The Creator (Ink! Sans x Colorblind! Reader)

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alright so there's this super rare form of color blindness called blue-cone monochromacy and it's where the red and green rods and cones don't work right in your eyes. bright lights are painful, your eyes will occasionally flick back and forth rapidly (called pendular nystagmus), and everything is blue because your eyes can't interpret red and green light. it's actually super interesting to read about. my inner science nerd came out while researching this one, so have fun with your occasional achromatopsia.

Blue. That's all there ever was. Of course, there were various shapes. You could see the nearby forest, and your small house that you built all by yourself. Everything you'd done had been all by yourself. You'd only ever met one creature in your life: Ink. Whenever he was with you, you could see. Colors were everywhere. But once he left... everything was back to blue. You had done some research in some of the books (a.k.a. encyclopedias) Ink had given you after you asked about the multiverse. You figured you had something called blue-cone monochromacy, which was an extremely rare disease. It was the closest thing to making sense as you could find, and you'd read these books so many times you could recite them. You didn't understand why when Ink was around, you could see colors. You hadn't asked him either. You knew he created everything (and thus, created you), so you figured he already knew about it. He did it for a reason, right? It felt like it was to spite you. When the sun was high in the sky, you couldn't go outside. The brightness was terrible, and it would give you a killer headache. Your eyes would twitch at random times. But none of this ever happened with Ink. When he was around, everything was perfect. And it just so happened things were about to be perfect again. You heard the sound of a nearby portal, which meant Ink was coming to visit you. He seemed to like seeing you, and kept doing so more and more often. Ever since he had found you in your own little corner of the multiverse, he had to travel to see you at least once a week. You didn't mind, though. In fact, you enjoyed Ink's visits for more than just the temporary vision. You couldn't help but admit that you had grown to like him.
"(y/n)! are you doing okay?" Ink smiled widely at you and ran to sit next to you on your porch. Now that he was within range of your eyesight, the colors began to grow bright.
"I'm great since you're here, Inky! How are you?" You couldn't help but return his contagious grin. Ink always made your day so much better.
"i could say the same. i'm happier now that i'm here!" There was a pause, but it wasn't awkward. Nothing ever seemed awkward between you two.
"oh, wait! i almost forgot" He waved his hand, showing a small chunk of void he used as a traveling compartment.
"here, i brought you something!" He handed you a few small buckets of paint. You looked at him, confused.
"they're never-ending buckets; i made them myself just for you. you'll never run out of paint! i was thinking maybe you could work on your painting now, too! i know how much you love to draw, so now you can add color." As he finished his sentence, you felt a sob building in your throat. You couldn't color anything unless he was there. These paints, which he had worked really hard on, would go to waste with you.
"h-hey, (y/n), what's wrong?" Ink was peering into your eyes. You hadn't noticed, but a few tears must have slipped out, because Ink managed to find some to wipe away.
"Ink, don't you know? I can't see the colors without you. Is this some kind of prank?" You could feel the hot tears streaming down your face now. Ink looked shocked and shook his head slowly.
"(y/n), i didn't know you couldn't see anything. i... i didn't create you." You were a sobbing mess at this point. Ink didn't create you; does that mean you weren't supposed to exist?
"It's not that I can't see anything. I just see blue. Lots of blue. Never any other colors. I can see shapes, but bright lights are hard to look at. And- And sometimes, my eyes, they... twitch, and it's weird. I've looked in those big books you brought me to read, and I think it's something called blue-cone monochromacy. Also known as achromatopsia. It's where you-" Ink stopped you from reciting any more facts.
"if you'd just told me about this before, i could have fixed it for you!" Ink had a teardrop shape in his eye. You had never seen that one before, usually only stars and the occasional heart.
"You do fix it for me, you just have to be near me. It's weird, and I don't get it. I just thought you knew..." Ink wrapped you into a big hug.
"i'm so sorry, (y/n). i wish you'd told me about this. but if it makes you feel any better, i think i know how to fix it." You looked up at him through your hair, only to see tears and a smile on his face.
"you want to go pay a visit to your real creator?" You nodded excitedly. Ink laughed as he made a portal. He grabbed your hand and helped you step through the tear in the universe. As you blinked away the brightness from the portal, you notice your surroundings. You were now in a small crowded bedroom in the middle of the afternoon, even though it had only been morning in your universe. The old wallpaper was covered in drawings that had been taped to the wall. Most of these reminded you of some of the various people Ink had sketched to explain other universes. There was even a drawing of Ink on the wall. In one corner next to a dresser, a pink circle chair sat unoccupied. However, sitting on the edge of the bed that was in the middle of the room was a girl around 18. Her dark curls were hastily pulled back into a bun, and she was furiously typing away on a phone too big for her hands.
"Give me a sec. Let me finish my sentence." Ink tapped his foot impatiently and glared at her.
"And... Done! No, you can't read it- oh, hi Inky! Hi, random person with Inky! It's nice to meet you!" She pushed up her thick glasses and held out a hand for you. You stared at it awkwardly, and reluctantly put your hand in hers.
"I'm Bailz, but you can call me Bailz!" She laughed at her own overused joke.
"I've wrote a lot about you!" She shook your hand enthusiastically, and spoke at a rapid pace.
"Sorry if I've been a little mean to you lately. Your work displays your current emotions, right, Inky?" She glanced over at Ink, who proceeded to blush deeply. You were confused until Bailz leaned over and whispered to you, "ever heard of underlust?" She broke into a wide grin, and pulled you down to sit on the yellow quilt covered in various farm sights, ranging from fields to chickens to tractors.
"I don't understand what you're talking about. If you're meaning your greeting, I thought you were kind." You looked over at her with a confused expression.
"Right... That's what I meant." She looked away and wouldn't make eye contact.
"look, bailz,  you gave (y/n) colorblindness. fix it." Ink was glaring at Bailz. That's when it dawned on you. This was your creator? But she seemed so... scattered.
"But I've already written, like, a thousand words! You're not going to make me undo all of that, are you? Besides, this is an adorable story," She changed her voice from its usual Midwestern accent to that resembling a phony Shakespeare and looked into the nonexistent distance, "The distraught Ink searches the ends of the multiverse to find a remedy for his lover's achromatopsia!" She gave a nod to the both of you, who were now blushing deeply, and furthered her dramatic monologue.
"Desperate, he brings the wonderful (y/n) to his last option: Bailz, the one who created (y/n)! He begs Bailz to fix the colorblindness, claiming he will do anything to make it right!" You interrupted her spiel to object to her final statement.
"Okay, now you're making us sound crazy. Ink wouldn't do anything to 'make it right'. And we're not lovers, either."
"Crap! That's what I forgot to put in there!" Bailz picked up her phone and began clicking on it angrily. Ink grabbed the phone out of her hand and held it up so that she couldn't steal it back.
"I have a compromise. You don't have to erase the whole story, just fix the ending. Okay?" She nodded, and Ink slowly lowered the phone into the short girl's reach. She quickly picked it up and sighed.
"You realize I hadn't finished it for a reason. I figured you would do something to make me change it." She sighed once again dramatically.
"Okay, so ditch the monochromacy, y'all live happily ever after, what else... You want Error dead? I'd rather not. I kind of like him; he's sassy." Ink rolled his eyes and looked at you as if to say "can you believe this chick?"
"look, just..." He walked over to Bailz and whispered something to her. You couldn't help but feel awkward. Ink was telling your creator how to run your life. Bailz could easily erase you, or make you an eraser. You silently prayed that Bailz would listen to whatever Ink asked for you. She nodded in agreement, and started typing on her phone again, sitting in the same spot she had been when you first saw her. She waved you away with her left hand, right thumb still writing on the small device.
"You got to give me a little bit to crank this out, okay? Come back to see me when you've got time. I'll make sure you do." Ink opened a portal and you stepped out to see the forest you knew all too well. However, where your small house used to be, a now much-larger and classier version of it stood.
"i suppose this would be our house. want to go in? bailz has always liked designing things, and houses are no exception." You nodded and followed Ink inside, who had yet to let go of your hand. You hoped he never would. As you walked into the house, you were amazed. It looked like everything you had dreamed of.
"please, please, please tell me she didn't forget." Ink was rummaging through a small dresser and thinking out loud. He pulled out a small, inconspicuous box. He walked over to you and took a deep breath. You could only assume what he was about to ask you. He grabbed your hand and knelt down on one knee.
"(y/n), i love you like crazy. please marry me. bailz said she would help arrange it. please. marry me." You knew you didn't need an author to write down your next word.
"Yes." Ink cheered happily and kissed you passionately. As the two of you finally broke apart, Ink turned and looked at the empty nightstand.
"so what do you think about getting a couple hay bales to decorate the yard?" You looked at him, confused.
"i have to hold up my end of the deal. if we follow through with getting married, we have to get 'hay bailz'. was not my idea." You laughed and kissed Ink again.
"As long as it isn't that Bailz."

"GOD, why is (y/n) so hard to WRITE?!" Bailz was screaming at her phone.
"ANDROID, LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE! Make a button that just says (y/n)! Or a fanfiction keyboard! SOMETHING!" She glanced down at her phone again, and her anger was washed away with a smile.
Text message from: Ink
thank you

You picked up your now-fiancé's phone as he slept on the other side of the large bed. There was a text from a number you didn't recognize.

i had WAAAAYYY too much fun writing this one. i originally was going to make error be your creator, but then i was like, "no you dingus. YOU created (y/n)." and i'm being 100% serious with this fanfic keyboard thing. if someone makes one with a button that has (y/n) on it i will give them a hug because i have to flip between keyboards on my phone
and also serious about the "sorry i've made reader suck" thing too. like i said, your work represents your current mood. i've been stressing out like crazy lately, so i hope y'all don't hate me for these slightly depressing or bipolar stories.

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