Research (Swapfell! Sans)

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"MWEH HEH HEH! IT IS NOW THAT I, THE TERRIBLE AND MAGNIFICENT SANS, SHALL CAPTURE YOU!" You laughed at the small skeleton's enthusiasm. You couldn't help but think that even though Sans was captain of the Royal Guard, he was still a little cutie. Confusion crossed his face at your laughter.
"HUMAN! STOP LAUGHING! THIS IS NOT A FUNNY MOMENT!" This only made you giggle more. You glanced at Sans through tears and saw that he was blushing a dark red and trying not to smile.
"STOP THAT INFERNAL LAUGHTER THIS INSTANT OR I SHALL HAVE TO PUNISH YOU!" This really made you laugh. There's no way this little cinnabun could hurt a fly... Right? Your laughter died down as Sans approached you. He looked angry and confused.
"HUMAN. YOU ARE INTERESTING. I ALMOST DON'T WANT TO TURN YOU IN TO QUEEN TORIEL. SO! I HAVE DECIDED THAT I WILL KEEP YOU AROUND FOR A WHILE LONGER. IT WILL BE... RESEARCH, AS UNDYNE CALLS IT." You kept your face neutral, but jumped for joy inside. He may have been "researching" you, but you got to learn more about Sans. He seemed like he had a soft side and just never let it show. You were going to do everything in your power to see it. Sans grabbed your hand and pulled you to his house.
"HUMAN, DON'T THINK THAT I AM SPARING YOU BECAUSE I LIKE YOU. I AM ONLY DOING THIS TO..." -Sans had to think for a few seconds to remember his reason- "TO FIND OUT YOUR WEAKNESSES! I WILL THEN BE ABLE TO TAKE YOUR SOUL WITH EASE! THEN I, THE TERRIBLE AND MAGNIFI-" Sans stopped his tracks, forcing you to a halt also. You looked to where his gaze was pointed, and saw a tall skeleton getting yelled at viciously by a very angry spider lady. You could instantly identify them as Papyrus and Muffet, both of which you had met earlier at the spider's restaurant while looking for a bite to eat.
Muffet grabbed Papyrus by the collar and pulled him to her level. "Papyrus, this is the last time! I warned you that if you didn't pay your tab you would regret it. Now you have to face the consequences." Papyrus laughed and shrugged, as though this was a common occurrence to him. Muffet brought back her hand as though she was going to hit Papyrus, but never got the chance to.
"MUFFET! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sans ran over to his brother's aid. He looked like he was going to kill Muffet. Muffet, hand still clenched and pulled back, froze and glanced at Sans, who was now standing in between his brother and the baker.
"Sans?! What- How did- I-I was just messing around with Papy! Yeah, just two good pals!" Muffet tried to stammer out an excuse as she let go of Papyrus and withered under Sans's glare. Sans rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"MUFFET, IF I EVER HEAR OF YOU HURTING MY BROTHER..." His eyes turned dark. "I can promise you won't like what happens next." Muffet briskly nodded and ran inside the bakery. You stood on the sidelines, agape and in shock. Papyrus had told you that "my lord" wasn't generally kind towards him. Why did Sans defend his brother now?
"heya, (y/n)? you still alive?" Papyrus was waving his hand in your face, snapping you from your thoughts. Sans was standing beside him, arms crossed. The anger he had shown earlier was slowly dissipating from his face. You shook your head to clear your mind and smiled at the skeletons. Sans shooed Papyrus away and turned to face you. Papyrus chuckled under his breath and was suddenly gone.
"HUMAN! I REFUSE TO LET THIS SMALL SETBACK INTERFERE WITH MY RESEARCH! FOLLOW ME!" You knew he needed to continue to "research" you, but you had learned all you were hoping for. Sans cared, and his method of showing his love was through cruelty. You wondered if him hurting Papyrus was actually cruel, though. Papyrus was a major masochist, so he probably (definitely) enjoyed it. You trotted after Sans and continued contemplating what went through the small skelly's mind. Your thoughts were stopped when you heard Sans mumble something about your "thinking face" being... His words trailed off before you could discern them. You shook it off, but shot a questioning look at Sans, who simply blushed and looked away. This confused you even more. Why did he keep blushing every time you made eye contact? Why was he "researching" you when he already could kill you easily? Why was-
"HUMAN! STOP MAKING THAT FACE! IT MAKES YOU LOOK EVEN CUTER AND I AM FORBIDDEN TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU! SO PLEASE, MAKE IT EASIER FOR ME TO HATE YOU BY NOT BEING SO BEAUTIFUL!" Sans seemed angry when he said this, but as he finished his sentence he realized what he said. His voice faded away, leaving dark blushes on both of you.
"I-I MEAN, HUMAN! PLEASE DON'T... PLEASE CAN YOU..." Sans struggled to think of what to say until you came up and kissed his cheek.
"Sans. You can stop with the excuses. Please." He scoffed and crossed his arms. You could see him trying to retreat back under his "tough guy" cover. You did not want that to happen. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into the crook of his neck. You started to fake-sob dramatically, causing Sans to tense up and reluctantly return the hug.
"I- I just don't understand why you would lie to me like that. I just want to-" You resumes your "tear-fest" in Sans's shoulder, praying that your plan would work.
"Okay!" You perked up instantly and shot a smile towards Sans. He noticed your lack of tears and frowned.
"WERE YOU... NOT ACTUALLY CRYING?" You laughed and shook your head.
"Nope! My 'research' has been successful! I now know how to make you be honest!" You laughed some more at Sans's confusion.
"HOW DID YOU REALIZE THAT CRYING WOULD MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE? WE NEVER MET ANYONE WHO WAS SAD." Sans gazed into your eyes with a blush burning on his face, now trying to figure out the inner workings of your mind.
"It's simple. I just know people like you and that's what makes them feel awkward. Sorry if I freaked you out for a little bit!" You shot Sans a smile, and he melted a little bit in your arms.
"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN, HUMAN! I MAY HAVE TO JUST TURN YOU IN YET! BUT I WON'T FOR A WHILE. I STILL HAVE TO CONTINUE MY RESEARCH!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his house. You followed him, still laughing at the cute skeleton.

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