Trust Me (Part 2 to Cinnamon Roll - Papyrus)

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"(Y/N)! I MADE SPAGHETTI!" You heard your enthusiastic boyfriend calling from the kitchen. You calmly walked over to the table, where Papyrus was waiting expectantly. He had two plates set on the table, and a candle in the middle. He pulled out a chair and gestured for you to sit. He had told you tonight was supposed to be "special," and you were worried it would be in a bad way. Papyrus had been dodging some of your questions for a while now. Questions like, "What are we doing with this relationship?" or "Why don't you spend as much time with me anymore?" You had been fighting with him when he actually was home, which was something you didn't think could ever happen. It seemed like the flame that had ignited at the start of your relationship had started to smolder out.
Papyrus sat down across from you, and you started to slowly eat the plate of pasta in front of you. Things were awkward between you two, and you hated it. You finally broke the insufferable silence.
"Paps, what's happening?" He glanced up at you, but didn't say anything. "I need answers. I know you probably think nothing's wrong, but I can't hardly hold a conversation with you anymore without something bad happening between us." Papyrus set down his fork and stared at your face. "Have you been avoiding me?" At this question Papyrus started to tear up. Why was he freaking out suddenly? Did he not realize he had been doing it?
"(Y/N), I'M SO SORRY! I HADN'T REALIZED I WAS AVOIDING YOU! I'VE JUST BEEN PLANNING SOMETHING FOR YOU AND EVERY TIME I SPOKE TO YOU I WAS AFRAID I WOULD LET MY SECRET SLIP! BUT NOW, I CAN TELL YOU! FOLLOW ME!" His tears had quickly turned into a smile, and when he finished speaking he stood, grabbed your arm, and pulled you out the door.
He led you to the wishing room, where the two of you used to visit frequently together. He told you to sit down and proceeded to put a blindfold on you while saying the words "trust me". You heard his footsteps receding, and got scared. What if this was his own strange way of breaking up with you? You couldn't deny that you still loved him and you felt he still loved you, but this was a terrible thing to do to someone you truly cared about. Your thoughts were broken by Papyrus's attempts at muffled happiness and the smell of something sweet. He gently untied the blindfold and gestured for you to look in front of you. Sitting on the ground was a plate of cinnamon rolls. In icing read the words, "WILL YOU MARRY ME" with "yes or no" written under it. You were shocked, to say the least. You looked over at Papyrus, who was holding out an icing bag for you to pick your answer. You shakily took the bag and circled "yes" while crying under your breath. Once you finished Papyrus scooped you into a giant hug, crying tears of happiness.
"I-I HAVE BEEN SPENDING THESE LAST FEW DAYS WITH UNDYNE SO SHE COULD TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE THEM! I WANTED THEM TO BE AS PERFECT AS THE ONES YOU ALWAYS MAKE!" You could only nod your head because you were crying so much. You didn't think it was possible to ever be this happy. Papy broke the hug to pull a simple band out of seemingly nowhere and slip it on your hand. He enveloped you on his arms again and stuck a kiss to your forehead.
"I know I love you too, Papyrus."

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