Stay With Me (Oceantale! Sans x Mermaid! Reader [plus a few OCs and me)

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so on quotev requested this, and wanted some of her original characters tossed in there. I also put myself in cuz why the fuck not? So here's a quick shortened summary of the characters. For more info on Heather, Lilli, and Lola Maxwell (they're sisters), go to her book titled something along the lines of Mah OCs. They're there. And I may have some inaccuracies in her characters, but I'm hoping not.

Heather: light brown wavy hair, blue eyes, pale skin, freckles, intelligent, tomboy, likes the indoors. Age 26. Soul of PERSEVERANCE.

Lilli: brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, childish, friendly, short-tempered. Age 20. Soul of KINDNESS.

Lola: straight auburn hair, gray eyes, pale skin, intelligent, introvert, hyperactive. Age 17. Soul of DETERMINATION.

Bailz: (in case some people didn't read the The Creator [Ink! Sans x Colorblind! Reader]) curly brown hair, thick glasses, green eyes, pale skin, quick-witted, lazy, manipulative, created (y/n) in the same sense as Ink created AUs. Age 18. Soul of JUSTICE.

This is also what TLA thinks the reader would look like in this story (if you're female)

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This is also what TLA thinks the reader would look like in this story (if you're female). Kudos to her for drawing this. I am super happy that people want to draw pics for my crap, so hinthintwinkwinknudgenudge if you want to draw something for me... I will accept it with open arms. Message me a link on here or something.

That was a lot of stuff. Here's your story now. Sorry.

"Let. Us. Go. Now." The brunette had lost her temper a long time ago, not that Undyne cared. She was the most annoying out of the three. For being a soul of kindness, she wasn't very polite towards Undyne. Granted, she was taking them to the kingdom of Asgore so their souls could be used to free the sea monsters, and she might have been parading them around the Underwater, but that was no reason to be hostile. Why couldn't they all be like the youngest one? She was sitting quietly, and it appeared as though she had accepted her fate. The air-locked net Alphys had created to help Undyne capture humans sadly was not soundproof, and the angry girl had been yelling at various monsters while Undyne was showing them off. Only one more soul was need to free everyone, but three would mean that King Asgore could be even more powerful.
"Undyne! What are you doing?!" You saw the captain of the Royal Guard dragging a net full of humans. You swam up to her, only to get yelled at ferociously by one of the girls in the net.
"Let my sisters and me out of here or I'll kill you!" She had a soul of kindness, and you could tell her anger came from the fact that her family was in danger. You had seen that same protective sense from your mom-friend, Bailz. While she wasn't old enough to be your mother, she created you and your ability to change from fish to human on the lower half, and had tendencies to be defensive over you in the same sense. It had gotten worse when you told her you wanted to live in the Underwater as a mermaid and a member of the Royal Guard, since she was stuck above ground. She had moved in with Sans and Papyrus, and taken to writing stories in her loneliness, so you weren't too worried about her. Besides, she had a few friends, two of them being the skeletons she lived with. Sans and Papyrus were very enigmatic, but still entertaining in their own ways. You personally had taken a shine to Sans.
"I'm showing everyone just how weak humans are. You of all people should understand that." You couldn't help but feel disgusted towards Undyne and Asgore. You knew humans were just like monsters, generally speaking.
"Don't you only need one human? What are you doing with three?" You were desperately trying to come up with a plan to take the three sisters to the Overworld. You knew Sans, Papyrus, and Bailz would help protect them.
"Three would make King Asgore even more powerful! Imagine the possibilities!" You didn't want to "imagine the possibilities", but your mind couldn't help but see Bailz stuck in a stranglehold by Asgore. He knew of her presence, and was not very fond of her. The image made you wince.
"Well, since I know you're not very good with Hot Springs, I'll take them through there, if that's okay. You can make a stop and see Alphys that way, and I'll make sure I tell Asgore you're the one who brought them in." Undyne brightened at her crush's name, and you knew that was the only thing you needed to say to convince her of this. Living with Bailz had definitely trained you on how to manipulate people. Undyne nodded and handed you the net. She quickly swam off, her mind officially thinking about the aquatic lizard. You pulled the net along until you were alone, listening to the various curses coming from the human.
"Alright, listen up. I'm going to take you all to my friends on the surface. You stay with them until I say it's safe not to. Got that?" The eldest of the three nodded and slapped her hand over her sister's mouth before she could say something dumb.
"Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate you taking us home. I just have one question: how do we know we can trust you? You could just be giving us false hope." You knew she had a point, and hesitated before answering.
"You're just going to have to trust me. I swear I'm not lying. It goes against the way I was created." The older two looked mildly confused, but the youngest nodded.
"I understand. Just do what you have to, at least. I knew we weren't going to be taken to this Asgore guy. It goes against the way I was created." You couldn't help but wonder if she knew that there was someone else in control. She looked extremely intelligent.
"I'm Lola Maxwell, by the way. This is Heather," -the redhead pointed to the more mature of her two sisters- "and Lilli. You'll have to forgive her for losing her temper. She tends to be careless about things." You laughed along with Lola and Heather. Lilli simply crossed her arms and looked away, clearly trying not to crack a smile as well. You held the net and swam up to the island where you used to live. You weren't entirely certain why this small island was considered a part of the Underwater, but it allowed for Sans, Papyrus, and Bailz to survive without having to wear the same weird airtight net that is used to capture humans. You pushed the net of sisters onto the shore and swam over to a rock, where you kept a pair of swim shorts tied for when you came on land. You told the sisters to shut their eyes as you flopped on shore, did your strange transformation from mermaid to human, and pulled on the shorts. You untied them from the net as you allowed them their vision back. They all looked shocked when they noticed that you had legs instead of a fin.
"It's... hard to explain. I'll let Bailz do the talking. She gets it more than I do. This was her concept, I suppose." You motioned to the Maxwells and led them towards the salt-worn cabin. It appeared small, but on the inside, it was much larger than at first glance. The entrance led to a large living space, where Bailz was sitting back-to-back with the one and only Sans, playing Mario Kart. You felt your heart flutter as you looked at him, and time seemed to stop. You heard a small fake cough behind you, and saw Lilli casually holding a curled fist by her mouth, proving she was the one who snapped you out of your mindless state. Bailz whipped her head around at the sudden noise, allowing Sans to pass her now stopped character with ease. She smiled at you, always happy to see a friendly face, but it faded when she noticed the three strangers behind you. She picked up her controller and paused the game, causing Sans to start frantically trying to resume the race by trying to grab the controller Bailz held out of his grasp. She stood and walked over to you, and Sans finally noticed you standing there. His face brightened when he saw you, but your view was blocked by Bailz, who was standing in front of you with a frown and her arms crossed.
"Nice to see you, (y/n). Can I ask who these people are?" She normally was friendly enough, but you knew she had been getting bossed around by what she always referred to as simply "The Matriarchy" (it was the only thing that ever really tried to tell her what to do, and it was never kindly; you'd heard some of the conversations they'd had over the phone), and that always made her grumpier. Not a good first impression. You assumed that's why she had been playing Mario Kart. Video games distracted her mind and calmed her down.
"This is Heather, Lilli, and Lola Maxwell. Undyne captured them, and I brought them here, so they'd be safe. I couldn't let them get killed." You had to defend your position when you saw Bailz run her hands through her long hair and roll her eyes.
"I don't have a problem with you saving people, but didn't you think about what position you'll be in? You probably just assumed, 'Oh no, I'll just have to revoke my position from the Royal Guard.' You're a moron! Asgore will kill you, me, and the skellies if he finds out you stole not just one, but THREE, humans from him and brought them here! You can't go back!" Mother Mode had been turned on, and Bailz was obviously worried for your safety.
"It'll be fine. You're making a-"
"it won't be fine, (y/n). you are not going back there if your life is in danger. i'm not going to let that happen." You hadn't noticed Sans stand up and join Bailz in the frown-fest. You hadn't ever seen him look so sad about something, not even when you asked him about the crack in his skull or about his father. The three girls sat silently behind you.
"Look, I'll take these three up to their new rooms. Be thankful I can make this house have as many rooms as necessary." Bailz gestured toward the Maxwell trio, who looked grateful to be taken out of the awkward situation. She led them out of the room and down the long hallway, where three guest rooms had appeared. Bailz had written this house to be "necessarily comfortable", and thus it would always be all the residents wanted and needed. You watched them disappear into their new rooms.
"(y/n), you know we can't let you go back. i- we care about you too much. if something were to happen to you... i don't want to think about it." Sans had wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and he spoke to you in a low tone. You shuddered at the sound of his voice. You turned to face him, and saw him leaning his head down towards you. He had his eyepatch off, so you could see every crack around his eye socket.
"i never get to see you anymore, and i don't want to lose you permanently. i've been begging bailz to force you to stay up here with me, but i know you love the ocean too much for that. i could never make you stay with me, no matter how much i love you." You gasped a little as he said that. He... loved you? How? You hadn't seen Sans in a long time. He turned his body to face you, and touched your forehead to his. He held eye contact with you for a long time before speaking again.
"i shouldn't ask this, but i'm selfish. stay with me. please." He had grabbed your hands and was holding them close to his soul. You couldn't hardly come up with a response. You never knew Sans felt this way about you.
"you can always swim around whenever you want to, just don't go back to the underwater. please, stay up here with me. with us, i mean." He was giving you a pitiful expression, one you couldn't say no to. You nodded silently, and Sans smiled the widest you had ever seen before. He closed the small gap in between you two. You smiled into the kiss, knowing you had made the right choice.
-into the times of laterdom-
"(y/n)! The monsters are free, so you know what that means?" Bailz cut you of before you could answer her question.
"WE CAN GO BACK ONTO THE MAINLAND! I have been waiting for this moment for so long-I mean there's only so much seafood one can eat am I right-people are going to be so scared of us-it's going to be great!" Bailz was babbling away happily as she packed all of her belongings. She had been homesick for her forest home ever since she started living in this house, and it was apparent now. You hadn't really minded staying in the house, though. Not with Sans at your side. You looked down at the ring he had made as a promise to marry you once everyone was freed, and you couldn't help but feel happy. As the ring was intertwined with skeletal hands, you looked into your love's face and couldn't help but smile.

Undertale One-Shots x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now