Chapter 14

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" so,Ashlyn will die",Enoch said and all look worried to me.

"We can't let this happen,we will save you ashlyn,we will run away", Jake said.

" but where?",Fiona ask.

"I know the place", Emma said.

And all of us packed our things.
Enoch packed all of his supplies of jar of hearts.

And after we packed we all go to the place where Emma said we are going.

We go to the  beach and dive on the water.

Emma made some water bubbles for us,to be able to breath underwater.

And we enter an old ship,and Emma burst out all of the water that is inside the ship away so that the ship will rise and be aboard.

When the ship rise,Enoch and Jake control the ship and plan for the next thing to do.

" Mr.Barron is very dangerous,remember the last time he kidnapped miss peregrine for his experiment,and now,he will kidnap ashlyn for his selfishness",Emma thought.

"We shouldn't let Mr.Barron get ashlyn,no matter what happen", miss peregrine said.

" but how?Mr.Barron maybe bring a hollowgaust here and kill us all",Claire said with fear.

"Don't worry claire,we will beat Mr.Barron,and all of his friends", Olive said.

" thanks guys,for all",I said.

"You're always welcome ashlyn,your part of the family,so we have to save and protect you", Horace said.

" sweet",all teased.

"Stop children,Horace been annoyed by you", miss peregrine said and we all laugh.

"Hugh,let's play", Millard said and all of them play.

Enoch and Jake go back controlling the ship and I stay on the window staring.

This is what family feels like,I miss this,I miss mom,dad.Wish they still remember me,or know me.

I decided to go and find another place.

While I was walking on the hallway of the ship,I hear Enoch called me.

" ashlyn,wait!",he said and I look back and saw him running to me.

"Where you going?", he ask when he reached me

" I don't know",I answer.

"Here?", Enoch point to a huge and empty room.

" sure",I said and we enter the room.

"I thought you were controlling the ship?", I ask when we seat on the floor.

" I ask Jake to do it for now",he answered.

"For what?",

" I want to be with you,I just can't stop myself from keeping beside you",he said and I blush.

"You're joking?",

" no,I'm not,maybe I'm comfortable when I'm with you,and now,I know that you are a triculiar",he said.

"Yeah,I'm the unlucky peculiar to be this", I said and look down.

" you don't have to be sorry",Enoch said and hold my hand. I look on him and he smile,I smile back.

Enoch is the only one who can make me laugh or smile.

"Just think about this things,you don't have to effort to talk to anyone caused you are telepathic.And You know what others think cause you can read minds.Control something,make it float,and play with fire,its very exciting!", Enoch comfort me.

" you're right,but I can't use it together",I said sadly.

"Oh,I forgot", Enoch said and a smile on his face gone.

" no,no just smile,you look handsome if you smile ",I said just to bring back the smile on his face.

" how can I smile if I know your gonna die,and I know,even if you smile,I know that there's a pain inside your heart,I don't want to lose you",he said.

"To lose me", I said.Cause I think Enoch don't want to lose me cause he love me–––maybe not,I'm just maybe daydreaming.Enoch will never fall  in love on me.I'm not pretty.

" I,I,I mean to lose a friend,we,we don't want to lose you",Enoch added.

And now,I'm right,Enoch just see me as a friend,no more than that and I should accept it.

"Thanks", I said.

When there's a bangs noise came out of the ships wall.

" miss me?",Mr.Barron said as he came inside the ship.

"How could you?", I ask.

" remember?I will do anything to get you",he said an walk toward me.

Enoch stand in front of me to shield me,and I walk backwards.

"Go away!I wouldn't let you get ashlyn!", Enoch said.

" oh?really?",Mr.Barron said and punch Enoch in the face and Enoch fall on the floor.

"Enoch!", I cried and kneel on the floor,I try to walk him up,but he's asleep,maybe Mr.Barron's punch is very painful.

" Enoch",I said.

"Go away!!what do you want from me?!", I said and face Mr.Barron.

" I know your secret,dear,you love Enoch the first time you saw him",Mr.Barron said.

"How could you––?", I said,how could kr.Barron know about that?.

" and you're scared and desperate cause maybe Enoch doesn't love you back",he added.

"No!I don't care,its already clear to me that we are just friends", I said.

" really?but feelings never change,am I right?you still love Enoch no matter what",he said.

"Ash", I hear  Enoch's voice.

He's awake,maybe he heard what Mr.Barron said.

" Enoch,are you alright?",I ask very worried.

"You love me?", he ask.

My eyes gets wide and open my mouth.

" Enoch",I said.

I'm just going to tell him anything when Mr.Barron grab my waist and lift me to the air.He is on his monster form.

"Ashlyn!put ashlyn back or",Enoch said bravely but Mr.Barron stop him.

" or?bye",Mr.Barron said and Mr.Barron jump on the sea and bring me away from the ship.

"Ashlyn!!!", I hear Enoch cried.

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