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"Ash,wake up,your going be late on your first day of your new school", mom voice and hands wake me up this morning.

I open my eyes and saw mom sitting beside me on my bed.

" Wake up,dear.Fathers waiting us on the table",mom add.

"Yes mom", I answered and mom go out of my room.

I enter the CR and start washing myself and after that I go down the stairs to eat together with my parents.

I am their only daughter,I'm Ashlyn,but you can call me Ash.

" Good morning Ash,how's your night?",dad ask me as I sit on the chair.

"Its very ok dad,and I have a very amazing dream", I said very happy.

That's the reason why I have a very good sleep.Its not like a dream that I've dream before,cause it looks like real...

" really?what was that?",mom said excitedly.

I smile and start to tell them about my dream.

"I am on a home,a children's home,I'm with other kids,but they are not an ordinary kid,they have special powers", I said very happy with a very wide smile on my face.

Mom and dad listen to me very carefully but when I say the word " not ordinary" their expression change.

"There,live the invisible boy,but wears a clothes,that looks like the clothes float,and then a flying girl,a girl who can create and control fire,and then--", I did not finish my story cause dad slam the fork and spoon on the table.

" Enough,that's enough Ash",dad yells angrily.

I'm confused,did I said something wrong?why dad get angry?

"You're going to be late,hurry", dad added,but this time calmly,and he stand up and walk upstairs,maybe to he's office.

I was so surprise and confused,why did dad gets angry?I can't remember,did I said something wrong?its the first time that he yells at me...

" don't worry dear,I'll talk to him,go,eat,don't lost your appetite",mom said with a tone of concern and stand up from her chair and follow dad upstairs.

I left very confused on the table.Why?.

I brush that question out of my mind and just continue eating.

But I can't stop myself from thinking,why dad gets mad when I tell them about my dream?did I said something wrong?something lunatic?

I can't stop myself,so I stand and follow them upstairs.

While I walking toward my dads office,I hear them talk.

"Its not normal anymore,she said she saw an invisible boy,and a flying boy!", dads voice.

" yeah,yes,I know,but dear,that was just only her dream,its not true,that was just part of her childhood,fairytales",mom said.

"Fairytales?really?I just thought,there's no flying girl and invisible boy on fairytales...this is weird,really really weird", dad said.

" I can't help this anymore,our child acting weird and freak sometimes,she's growing up but she still thinks about this silly stuff!",dad added.

"Ok,I'll fix this", mom said.

" do it,and if you can't do that...that child will be not our child anymore,I will throw her somewhere!somewhere that she can't go back here!I don't have a child a daughter that is freak!stupid!and weird!",dad yells and I'm so hurt on all the words that I heard from them.

I tears flow down from my cheeks and I ran fast as I could.

I get my bag and run downstairs,run outside our house.I don't care if someone saw me crying on the street.

They will throw me,how could they call their own daughter those kind of words,didn't they know that those words hurt me?really hurt me?their words cut deeper like a knife,deeper that the knife could,and it cuts my heart.

I reach the school,its a little bit near on our house.

I whip my tears quickly,so that no one sees it.I took a deep breath and enter the school.

As I enter the school,all the people who are on the hallway looks to me,and hear all of the words they always say about me.

"That weird girl",

" yeah,and freak...she gives embarrass to the school",

I just look down,they always said this,everyday.It hurts me,but what should I do,I'm just a weird and freak girl,that can't fight them,defend myself.

I enter my room and sit on my chair,the last chair on the back,I'm always on the last,last row,last chair,last line,everything that includes the word last.

"Here comes the weird stupid girl", says john,the bully on our room,and she come with his friends,bully too.

" hi was your day?do you want some trouble?",Kenneth said and laugh,all of them laugh.

"Please...please stop,I don't want any trouble", I said calmly and lay down my head on the desk.

" but we want trouble",john said and they laugh again and I feel that something hit my head,a cold and wet stuff.

I raise my head and saw them throwing me some water balloons,all of them,all of my classmates.

Some of the water balloons pop to me that makes my whole body wet.

They throw,and throw,until I'm completely wet that water drops from my clothes and my hair.

Sometimes I wish I have some special powers,just like the kids on my dreams.So that I could defend myself.

"Please stop!", I cried.

But they just all laugh to me and continue throwing.

I try to walk toward the door to get out of the room,and to runaway from my classmates but unluckily I slide on the floor that makes my body floor on the ground.

That makes their laughter loud,and I cried very hard.

I sit on the ground,hug my knees and cried.

" please stop!!!have mercy to me,please!!",I beg.

"Mercy?we don't know mercy,we don't have mercy", john said and they laugh again.

I can't help this anymore,I can't,they always do this to me!always!They always laugh and no one dares to help me.

Anger runs up to my head,and I can't stop this anymore.

" I said,STOP!!!!",I yell and I stand from sitting that makes the chair float,tables float and makes the board cracked,and even the water balloons that they throw freezes and floats on the air.

"What the!!", john said and look very frightened to me,like my other classmates...

" you freak!!!freak!!",one of my girl classmates said and another tear fell from my cheeks and I yell again.

"No!!", I yell that makes the light bulbs explode and make the room dark.

Some people are now on the door,watching what's happening here on our room...sneaking.

" please,I'm not freak!I am not freak!!",I cried while I pull my hair by my hand and hurting myself.

"You are freak!!!look what you've done!!!", they said.

" no!",I cried that makes the window glass cracked.

"What's happening...oh no!", our prof. said and look frightened to me.

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