7 Minutes in Never (sans.)

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"C'mon, darlings~ It isn't terrible at all!" It was Mettaton's birthday, and you could hear him from Papyrus's room insisting that you all played a game everyone hated but him - Seven Minutes in Heaven. A few of his friends had shown up, so Metta knew this would be a good game. Plus, he had it "requested" by Alphys so she could get paired with Undyne.
Currently, you were laying on the couch with you feet in your best friend's lap. Sans was snoring, but thankfully not loud enough to disturb your favorite movie playing on the TV. However, you were jarred into reality when Papyrus's loud voice filled the room.
"BROTHER! (Y/N)! METTATON HAS REQUESTED THAT WE ALL JOIN HIM UPSTAIRS FOR A GAME OF SOME SORTS!" Before you could ask any questions, Papy had bounded up the stairs and back into his room. You shrugged and tried to shake Sans awake, but instead had to literally drag him up the stairs when he refused to move.
"Darlings~ I'm so happy you decided to join us! I think that since you two took so long to get up here, one of you should have to go first!" Mettaton enthusiastically clapped his hands from his seat in the middle of the floor. Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus were already sitting around him in a semi-circle, so you dropped Sans and sat next to him to finish the hoop. Sans jolted awake when he hit the cold floor and glared at Mettaton.
"what 'game' could be so important to wake me up from my nap?" The show-bot laughed at Sans's sleep-induced anger.
"Seven Minutes in Heaven! Aren't you excited, Sansy?" At this Sans rolled his eyes and scoffed. Metta frowned at his condescension.
"Fine then. I know how to make you love this game. You can go first, Sans~" This earned Mettaton another glare, this one even angrier than the first.
"whatever. i don't even know how to play this game, so i can't play." Alphys, being the "helpful" friend she is, chose this time to add to the conversation.
"Don't worry, Sans! It's simple! All you have to do is spin this bottle-" she pointed at a bottle Mettaton was pulling out of his storage compartment of a stomach, "and whoever it lands on, you have to spend seven minutes in a closet with! The thing is, you can do whatever the two of you wish, no matter if it's-"
"I think he's got the gist of it, Al." Undyne saved everyone from listening to Alphys ramble on about uncomfortable subjects by interrupting her girlfriend, who then proceeded to blush profusely.
"okay, okay. seems basic enough. let's do this." Sans reached out to spin the bottle, and made it stop with his magic once it landed on you. Apparently you were the only one who saw him stop it, because everyone else was just confused as to why it suddenly stopped. Sans just laughed and stood, waving you over to the closet.
"Alright, beauties! Don't have too much fun~" Mettaton had a cheeky smile on his face as he waved the two of you off. "The timer's starting!"
Sans shut the door behind you and proceeded to lay down on the ground. He closed his eyes and shifted around to get comfortable. You sat down next to him and rolled your eyes.
"Of course you have to go and outsmart the system by taking a nap." You laid down and closed your eyes as well. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug. You swiveled your head to see him staring at you with a serious expression on his face.
"hey, (y/n), have i ever told you how great i am in bed?" You rolled your eyes as you watched the smile grow on his face. "i can sleep for days." You couldn't help but laugh at his terrible and overused joke. You felt weightless for a second, and knew he was teleporting you both out of the closet. You felt a mattress underneath you, and glanced around to see Sans's room. Sans was still staring deeply into your eyes. You felt a little awkward and shifted uncomfortably.
"(y/n), can i say something that might make you hate me?" You scoffed at Sans in disbelief.
"Sans, we've been friends for how long now? I doubt that I could hate you ever." Sans sighed and closed his eyes.
"alright. don't say i didn't warn you."
"Sans, whatever it is can't be tha-" You were interrupted by Sans trying to string words together.
"its just that- i really- i mean- i think- i like you a lot maybe okay and i know that sounds dumb but i just think your really cool and i love spending time with you and you're so sexy and i-" Sans stopped babbling when he noticed you trying to contain your laughter.
"what? i'm being serious." You rolled your eyes at him for the hundredth time that day.
"Sans, you're adorable sometimes, you know." Then it was Sans's turn to scoff. "I'm super happy you think that way, though. But I'm questioning the 'sexy' part."
"i really mean that part though. you're hot. why do you think mettaton forced us to play? he knows i've liked you forever. he kept pushing me to confront you about it, but i didn't want to screw things up between us. but i suppose i can't screw up any more than i already have, so it's okay for me to do this." He closed the gap between you two, and when you made contact you heard Mettaton yelling from the next room.
"WHERE ARE THEY! I WANTED TO SEE THEM SMOOCH!" You smiled into the kiss, which you hoped would never end. But everything has to, so it did.
"heh. i think i really like this seven minutes game."

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