Chapter 12

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While we are all taking a daily walk as our daily exercise,Enoch stays beside me,he never go far from me.

He tells me about his dolls,the way his dolls chase the twins and Millard most of the time.

"Maybe that's the reason why they are scared of me", Enoch said and now we are back on the house.

We all head to the kitchen for the lunch,and still all of them are sitting except me cause I don't have a chair.

Enoch stand and get the chair for me and put it beside him and beside the twins.

" come and sit here,ash",Enoch said and I walk to the chair and sit.

"Look at Enoch,its such a miracle that he get the chair for ash",Fiona said.

" Enoch,Horace will be jealous",Hugh said.

"Stop are all annoying", Horace demanded and start to eat.

Enoch smile to me and I smile back and we all continue to eat.

" children,I would like you all to know,that we are very lucky to have a biculiar child here in this house",miss peregrine said and we all stop eating  and look on him.

"Really,who is it,miss peregrine?", Claire ask excitedly.

" its Ashlyn Port,she is pyrokinetic and also telekinetic",miss peregrine announce and all look to me with a open mouth.

"That's amazing", Emma said.

" you're lucky",olive said.

"You're a pyro too,just like Olive", Millard said and I nodd.

"how wonderful",brownwyn said.

" impressive",Enoch said while looking to me and smiling.

He is really handsome when he smiles.

"Ash,do you want some potato's?", Horace ask.

" look,Horace is being caring and concern again",brownwyn said.

"He doesn't want Enoch to win on  Ashlyn's heart", Fiona said.

" looks like",Hugh

"A Loved Triangle!", they all said and I blush and put down my head.

" stop it,you only made Ashlyn,to get embarrassed!",Enoch said.

"Concern too",

" this is the first time Enoch protect a girl",

"Enoch,do you love ashlyn?",

" yeah,just like Horace?",

"Tsk,you don't know what your saying", Enoch said and continue eating.

Enoch is right,I feel so embarrassed to be teased with someone sitting beside me.

" you don't have to confessed it Enoch,we already know the answer",Olive said and all laugh,except me,Enoch and Horace.

We all stop when we hear someone doorbells outside.

"Wait me here", miss peregrine said and walk to the door.

" wonder who it was",Emma said.

"No one doorbells since the last time,this is the first time", Olive said.

And we all get nervous while waiting for miss peregrine to came back.

And nobody dares to eat,we all get scared.

I just feel something inside that something's bad gonna happen,very bad.

" Hi children!",said a man with a white eye when he reach on the kitchen and sees us.

He is holding miss peregrine with a knife on miss peregrines neck.

We all stand and go to the corner.Enoch put his hand in front of me to shield me.

"Mr.Barron",Jake said.

" miss me?children?",Mr.Barron said.

"What are you doing here?", miss peregrine said.

" I am here to get the girl I didn't get before on the town",Mr.Barron said.

"You are the old man?the stupid old man?", Enoch said.

" you have a very good memory Enoch,yes its me",Mr.Barron said.

I talk to miss peregrine on my mind.

"Miss peregrine,they will all run and they will hide,and I will disarm you from Mr.Barron", I said on my mind.

" how could you talk to me by our minds?",miss peregrine ask.

"I could read minds,miss peregrine", I said.

" I'm gonna talk the girl,the girl with triculiar and kill the others",I hear Mr.Barron. thought on his mind.

This is weird,I could read their minds.

"Please,Mr.Barron,let's talk for a  minute,on the living room", miss peregrine said.

" talk,ok,",Mr.Barron said and drag miss peregrine to the living room.

"Guys,we have to do something", Emma said.

" I have a plan",I said and tell to them about my plan.

And we all agreed with it,and we all prepare for it.

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