Cinnamon Roll (Papyrus)

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You pulled the tray out of the oven, smiling at your masterpiece. You had worked all day baking cinnamon rolls for your best friend and roommate Undyne's birthday. You set the tray on the table to let them cool so you could ice them. But to do that, you had to actually make the icing. You were gathering all of the ingredients when you remembered you had used the last of the most important one: sugar. You had completely forgotten about just dumping the tub to make the cinnamon-sugar for the rolls. You knew you had to find someone or somewhere to get sugar from.
You checked every shop in the entire underground-even Tem Village. No one had any sugar. You were starting to run out of time when you also ran into someone.
Of course it just had to be the one person in the underground who turned you into a blushing mess-Papyrus. You had been die hard crushing on the skeleton for quite some time, and everyone in the underground knew it, except him. You normally were not a nervous person, but just thinking about him gave you an anxiety attack.
"O-oh, h-hey Papyrus! I'm just, you know, shopping!"
He grinned at you. "OH! THAT SOUNDS EXCITING! CAN I HELP?"
You nodded, freaking out on the inside. Papyrus wanted to spend time with you!!!!!!!
"Actually, I've looked in every store down here, and none of them have what I need. Maybe you can help? I just need a cup of sugar for the cinnamon rolls I'm making for Undyne's birthday."
His smile grew even more, causing you to smile back. "OF COURSE I WILL HELP YOU! I SHOULD HAVE SOME AT MY HOUSE!"
You both hopped on the River-person's boat. The hooded figure took one look at you two and said, "Tra la la~ such a cute couple~"
You turned away from Papyrus and started blushing. "OH! WE AREN'T- I MEAN NOT- AND WE'RE-" Papyrus couldn't stop stammering. The River-person turned away from you both and laughed under their breath. "ha ha~ maybe not yet~ tra la la~"
You spent the whole boat ride in silence. From time to time you could catch Papyrus staring at you, but if you did he would turn away, blushing madly. You were curious as to why he wouldn't make eye contact with you. Was he still thinking about what the River-person had said? Did he also want it to be true? What did the River-person mean by "not yet"? Why did-
"Tra la la~ here we are~ goodbye you two cuties~"
You both hopped off the boat as fast as you could, trying to get away from the awkwardness the River-person had brought. You glanced at Papyrus, and an idea to make you both forget about the ride came into your head. It was lame, but worth a shot.
"Hey Paps! Race ya to your house!" You took off running as fast as you could. Of course, Papyrus's lengthy strides caused him to quickly catch up to you. He looked over at you and smiled, but he tripped over a random snow poff. He fell right in front of you, causing you to trip over him. By this time both of you were giggling messes. You stood up and helped Papyrus to his feet. You had small moment when you both looked in each other's eyes, smiling, still holding hands - and he started dragging you to his house.
You were still thinking about the tender movie-like moment when he led you into his home. Sans was sitting on the couch, asleep. Papyrus rolled his eyes (eye sockets?) at his brother's boondoggling and you couldn't help but laugh. He ran into the kitchen to look for the sugar. Sans peeked an eye open once his brother had left.
"hey. whatcha doin here? i thought you were helping with undyne's birthday thing or whatever?"
You looked over at the smol skele. He was the first person to figure out your crush on Papyrus. His exact words were "lol i ship it".
"I am. I ran out of sugar. Why?" He laughed and closed his eyes again.
"i just figured since my bro was so happy, it was because you had agreed to something he's been planning to ask you for a while now. i knew he liked spending time with you, but i didn't think it was this exciting for him."
You stood there trying to interpret what Sans had just said. Papyrus likes spending time with you? All of these signs are pointing to the fact that Papyrus might actually like you back.
"(Y/N)! I HAVE FOUND THE SUGAR! HOW MUCH DID YOU NEED AGAIN?" Papyrus peeked his head in through the kitchen and saw you standing there still in surprise. You just barely squeaked out that you only needed one cup. He nodded and returned to the kitchen. You heard Sans laugh behind you, but when you turned to ask him questions, he was gone.
"READY, (Y/N)? I HAVE EVERYTHING! I THINK THIS TIME WE SHOULD WALK, HOWEVER." You nodded and followed Papyrus out the door. You walked together, telling stories about various cooking failures and how Sans could never help with them. You approached the fish-shaped house when an idea came into your head.
"Hey, Paps? Will you help me finish the rolls for Undyne?" He smiled widely.
"OF COURSE I WILL HELP YOU! YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON ME!" You smiled back and you both entered the house. Papyrus sat down in a chair at the table and watched you gather the ingredients.
You had mixed the icing together and were getting ready to ice the cinnamon rolls when you had a risky thought. You knew this plan could fail, but it was worth a shot. You picked up the icing bag and put a dot of icing on Papyrus's forehead. He looked up at you, confused.
"I'm supposed to be icing the cinnamon rolls, right? Well, you're the sweetest cinnamon roll I've ever met."
You looked away, blushing. Yep, you blew it. Now he's never going to talk to you again, and you'll never get to-
He took the icing bag out of your hand and put a dot on your head too. "I-I SUPPOSE IF THAT'S THE CASE, THEN YOU HAVE TO HAVE SOME, ALSO!" You looked at him and noticed he had a big smile on his face. You giggled at his goofy expression. You both started laughing.
"Papyrus, I think I love you too."

Undyne and Sans walked into the house to see the two of you covered in icing, and a tray of cinnamon rolls without a drop of icing on them. Neither of you noticed them come in because you were too busy laughing. Undyne slowly backed out of the house, and Sans just teleported away, laughing. Grillby owed him 20G.

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