Family Bonding (PaperJam! x Shy! Neko! Reader)

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"Come on, (y/n)! I swear it won't be that bad. I know I've told you some horror stories about them, but the dads aren't scary at all!" You were currently hiding under a blob of covers on the bed you shared with your boyfriend, PaperJam. Your ears laid back on your head, and a growl was forming in your throat. Social affairs were something you hated. And PJ had told you some scary stories about Ink and Error.
"I thought you were a cat, not a turtle. Come out of your shell!" PJ was exhausting his tactics to try and make you meet them. Sure, Dad Error had disowned him upon first glance and Dad Ink had only taken care of him because he had to, but you still needed to meet your boyfriend's parents. PJ's left eye flashed into an hourglass shape, showing he was contemplating his next move. After a few moments of thought, he pulled the covers off of you with all of his strength. This caused you to frantically flail all of your limbs while hissing incredulously.
"Why did you do that?" You were angry that your "loving" boyfriend would do this to you. His parents were total jerks. Why did you need to meet them?
"I have to go talk to them both about something anyways, so I suppose I'm just going to have to leave you here alone." PJ said this in a singsong voice, slowly swaggering out the room. Your tail swished in agitation. Staying home by yourself was even worse than social activities. What if someone visited while PJ was gone? They'd expect you to answer all their questions, and that was enough to make you spring from the mattress and into the bathroom to start getting ready. PJ chuckled and followed you to the bathroom, leaning on the doorframe while you frantically brush your teeth.
"I dun wan ta bee lef arone!" Your words were muffled by water and toothpaste. PJ laughed again, and headed off to go pack both of your things.
-so getting ready. and packing. aaaaand that's a portal. courtesy of papa inky-
You stepped through the portal, scared of what might happen. What if PJ's parents hated you because you were a neko? Your tail swished frantically, and your eyes flicked left and right, searching for exits in case you have to run from a crazed skeleton that destroys universes. That part wasn't too shocking to you, since PJ used to do that too. However, PJ couldn't keep the alternate universes destroyed since he couldn't hurt the human souls, so he had stopped attempting to kill AUs when he started going out with you. PJ could see your thoughts scattering, and grabbed your hand to comfort you as he looked down at you, a heart in his left eye. You glanced back up at PJ, fear evident in your eyes. He squeezed your hand and led you towards the two skeletons, who were currently facing away from each other, arms crossed. They clearly had just been fighting. Ink glanced over to say something to Error, and noticed the two of you.
"oh hey! there you guys are! we've just been chilling and waiting!" Error scoffed, furthering the point that they had not been "chilling". You jumped at Error's distaste, and swiftly hid behind PJ, ears laid back. Fear was rolling off of you in waves now.
"I'm going to make one thing clear right now. If either of you two say something rude, I will tell Fresh that you guys are in love with him. Do you understand?" PJ's words were cold and harsh, and while the threat may not have sounded bad, you knew how terrible it actually was. Fresh Sans, a parasite in the AUs, would pay money to hear people were in love with him. If he heard that someone "was", he would never leave them alone. And with immortal beings like Ink and Error, forever was a long time. Both quickly registered what PJ said and nodded briskly. PJ smiled down at you and stepped aside to show you to his "parents".
"Ink, Error. This is (y/n), my-"
"WhY's It HaVe A tAiL? AnD eArS? It LoOkS HuMaN oThErWiSe. Is It A mUtAtIoN?" Error took no time to interrupt PJ with a hateful undertone in his voice. This earned a sharp glare from Ink, who turned to you with a caring look in his eyes.
"i think what error was trying to ask was if you are a neko? and if so, were you born that way or..." Ink's words trailed as he thought about some of the strange experiments some people do to others of their own kind. You stood in silence, not sure of what to say. PJ shot a dark gaze at the two other skeletons.
"It doesn't matter! If you would shut up now, I'd like to introduce (y/n) as the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with!" Every person in the room let out a gasp, including you. Rest of his life? That's... Forever. Ink and Error exchanged a glance, showing disapproval and distaste.
"PaPeRjAm, I kNoW yOu HaTe Me, AnD tHe FeElInG iS mUtUaL. BuT yOu CaN't Be In LoVe WiTh AnOtHeR cReAtUrE. YoU hAvE a JoB, rEmEmBeR? ReStOrE bAlAnCe To ThE uNiVeRsEs Or SoMe CrAp LiKe ThAt?" Ink nodded slowly in agreement.
"as much as i hate to say this, error's right. you can't have someone distracting you from your purpose." PJ scowled while a feeling of distress grew inside of you. Your every instinct was screaming at you to get out of there as fast as you could. The only reason why you hadn't bolted yet was because you knew you were in the void and could very easily get lost forever.
"No, you can't have something distracting you from your purpose. I'm not even supposed to exist! I'm made of ink and strings! I have no purpose! And you aren't going to tell me what I can and cannot do, especially when it comes to love, a concept neither of you know. We're leaving. Ink, make a portal." PJ had grabbed your arm, and his grip was tight, but not painful. You had never seen him this angry before. You saw a flash as Error teleported out of the room, and heard him mutter, "I dOn'T hAvE tO pUt Up WiTh ThIs," as he left. You saw a portal appear in front of you, and PJ instantly started dragging you to it.
"wait." Ink stood in front of the portal, blocking the two of you from exiting. PJ rolled his eyes and made a sound of disgust at Ink. There was a teardrop shape in Ink's eye, which you knew from PJ meant sadness. "please. i know you're mad at me, but please just listen to me." Your boyfriend scoffed again, but didn't object to Ink's request.
"i know you think error doesn't care. he honestly probably doesn't. but i care about you. both of you. i would love to get to know you, (y/n). i think that-" Ink was interrupted by PJ's angry voice.
"I don't care what you think. We're leaving. Move out of the way."
"PJ, wait." You finally worked up the courage to say something. PJ looked at you, shocked. "You're the one who wanted me to meet them, but now that we actually are talking, you want to leave. Please can we stay? Ink seems nice." You looked up at him with a pleading look in your eyes. You knew he couldn't resist the "cute face," and he instantly crumbled and nodded. You smiled widely at him, and he gave a small smile in return. Ink closed the portal and led you over to the chairs, already talking about raising PJ. Every embarrassing story made you laugh, and all of the sad ones made you cry. But PJ couldn't concentrate on the stories. He was too focused on you.

So I knew basically nothing about PaperJam, even less about nekos, and even less about being shy (I'm pretty talkative once you get me to approach someone, to the point that my social anxiety exists for the sole fact that I'm afraid I'm going to uncontrollably say something offensive). So I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. I used this link to find out more on PJ -> and there's not a whole lot explaining nekos that I could find so... Sorry if it sucked.
and error's writing is the biggest pain in the ass I have ever seen and he only had three lines.

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