Just for You (Humanoid! Flowey)

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okay, so this wasn't requested for him to be human-ish, but i just had a really hard time envisioning my little (y/n) [little is a relative term, everyone's bigger than me, I'm only 5'2"] flirting with a flower. thus, he is not a flower anymore. i hope you don't hate me, requestor. if you want me to write one for a flowerey flowey, just let me know.

"I can't thank you enough, Alphys. But why did you do this for me?" You heard a familiar voice from the other room. You were visiting your scientific friend because she said she had someone she wanted to introduce you to. But if the "person" was Flowey, who was your best friend, you were going to be angry at Al. You distinctly remember her saying, "You'll be excited to see this new face!" Flowey is not a new face, even if he did sound strangely gratuitous. Alphys shuffled into the doorway and looked at you slyly.
"Alphys, if the person you wanted me to meet was Flowey, I already knew him. Get with the times-" Your voice trailed away when Alphys gestured someone into the room. He looked human, with blonde hair and bright green eyes. (im sorry but yuri plisetsky was all i saw - new canon: yurio is flowey) He waved at you and cracked a smile that you could recognize even on a different face.
"Howdy, (y/n). How are you on this lovely day?" You couldn't respond to Flowey's sarcasm because of how much shock you were in. You looked at Alphys and hoped your eyes could ask the one question going through your head. Why did you make him hot??? This was not the question she picked up, however.
"T-The whole b-body is synthetic. The skin and muscle a-are m-made from a p-polymer blend. I-It sure does look lifelike, d-doesn't it?" Flowey held his hands out in front of him and pinched his forearm, earning himself a small screech of pain.
"I-I also made sure the nerves were placed properly. It sh-should be basically as though you were human. I used electrical..." Alphys had gradually lost her usual stammer now that she was prating about Flowey's synthetic body. You zoned her out and approached your friend carefully. You grabbed one of his hands to examine and he inhaled sharply.
"OH that's right! The lungs are made of a synthetic fiber..." Alphys still hadn't noticed you two blocking her out.
"Alphys, as completely enthralling as your babbling is, I'm going to have to go take this thing on a test drive. Care to join me, (y/n)?" Flowey held out a hand for you as Alphys sheepishly looked at the ground. You gratefully took it, earning another small gasp from Flowey. You brushed it off and waved to Alphys, leading your best friend out of the lab. He rolled his eyes once the two of you exited and scoffed dramatically.
"Honestly, I can't believe she thinks someone cares about what she's saying. For being a scientist, she sure is an idiot." You slapped Flowey's arm gently, which made him proceed to hold it in mock pain.
"Be careful, (y/n). I'm sensitive~" Flowey made one of his usual innuendos, but blushed immensely while doing so. You never would have thought that he would be flustered when joking around, but if he's not used to blushing, then he isn't used to being unable to get away with saying stuff like that. You smirked back at him and poked his cheek.
"You're blushing, moron. No more sex jokes for you." His mouth curved into one of his rare genuine smiles, one that wasn't sarcastic or slightly evil. He chuckled nervously and grabbed your hand again, once again seeming shocked by your touch. You dug your heels into the ground before he could lead you any further. You needed a reason for that.
"Alright, Flowey. Why do you keep doing that?" He gave you a questioning glance.
"Keep doing what, exactly?" You could tell by his tone that he knew exactly what "it" was, but was trying to play off like he hadn't done anything.
"You do this weird little inhale thing every time we make physical contact. Explain." Flowey looked at you shyly and pulled your arm towards Waterfall.
"Come on, I'll explain once I get where I want to show you." You rolled your eyes. Of course he wasn't going to give you a straight answer. But as the red dirt of Hotland faded into a dark gray, you could feel anxiety coursing through Flowey. His grip on your hand had tightened and sweat beaded on his forehead. You didn't think Flowey had ever been nervous a day in his life; why was he suddenly like this? Your thoughts were interrupted when Flowey turned to you and gave a shy smile. He led you down the path to the wishing room. You glanced at him curiously. The wishing room wasn't exactly the kind of place Flowey would hang out at. He sat down on the ground and gestured for you to sit by him. He looked up at the shimmering stones in the ceiling, their reflections shining brightly in his eyes.
"Aren't they beautiful? They're pretty realistic." He glanced back over at you, his eyes brimming with emotion.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You couldn't stand procrastinating your questions any more, but decided maybe a roundabout method would be more effective at getting answers. Flowey sighed and looked down at the ground.
"Look, the thing is, (y/n), if I tell you what's on my mind, you'll think I'm crazy. You'll never talk to me again." You scoffed and nudged Flowey with your shoulder.
"I already know you're crazy. That's why I talk to you. Now come on, speak up. You've seemed distracted the whole time." Flowey looked at you, and you could almost believe he was afraid to say his thoughts. That couldn't be possible, right? This was Flowey, the most blunt person you had ever met.
"(y/n), you promise you won't leave me? You're the only person who's ever dealt with me and stuck around. Please?" Flowey grabbed your hands in his, and his eyes lit up when you snuffed out his suspicions.
"I won't leave you, Flowey. Now tell me." He took a deep breath and started to speak.
"I did this for you. The human body thing. Project StigMan, in Alphys' dumb punny words." You could help but giggle at Flowey's bitter tone. Sans must have helped come up with that joke. (get it? stigma + n = stigman. i'm far more proud of this than i should be)
"I didn't want to be a flower forever. Not if I was going to tell you this." Flowey had resumed his serious tone. You were a little scared of what he was going to say next.
"(y/n), I am terribly, deeply, and madly in love with you." You sat there in shock.
"I know you probably don't like me back, seeing as I'm such a jerk, but please - mmpf!" His sentence was abruptly ended by you pulling him in for a tight hug. He stiffened at the sudden contact, but relaxed soon after. He pulled away and tipped your chin up towards his face with his pointer finger.
"Can I... kiss you?" Flowey hadn't ever asked before doing anything before, and he didn't need to this time. You grabbed his face in your hands and put your mouth on his. He melted into the kiss instantly and tilted his head to deepen it.
"I'm so thankful I asked Alphys to do this for me. I couldn't have done that as a flower. Or this." He picked you up bridal-style and started walking in the direction of Snowdin Town and the Ruins.
"Flowey, where are you taking me?" You were a little scared by his new strength. You could tell he was just as surprised as you were by it.
"Does it matter where we go? I just want to be with you."

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