my sans. (Dancetale! Sans)

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"Alright, you cute couples! Here's a song for you!" The DJ was having too much fun running the soundtrack. Napstablook loved doing this kind of stuff, though. His cousin Mettaton (who was also your best friend) was out finding anyone and everyone to dance with. He had dragged you along to the school dance currently being held in the gym, and you would much rather be at home reading. You wish you hadn't let him primp you up either. You were terribly uncomfortable. You hadn't noticed the song ending until Mettaton walked up to where you sitting on the sidelines.
"I requested a song just for you, darling~" You groaned at Metta's enthusiasm, and couldn't help but sink into your chair lower when Napsta pointed at you and started playing the Cha Cha Slide.
"Everyone has to dance to this one!" Mettaton clapped excitedly and grabbed you by the hand. You stumbles after him, and when you got to a stop, you noticed there was a skeleton wearing a white button-up shirt next to you. He was good, somehow managing to make even the Cha Cha Slide look professional. At the "Cha Cha real smooth" part, he grabbed your hand and laughed as he led you in some complicated footwork. He smiled down at you as you followed his lead. He twirled you dramatically and stopped following the instructions being shouted during the song, instead coming up with his own tango-like dance for the fast-paced song. At the end he put you in a dip, and you were afraid you were going to fall. His hands were steady, and eventually helped you back up after what felt like forever. He smiled wider than before and shook your hand.
"GREETINGS! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND I MUST SAY YOU ARE AN IMPRESSIVE PARTNER! HOWEVER, THE CHA CHA DOES NOT SEEM QUITE LIKE YOUR STYLE. LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY BROTHER, SANS!" His grip tightened as he pulled you to a skeleton that was wearing a blue hoodie and black sweats. He looked relaxed, and blushed slightly when he glanced up and saw you. You didn't notice because you only had one thing on your mind.
"How did you get in wearing that? If I knew I could've been comfortable instead of awkward..." You both gave a small nervous laugh. You heard a "nyeh heh heh" and an "ohhh yessssss" coming from your eavesdropping friends, new and old.
"i had this in my locker and changed once i got here. i might be able to find you something, if you'd like." You nodded vigorously and he chuckled under his breath. He motioned for you to follow him as he led you out of the packed room.
"my sans. i- i mean, my name is sans. not that you asked. i was just-" He tried to keep up his suave masquerade, but after messing up his sentence, could only fail epically.
"I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you, Sans." You laughed at his anxious state. He gave a genuine smile in return, widening the permanent one already on his face. He stopped in front of a locker and handed you a pair of basketball shorts with a white tee.
"i, uh, i don't have any shoes so you'll have to just go barefoot or something, i guess." Sans was getting more awkward and yet more comfortable with you as time went on. You nodded your thanks and headed to the bathroom to change. As you stepped out in the much more cozy attire, a blush spread across Sans's face.
"you, uh, you look good." He stuttered out his sentence, causing you to laugh.
"come on. now you have no excuse as to why you can't be out there dancing." Sans grabbed your hand and led you back to the dance. He pulled you out onto the floor despite your protests. An upbeat song was playing, and Sans started to help you through a dance. His style differed greatly from his brother's. While Papyrus clearly favored a Latin style, Sans seemed to lean more towards hip-hop. You had worked with Mettaton on various forms of dance, so you weren't unfamiliar with it. Jazz was what you were best at, but only because that's what Metta knew the most about. But Terpsichore* must have decided to help you out tonight, because it was almost like you'd been born for this one moment. You were created to dance with Sans, and he with you. By the end of the night, the two of you had been on the floor the most out of anyone there. You had done every song from the time you two had returned: fast or slow, loud or soft.
Sans escorted you home, since Mettaton had left with God only knows who. Of course, Papyrus was missing as well, and they had grown to be good friends... But this isn't about Papyton. Because when you left your new boyfriend's arms that night, you knew only one person mattered to you that much.
"my sans."

*Terpsichore [turp-SIH-kor-ee] - one of the Nine Muses, in charge of dance and lyrical music (aka singy-dancy gurl. think all of the muses from Hercules combined)

sorry. i'm a mythology junkie
like i've been thinking about making an informational book that's not boring.
would people read that? a book about various myths? not just greek, mind you, but everywhere from roman to nordic to hindu to egyptian. and the ones that still exist today.
maybe no one would look at it. i suppose that's what rick riordan is for.
welp. if you read all of that, i give you... nothing. what, you expect me to reach through the screen or something? i'm not magical.

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