Chapter 16

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Enoch's POV

Jake and other boys bring me to the basement.

I sat on a square chair and they get the medicines.

"I shouldn't let Mr.Barron get ash", I thought.

" its not your fault,Enoch",Jake said and pour some medicine on my hand.

I feel some pain but I don't care.

"No Jake,this is all Enoch fault,if he should protect ash,ash would be still here with us!", Horace said.

Enoch's hand turn to a punching hand again and he stand and walk to Horace direction.

Maybe he is going to punch Horace.

I run to their direction,also Millard and Hugh.

" no!stop that!",I yell and holding Enoch other hand but Enoch is holding Horace on the neck.

"Enoch stop", Hugh said while stopping Enoch's back.

" you don't know what happen,Horace,you don't have the right to say I didn't protect ash,I did everything to protect her,but that stupid Mr.Barron beat me",Enoch said.

"Guys,there's no way fighting could bring us", Millard said while pulling Enoch away but Enoch is so strong that made Millard pull his self.

" I know what I'm saying,you are very weak Enoch,even ash you couldn't protect!",Horace yell.

And Enoch flew his hands on the air and going to punch Horace.

"Stop", Jake said.

And before Enoch could punch Horace there's a flying fireball pass between Enoch and Horace.

Enoch and Horace fall on opposite direction also Millard,Jake and Hugh.

And there comes Olive and Fiona.

Enoch is swipping his clothes cause it is on fire,Horace did too.

" sorry for the fire",olive said and stop the fire on Enoch and Horace clothes.

"Both of you!you shouldn't fight!", Fiona said.

" this is all Enoch's fault",Horace said.

"You're the one who start this all", Enoch said and trying to punch Horace again but olive run between them to stop Enoch and shield Horace.

" I don't care who started,do you know what you are two doing?miss peregrine will be mad",Olive said.

"Enoch", Jake said and drag Enoch away from Horace.

" I don't want to talk about this anymore",Enoch said and walk out of the door.

"Enoch!", Fiona call.

" no Fiona,let him be alone for now",Olive said and she face Horace.

"And you?you think I'll just forget about what you did?", Olive said to Horace while her hands are on his waist.

" I'm just worried about ash",Horace thought.

"And not just you,all of us,remember?miss peregrine and others are thinking for a plan to save ash,you're not the only one who is worried for ash", Olive said.

Hugh laugh and all the bees inside his body came out.

" Hugh!",all yell.

"Sorry", Hugh said and sip all the bees back to his body

" Horace?",Olive said,waiting for Horace to apologize.

"I'm sorry", Horace said while looking on the floor.

" I'm not the one you should say your apologize for",Olive said.

"Enoch?I will not apologize on him", Horace demanded.

" you don't?or I will burn your finest clothes together?",Olive said while making a fire on her hands.

"You always blackmail me with that,Olive.OK I will,just...don't touch my clothes,it is all well made by the famous tailors",Horace said.

" OK,now go",Olive said,making out the fire on her hand.

"What?!now?!", Horace shock.

" no,yesterday,go on!",Olive said and pull Horace out the door.

"But...", Horace demand but Olive interrupt him.

" no buts,just go on",Olive said.

Millard and Hugh laugh.

"Enoch is on his mallete full of jar of hearts,you know where it is right?", Fiona said.

" I did!",Horace yell and go along.

"What's funny anyway", Fiona thought to Millard and Hugh who are laughing.

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