Chapter 21

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Enoch's POV

"What the?", Mr.Barron said when my dolls run to them,while holding a scissor and knives.

Lucky I bring all of my dolls,they help a lot.

Mr.Barron's friends can't stand cause their feet is tied on the ground by Fiona's seeds.

But they find a way to cut it out,and they run.

My dolls chase them,the twins walk in the center,that makes my dolls stop chasing and Mr.Barron's friends to look at the twins.

The twins then pull up the cloth that covers their face and Mr.Barron's friends turns to stone.

The twins cover their face again and go back beside Hugh.

" useless",Mr.Barron thought.

"Go", Emma said and I run to the computer,where the red and green button is.

"Hey!hey hey!you sure I'll gonna let you destroy that kid?", Mr.Barron said and walk to Enoch direction.

" Hugh!",Enoch cried and Hugh stand from his hiding place and bring out all of his bees.

The bees bite Mr.Barron and Mr.Barron fall to the floor.

Fiona run to Mr.Barron and pour some seeds on Mr.Barron,and the seeds grow faster,turn into big roots and cover Mr.Barron's body,until Mr.Barron can't breath and die.

"Yeah!", we all yell with happiness cause we win against Mr.Barron's friends,but we forget about the hollowgaust,good thing Jake is alert and he shoot all the hollowgaust and all of them died.

"The button!", Emma said and I hurry to destroy the button,I punch it by my hands,until my hands bleed and the button is being destroyed.

" good job children,now to Ashlyn",miss peregrine said and we all run back outside the tower.

"Ashlyn is getting stronger,miss peregrine,what should we do?", Fiona ask while looking up on the tower.

Fiona was right,the force is getting stronger.

"But we already destroy the buttons", Emma speak.

" I thought if we destroy it,Ashlyn will be back,just like what she said to me",Emma added.

"Maybe the button is only just a way for something that controls Ashlyn", miss peregrine said.

" said a triculiar child can develop aanother peculiarity if he/she is depressed,suffer,and lonely,right?",Jake said.

We all look to him

"What do you mean,Jake?", I ask with confusion cause I don't understand what he said.

" look,Emma said,Ashlyn's eyes turn black,and she is a triculiar child,just like what you said,they develop their peculiarity because of depression,And that's the thing that controls Ashlyn!",Jake said with a clap.

OK I get it now,Jake was right.

"Depression", Fiona said.

" loneliness",Olive.

"Stress", Emma said.

" And pain,Ashlyn thinks no one loves her cause she is weird and freak,but we are here,we love her",I said.

But what I truely meant is,I Love Ashlyn,even it is not obvious.

"The black on her eyes is the pain,we have to destroy the pain", miss peregrine said.

" any plan miss peregrine?",Emma said.

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