The Void (Underfell! Chara [Male])

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this was requested for chara to be a dude, so don't get all butthurt about it. i know they're genderless. hakuna your tatas.

"(y/n)? Asriel? Are you there? Anyone?" A voice called out into the darkness. You recognized that voice. You loved that voice. Why couldn't you remember who it belonged to?
"Please, someone. Help me." The voice sounded desperate, and closer than before. But nobody came, despite the pleas. You couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't speak. You could only feel yourself floating in the darkness. You wanted to help, but couldn't.
"(y/n)? Is that you?" You could feel a presence growing closer to you. The owner of the voice now stood by your side. You were trying to wake up, but couldn't.
"Oh my god, (y/n). Please don't leave me. Please be okay." You could hear tears now. You felt a hand on your cheek, and suddenly everything came rushing back to you.
"Who's there?" Your mouth was dry and your vision blurry. You could make out a worried shape above you. As your eyes adjusted, you felt water drops on your face, and saw that the strange boy was crying. No, he wasn't strange. This was Chara. You had been best friends, adopted siblings, and eventually a couple. You loved him with all your heart and soul. You had helped each other through the rough life above and Asriel's bullying underground. However, the bullying had finally gone too far, and Asriel had killed you both. He had absorbed your souls and went through the Barrier to dispose of your bodies inconspicuously. He had been killed by the humans above ground. Asgore and Toriel were grieving over the loss of their three children. You didn't know where Asriel was in this void, and you didn't really care. You had Chara with you, and he was the only one that mattered right now.
"It's me, Chara. Please tell me you're okay, (y/n). Please." You nodded and wrapped your arms around Chara's neck. He immediately pulled you to him, and you both couldn't help but cry the tears you both had been trying desperately to hold back. You cried for the end of life, and for the end of innocence. You knew you two would never really be the same.
"Chara, what are we going to do? It's just us now. Are we dead?" Questions were flying through your head.
"I- I don't know what we're going to do. We'll figure it out. I know we can." You couldn't help but notice he had avoided answering your last question.
"Are we dead?" You repeated yourself, hoping-praying-that you didn't already know the answer.
"I'm not sure." He let go from the hug only to grab your hands and hold them tightly in front of him.
"I'm not really sure what we are. I think we... I think we're dead, though. Asriel killed us. I know he did that. I-" Chara paused for a moment and swallowed down more tears.
"I watched him kill you. I thought I'd lost you forever." He shut his eyes tightly, trying to erase the image from his mind. You drew him back into you, where he rested his head on yours.
"Don't worry, Chara. I will never leave you." As time went on, you never broke your promise. So many years passed, you had lost count. Neither you nor Chara had aged in your ambiguous state. Neither of you had lost any love for one another, either. You had found out that Asriel was currently a flower, and had learned his lesson. He was much kinder to the various humans that fell down into the godforsaken Underground. He had originally massacred many monsters and reset innumerable times, but realized that the "kill or be killed" motto shouldn't have to be taken so seriously. You and Chara had helped the humans that had fallen, as well. Six of them had survived throughout the Underground and encountered Asgore, only to be killed and have their souls stuck in small containers. (side note: head canon of mine that more than six kids fell into the underground, it's just that the rest were killed by various monsters in the underground. sans, being the easiest enemy with only 1 atk and def, hasn't killed anyone. everyone else, even cute bunbun paps, has killed a human, maybe on accident. think of the glittery spaghetti. hence why they all have real attack and defense stats. thank you for your time) They would join you in the void, and you had come to think of the various children as a family. There were now eight of you, living together. The others, for an unknown reason, couldn't remember anything from their lives before falling underground, not even their names. You simply referred to them as their soul traits. You wondered if their memories were lost because their souls were not allowed to be put to rest. Of course, neither had yours or Chara's. But even though all of the children claimed they were happy in the Void, you couldn't help but wish for them to be freed. Then one day, another child fell down. This one was different from the rest. They had a soul of pure determination, like Chara's and yours. You were able to communicate with this child, who simply was called "Frisk", through the ACT button in fights. You and Chara helped Frisk through the Underground by giving them options to spare monsters with actions (Chara thought it was fun to add the Flirt option at times. Papyrus was not pleased when Frisk actually picked it during their fight). For once, the monsters decided not to kill the human child. Frisk made it all the way to the end, where they were met by all of the monsters they had befriended. Flowey absorbed everyone's souls, and helped break the Barrier as Asriel. When Asriel noticed you and Chara standing by Frisk, he looked ashamed of himself. You waved the child on to go above ground with everyone else and approached Asriel with a hostile Chara at your heels.
"I- I'm sorry, you guys. I know now that what I did was wrong-" Chara cut off his adopted brother before he could continue.
"Wrong? I think wrong is an understatement! Do you have any idea what it felt like watching (y/n) get killed by you? I still have nightmares about that to this day, and it's been how many years, Asriel?" The goat child shriveled while Chara gave him an earful. You finally pulled your boyfriend away from Asriel's face.
"Chara, that's enough. Asriel, what you did... it was a bit of a dick move." Chara scoffed at this, and you shot him a death glare. He shrugged at you apologetically, but you could tell he wasn't truly sorry. Asriel looked like he was going to cry at any given second.
"I forgive you for it, though. You're a lot different now compared to how you were back then. We've all matured, and things are different compared to when we were younger." Asriel instantly wrapped you in a hug and started to make ugly sobbing noises. Chara reached forward to pull him off of you, but when he saw the tears streaming down Asriel's face, he hesitated and instead hugged Asriel as well.
"I'm so sorry, (y/n). You were always so nice to me, and then I- I-" Asriel couldn't finish his sentence because of a new wave of water gushing from his eyes.
"And Chara, I know you always had our family's best interests in mind. That's why you tried to stop me all of those resets. I'm sorry for those. I know they hurt you two a lot." You gave Chara a confused glance.
"He-Flowey, that is-killed Mom and Dad. He also tried to kill you, but I never let that happen. He couldn't kill you directly, but I always made sure that you were never hurt. I just wish I could have done the same for Mom and Dad all those times you brutally murdered them." Chara was clearly still bitter about this, even though Flowey had been nice to everyone for many years. Asriel resumed his dramatic beg for your forgiveness.
"Asriel, I already told you. I forgive you. Chara will in time. Come on, let's all go home." You pulled Asriel off of your shoulder and gestured for him to follow you. You grabbed Chara's hand and as you looked at him and started walking towards the Ruins, you knew you were never going to stop loving him (or the poor third-wheel goat brother).

I am so sorry this took so long Jesus Christ seriously I just went totally brain dead. There is no excuse big enough to blanket my procrastination. Sorry.

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