Never (GZtale! Sans)

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, was a major issue for your boyfriend. Sans had been suffering from it ever since he was little and his father Gaster experimented on him with determination. You tried doing everything you could to make it better to no avail. Now was one of the worse times. You had been making a pie for Toriel when you spilled some sugar and screeched at the loud noise the glass container made when it hit the ground. Sans instantly came racing into the kitchen to see what was wrong, but when he glanced at the ground and saw glass mixed with a shiny white powder, all he could think of was when Gaster had forced him to make the determination tablets he was pressured to take. He had knocked off the container, similar to the way you just had with a much more innocent substance. Gaster went insane after seeing the mess Sans had made. Sans had never told you any more of that story, however. You knew it had to be bad.
"Sans, just take a deep breath, okay? Focus on my voice. It's all in the past. Are you listening to me, sweetie?" You were trying to comfort him while you two were sitting on the couch. He was curled into the fetal position with his head in your lap. He nodded shakily, tears streaming down his face. He tried to say something, but couldn't get enough breath to make a sound. You shushed him quietly and stroked his head.
"Just breathe, Sans. Focus on what's here and now. That's all done with. It's never going to happen again. I'll make sure of that. I love you, Sans, okay? I love you so much, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." It hurt you so much to see Sans this way. He's gone through so much crap in his life; it was awful. He didn't deserve any of this, and it angered you to think of how he'd been mistreated and betrayed by his father Gaster, his brother Papyrus, his "friend" Undyne. All of them were terrible to Sans. You just wanted to shield him from everything and everyone. You were still lost in your thoughts when Sans sat up from your lap, wiping tears from his eyes.
"i think... i think i'm better now. i'm sorry i'm such a hassle, (y/n). please don't cry." He gently smiled and caressed your cheek, making you realize that you had wept with Sans. He rested his palm on the side of your face, and you leaned into his touch.
"I'm sorry. You're not a hassle, Sans. I love you too much for that." You tried to crack a smile in return, but failed miserably. Sans's PTSD stressed you out so much, but it scared you even more. You had heard stories of people being unable to handle the neurosis, and committing suicide because of it. You were afraid that Sans might do that someday if you weren't with him and he had a hallucination.
"promise you'll never leave me. never. please. you make it all go away. you won't leave me, right?" This time it was your turn to nod unsteadily. Sans had dealt with too much. He hugged you tightly, and you kissed his forehead.
"I will never leave you, Sans. Never." He cupped your chin and kissed you. It was slow, but spoke more than words ever could. You loved each other so much. Sans pulled away and looked deeply in your eyes.
"where would i be without you?" He leaned his head on your chest and closed his eye sockets.
"Where would I be without you?" You countered at Sans's question, but he had already fallen asleep. You rolled your eyes and laughed under your breath. You honestly didn't want to answer either of your questions. But you could answer without a shadow of a doubt that you would never leave Sans. Never.

haha oops that's not what you were hoping for its short sorry

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