Cool Dude (Underswap! Papyrus)

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"TA-DAAAAA!!!!!! LOOK, (Y/N)! I GOT PAPYRUS TO CHANGE HIS CLOTHES FOR ONCE!" Sans was overjoyed with himself. His brother... Not so much. Sans was always telling Papyrus he needed to change his look from the standard hoodie-sweats-sneakers he usually wears. But this. You weren't sure if it was an improvement.
Your boyfriend was currently sleeping (while standing, mind you) and wearing a shirt that said "Cool Dude" on it. Glitter was on the sides of his head where his ears would be, and you could smell various substances on him besides his usual cigarette smoke. He had a baseball cap cocked sideways on his head, and - were those basketballs on his shoulders? You couldn't help but snicker at the sight of Papyrus.
"Sans, I gotta hand it to you. He looks..." You tried to think of a word that wouldn't hurt the little blueberry's feelings, "interesting. In a good way, of course." You rushed to add on the last part after seeing Sans's smile falter. "But I have some questions." Sans nodded vigorously. Papyrus was still sleeping somehow.
"Are those ankle warmers? And if so, where did you get them?" Sans nodded again, and shrugged at your second question.
"Okay then... Why are there basketballs on his shoulders?" Sans paused and started to frown.
"Alright, final question. What is on the sides of his skull?" Sans's smile grew to practically cover his whole face.
"THESE ARE NTT-BRAND BEAUTY ENHANCERS! I SIMPLY DABBED A FEW BEHIND HIS EARS!" Sans's excitement had finally gotten loud enough to stir Papyrus awake.
"what happened? how did i get downstairs?" Papy's confusion made you realize something: Sans had done this while Papyrus was asleep. You couldn't contain your laughter any longer. You collapsed to the floor, shaking. Sans and Papyrus both looked at you, confused.
"um, (y/n)? you okay, babe?" Papyrus knelt down to look you in the eye, causing you to laugh harder at the hat now slipping off his head. You couldn't manage words, so you fervently pointed at the hall mirror. He glanced at you curiously as he stood and walked to look in the mirror. Sans chose this moment to slink into his room, knowing his work was done.
"wha-? what am i wearing?" Papy's distress made you laugh even harder.
"and what the hell is that smell?" You were practically dead on the floor by this time.
"THOSE ARE NTT-BRAND BEAUTY ENHANCERS!" Sans was more than happy to share his fashion advice from the other side of a locked door. You had tears streaming down your face as Papyrus ripped the hat from his head and ran to the bathroom.
"(y/n)! come help me look like a normal being again!" You laughed and stumbled to bathroom. You stood in the doorway to see Papyrus scrubbing at his face furiously. You shook your head and giggled again. He turned to face you, water and glitter dripping from his face.
"can you go grab my hoodie? i honestly have no idea where it's at. please tell me you do." He looked at you pathetically with a pleading look.
"Sorry, hun, but I have no idea where anything is. This was all Sans." You snickered again when Papyrus dropped his head back towards the running water in the sink. He turned off the water with a sigh, picked up a towel, and started to dry off his face. "I think you should keep it on. You look like a really 'cool dude'. Sansy worked hard on that." You poked Papyrus's shirt while saying the words on it. Papyrus sighed and grabbed the sides of your face.
"Papyrus, what are you-" Your words were cut short as he rubbed the side of your face with his, causing glitter to spread all over you. You frantically tried to scrub it off while screeching insults at Papy, who finally got his turn to laugh.
"Oh God, Papyrus! It's like an STD, it spreads everywhere! It's all over the bathroom. What are we gonna do?" You looked up at him, worry crossing your face. Papyrus had a smirk on his face, one beyond his usual resting smile. A plan was forming in his head, and as he told it to you, the smirk caught onto your mouth as well. The two of you just sat in the bathroom, waiting for Sans to yell that he was going off to "train" with Alphys. Once Sans left, the two of you snuck into his room. You both flopped down onto his bed and rolled. Nothing dirty (stop it-no-bad thoughts-go away-shoo), just good old-fashioned payback. By the time you were done, glitter had coated Sans's bed. It had seemingly multiplied, because it still covered both of you. You glanced over at Papyrus, who had passed out on his brother's bed. This gave you a plan to get out unscathed.
You rolled off of Sans's bed and tip-toed to the bathroom to take a shower and get as much of the glitter off of you before you headed to the room you and Papyrus shared to sleep.

Bonus? kinda. not really.
-let us start with a good ol' friendly time skip to when blueberry got home-
"PAPYRUS! WHAT DID YOU DO???" Sans was screaming in horror at the disaster that was currently in his room. You could hear Papy trying to object, claiming that you had helped him. There was no proof, so the only evidence you had anything to do with any of it was your endless laughter filling the house.
The next morning you woke up to a bucket of glitter being dumped on you by two skeletons.

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