Introductions (Asgore)

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"c'mon. frisky-bits has one more person to introduce you to." Frisk nodded and pulled on your hand, following Sans the skeleton. Frisk was an alley kid that had grown up near your house, and you had basically been the parent they never had. You couldn't let them live with you because your landlord didn't allow young kids to live in his house, but Frisk visited frequently. You were devastated when Frisk disappeared, and could only fear the worst. When they showed back up a few hours ago, they led their new adoptive mother, Toriel, to your house. Frisk had then proceeded to introduce you to many different monsters ranging from Jerry (whom you ditched instantly) to Muffet (no, I don't eat donuts made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders!) to Sansy-boy (who told way too many jokes). You loved meeting everybody, despite their individual quirks. You were sad that the introductions were coming to a close. You were led to the front of the local forest, where a large man in a deep purple cape was kneeling by a flower patch. He jumped when Sans cleared his throat.
"hey, your kingliness? frisk has someone they want you to meet." The large man stood and turned to face you. You saw that he was the same thing as what Sans had called Toriel, a "goat/boss monster". He smiled and greeted you.
"Howdy! I'm Asgore, the king of the Underground. Or at least, I was. I'm not certain the Underground needs a king, now that it's empty. But that's nothing to concern you with." He grabbed your hand and shook it.
"It's nice to meet you, King Asgore. My name is (y/n). And it's quite alright. It's nice to know other people don't have any plans for their future either."
"Oh no. I could never burden you. I don't believe it would be very kind of me. I simply-" Asgore was interrupted by Sans.
"look, king fluffybuns, as much fun as it is to stand out here and listen to your life story, frisk is getting kinda chilled. imma take them back to tori's place. you two have fun," he winked at you, "but not too much fun." He grabbed Frisk's hand and led them into the forest, the opposite direction of Toriel's new home. You were still amazed at how she managed to find a house so quickly. But for now you and Asgore stood confused. You both peered into the trees and could find neither Sans nor Frisk anywhere. Asgore let out a deep laugh and picked up your hand.
"Come on. We probably should head back too."
The two of you chatted away about everything you could think of. You sat outside of Toriel's new house on the front steps and only continued to converse. Neither of you noticed when it got dark. Neither of you cared. You were both so busy talking. You hung on to every word Asgore said. You learned that he was Toriel's ex, and had lost two children, one of which had been a human. You told him about helping Frisk grow up, and raising them like they were your own. You two had so much in common. You kept talking until you felt a raindrop. You both looked up and saw that not only was it night, but clouds had rolled in and were about to pour down onto you. You both headed up the porch to the door, only to find it was locked. Everyone inside was already asleep. You sighed and turned to face Asgore.
"Well, I suppose we only have one option. I live just a few blocks from here. Let's get going." You started down the steps, but stopped when you noticed Asgore wasn't following you.
"To your house? Where you live?" You couldn't help but laugh at his discomfort.
"Yes, to my house. Where I live. Unless you want to stand out in the rain all night, which I suppose you can do. I won't be joining you though." Asgore shook his head and walked with you.
-insert walking a few blocks while chatting it up with king fluffybuns-
You dug around in your pockets for your keys and successfully opened your door. You led Asgore to the kitchen while offering him a cup of tea, which he happily obliged. The two of you sat down at the small table and drank your tea. Asgore had told you about his favorite golden flower tea, so you could only hope yours compared. Judging by the smile on his face, it was perfectly fine. You couldn't help but smile as well. You had noticed that Asgore had been stealing glance at you the entire night. If you caught him noticeably, he would turn his head and flush. But it didn't matter because you were happy to have him in your home. It gave you more time to glance at him too.


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