Listen to me... (Underfell! Sans)

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You were casually lounging on the couch, waiting for the skelebros to come home. You had been living with them for quite some time, originally as a "pet", but after you yelled at Papyrus for calling you a "stupid human who was good-for-nothing", they learned to respect you and treat you as an equal. In fact, Sans had come to love you, and you two had been dating for quite a while now. Speak of the devil, here he comes storming through the door. He was growling something under his breath about Papyrus as he slammed the door behind him. He didn't see you on the couch as he fumed up to his room. You flinched as the door upstairs swung shut with a loud bang. It was extremely clear that something was bothering him, and it just so happened to be his brother (again). You knew exactly what would make him feel better, so you grabbed a bottle of mustard for him and a beer or soda pop (your preference) for you and headed up to Sans's room.
You gently knocked on the door. No answer. You cracked it open a bit and glanced in. The first thing you saw was Sans's shaking figure sitting on his bed. You quickly opened the door to comfort him. He glanced up at you and grimaced.
"(y/n), go away. i don't want to-"
You interrupted him. "I don't care, I want to be up here with you. Here, I brought you this." You handed him the mustard, which he gratefully accepted. The condiment was like a strong liquor to him, so you could tell he just wanted to drink away his problems. You cracked open your drink and took a big swig.
"Sweetie, please tell me what's wrong. You know I worry about you." You looked at your boyfriend, who was emanating stress. He let out a sigh and put his head in his hands, setting the mustard aside.
"you know how it is. one second paps is all buddy-buddy to you and the next he's mad at you for existing." He picked up the bottle of mustard and turned it in his hands. "i just... i don't know what to do with him anymore. it's not like i don't try to be nice. but it feels like he doesn't. you know what i mean?" He took another gulp of mustard. A plan started forming in your head while he was talking.
"I know what you mean, hun. And I know Papyrus cares about you." Sans rolled his eyes and you could hear the door slam and loud curses coming from down the stairs. You kissed Sans's forehead and got off the bed, leaving your drink on his nightstand. "I'm gonna go make supper tonight, okay? I'll call you down when it's ready." You walked out the door and downstairs, but not before adding a quick "love you" to Sans. He only grunted in reply and returned back to chugging his mustard.
You entered the kitchen and saw Papyrus frantically searching for a pot to make supper in, which would surely be spaghetti under his watch. You leaned in the doorway and spoke softly so not to scare him.
"Hey, Paps. I know you're kind of stressed right now, but I have a favor to ask of you. I already planned on making lasagna for supper, and I wanted to know if you would help me. Please?" You added the last word after he glared at you. He just rolled his eyes and got to work.
You knew you had to subtly hint at Papyrus to apologize, so you did it in the best way possible. After Papyrus put the pan in the oven, you grabbed his scarf and pulled him down to face you.
"Listen, Papy. I don't want to make this sound rude, but if you don't apologize to Sans for whatever the fuck you did earlier, I'm gonna kill you and then walk up to Asgore myself and tell him you revoke your position from the Royal Guard because you are currently adding to the dust under my bed. Okay?" He wasn't fazed until you mentioned revoking his post, and his eye sockets widen at those words. He simply nodded, and you let go of his scarf. You straightened his scarf for him and simply said, "Good. Can you take care of dinner until it's done?" He nodded again and quickly turned to stare at the oven. You walked back upstairs to see Sans asleep on his bed. You sat down, did whatever it is you do, and waited for Papyrus's call to tell you when supper was ready. When that call finally came, you shook Sans awake. You grabbed his shoulder before he left the room and whispered to him in a seductive voice. "Listen to me, Sans. I know you lost your temper at Papyrus earlier, but if you be the bigger man and apologize to him... You can guess the rest." He stared at you blankly as you sashayed (yeah you're gonna sashay like a badass so suck it up if you aren't a sashayer) out of the room. You heard him happily call out "OKAY!" after you and teleport downstairs.
Dinner was filled with an awkward silence until you cleared your throat with obvious intentions. Both of the brothers instantly said, "Sorry about earlier" and stared at the other in shock for receiving an apology. Sans quickly recovered and started to talk.
"look, i know you're just watching out for me. i shouldn't lose my temper with you as often as i do." Papyrus scoffed at that, and earned a death glare from you for doing so. He started to stammer out his own explanation.
"Sans, I'm sorry I'm always so harsh on you. I understand that you are 'busy' so I should not chastise you as often as I do." You smiled at the two brothers and decided that was the best apology you could as for from them. More silence followed their apologies, so you cleared your throat and casually asked if everyone was finished. You picked up their plates before they could answer and took them to the kitchen, leaving the skeletons to work out their problems.
-time skip because there's not a whole lotta hooplah that goes on between supper and bedtime-
You had pushed your promise to Sans to the back your mind, but he made sure you wouldn't forget it. You were standing by the bed, organizing the top of the nightstand, when arms suddenly snaked around your waist.
"so i apologized. now you have to hold up your end of the deal." You smirked and turned to face Sans.
"I know what I said. You could guess the rest." He smiled coyly at you, and you looped your arms around his neck.
"And you guessed wrong!" You laughed and pushed him off of you. You flopped onto the bed, still laughing. Sans glanced at you, confused.
"The correct answer for 'the rest' would be that you get to sleep in the same bed as me, like every other night!" You couldn't stop laughing as his expression changed, from baffled to anger to mock sorrow.
"oh, i'm sure that that's all that 'the rest' meant to you. but i'm afraid you don't get too much of a say in the matter anymore." He smirked and turned off the light, forcing you to defend yourself against him in total darkness.

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