes over here? What if he wants to apologize? What if I could possibly get him back? The thing is.. If he did do any of that, I'd take that bafoon back in a heart beat.

"Earth to Maya! Hellooo?" Chloe says waving her hands in front of my face.

"What, what? What is it?" I say not paying attention to them again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Zoe says raising her eyebrows.

"Uh, um, Zach broke up with me over the break." I say so quietly, I'm surprised they heard me.

"Oh my gosh. What an asshole. I can't believe he would do that to you. What did he say?"

"Um that I was too needy and the worst girlfriend any guy could ever have and that I make everything about me." I say looking down at my hands.

"Now hold it right there, I, for one, know for a fact  that you aren't needy and make everything about you. Maybe he'll come around and realize the mistake he has made." She says with a soft smile on her face.

"Thanks Zoe." Right after I had said that the bell rang telling us that lunch was over and we had to start going to our next class.


It's almost the end of the day. And I noticed that I haven't seen Cole or Jake at all today, either, I'm beginning to think that they ditched the first day of school.

We're in our last class of the day and... Oh great Zach would have to be in this class and he would have to sit right next to me, and that's where he gets to sit for the rest of the school year. I think looking down at my hands in my lap and slightly shaking my head.

"Maya, I'm sorry for what I said on the phone." He says with his voice full of sadness.

"Whatever Zach, I've gotten to the point where I don't really care anymore." I say harshly, but it's a lie, I would give the world to be back in his arms.

"Listen, I'm still here for you, if one of those guys lays a finger on you, you call me and I'll kick their sorry asses." He whispers to me.

"No Zach. I'm going to delete you from my phone and from my life." I say as I walk out the door, when the bell rings.


Hey guys sorry about the short chapters again. And sorry for all mistakes and misspelled words:/ I'm going to try to work on that. Like I said I'm new at this so if you have any advice what so ever please it would really help.

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