Challenge Accepted (Undyne)

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"fine. i accept defeat. i quit." Sans tossed the controller onto the floor and threw his hands in the air. Undyne had just beat him at -insert your favorite game here- for the tenth time in a row. You were sitting on the couch with Papyrus at the skelebros' house, watching Undyne and Sans try to win at the game. Undyne turned to face Papyrus and you with a big grin on her face. "Hey (y/n)! I bet I can beat you at this game too!" You smirked at the challenge. You could never turn one down, especially from Undyne. You couldn't admit it to her, but you had liked her for a long time. Like, like-like. And because of that, you could never deny a hard-won victory against her. Luckily, you were extremely good at this game, and knew you could beat her.
"Alright. You're on. But you might want a cup of water." You took the controller from Sans and sat next to Undyne. "And why am I gonna need that?" She rolled her eyes at your confusing statement. "Cuz you're about to go down in flames!" You smirked and started up the game.
Time slowed down. It was just you two, fighting for your pride. The skelebros had gone off to bed a while back. And after what seemed like forever, you finally emerged victorious. Undyne screamed in frustration at the loss of her winning streak. "GODDAMMIT! Just why do you have to be so good at everything! If only you weren't so fucking cute!" You both froze at the realization of what she had just said. She stuttered to try to correct what she'd said. "I-I mean, um, I mean that-- I-- damn. I can't fix that."
You looked up at Undyne through your hair. She was staring at the ground, blushing like crazy. You could tell you were too. "Hey, um, Undyne?" She glanced up through her bangs. "Do you, um, d-do you really mean, you know, that? The whole, 'I'm cute' thing?" She looked back at the floor, blushing darker than before.
"Well, yeah. I mean, have you looked at yourself before? And you're competitive, and sexy, and--" You cut her off by kissing her briskly on the cheek. "heh. Thanks, Undyne. Back at you. And hey, I bet you can't do something." She growled at your derogatory statement. "Oh yeah? And what might that be?"
"I bet you won't be my girlfriend."
She smiled at you and kissed you. "Challenge accepted."

sorry it's so short, I just didn't really know how to make this one longer.

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