Love at First Show (Mettaton)

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You were just getting ready to go to the one place you had been waiting to go your entire life-Broadway. You could see it now: the actors, with bright lights shining down on them, their voices filling the large theater. You always had a thing for drama, and were hoping to get into showbiz yourself. As you were looking up at the theater entrance, you heard a very loud call.
"Of course, darling~"
You recognized that voice anywhere. Mettaton, the star of the monsters, and the star of the play you were going to go watch. You turned to see the fashionable robot himself, surrounded by paparazzi. He was gushing over the camera flashes and answering questions. He glanced over at you with a pained expression and made eye contact for a few brief moments before a camera was shoved into his face again.
It was in those seconds that you realized he wasn't completely about the fame.
In his eyes you could see the look of desperation, the way he was clearly dying to get away from it all and just go put on a show. You tried to think of a way to help him when he finally reached the door and pushed through, forcing all of the reporters to stay outside.
You were about to go in as well when you were stopped by a man in his mid-fifties wearing luxurious clothing.
"Miss/Mister? Excuse me? Are you watching the latest performance by Mettaton tonight?"
You stumbled on your words a bit before finally getting out a yes.
"Well, I've always wanted to see what it would be like to watch the performance from farther away. I wouldn't have to crane my neck as much, am I right?" He gave a slight nervous laugh. "Well, I was simply wondering if perhaps you would trade me seats. No extra cost, and this isn't a scam. You can take the front row seats, and I will sit in the back. Does that sound alright?"
You were stunned at the man's kindness. You quickly nodded your head and traded the man tickets. He thanked you and swiftly left. You both went in to take your seats. The show started and all you could think about was that robot. You hadn't ever really thought about him as much more than dramatic, but your brain wanted to differ from the usual.
In the opening, he made eye contact with you multiple times.
In the second act, he stared at you while he sang a serenade.
In the closing of the third act, he looked at you and mouthed for you to stay in your seat.
In the fourth act, he sat down directly in front of you to give his monologue.
At the end of the whole play, he shook hands with the entire front row-and slipped a VIP pass into yours.
You were dumbfounded. This guy was a superstar, and he was dropping all of the hints that he wanted to see you again and very soon. You quickly slipped out of the crowd to go meet him in his dressing room. NOTHING LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE LEMON EATERS
You hesitated before knocking on his door. What if he hadn't meant for you to take his kindness this way? What if he thought you were the person you had gotten the ticket from, and you were never meant to have it? You almost walked away before you swallowed your fears and knocked.
There was a pause before the door opened, and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. There he was, standing right in front of you. Mettaton.
"Darling, come in! No need to just stand out there awkwardly! Please, take a seat!" He quickly ushered you in, shut the door behind you, and gestured towards a velvet loveseat.
"Darling, I must say, a new face on the front row is SO refreshing. Most of those that sit up there are musty old people who don't know how to have fun and are SUCH an eyesore. But you, darling. You are a treat. I must say, if you are as much fun as you look, then we will get along great!"
For the millionth time tonight, you were speechless. Your thought process was going in circles. Did he really just indirectly call you attractive? Did he just call his most devoted fans musty? But most importantly: did he just call you hot???
He glided over to the open seat next to you.
"I'm terribly sorry if I caught you off guard, darling. I've been known to be a little... outgoing. Please don't take offense to this. I just was hoping that maybe I could see you again? Anywhere, anytime, just say so. Please, just say something." You could almost envision his metal eyebrows knitting together in hopeless confusion.
You abruptly nodded and smiled at him. His face lit up in ecstasy.
"Really? That would mean so much to me, darling! I am so grateful that you would do something for me! By the way, I don't believe we've formally met. If you don't know, I'm Mettaton. Mettaton EX. And you are...?"
You quickly murmured your name, still in shock that he found you to be something worth noting. He smiled and repeated your name to himself, sometimes in a whisper, and sometimes, almost purring it.
"Such a perfect name for a perfect person! When shall we meet again? I am free anytime you wish me to be, darling! Even now, I would be willing to take you somewhere. There's a very good hotel-slash-restaurant not too far from here, if you would like to go."
You nodded and grabbed Mettaton's hand, starting off the show of a lifetime.

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