Nataly Kogan's Survey Research For Improving Happier Services

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How interested are you in learning more about these topics?

Would love for the Happier team to create a course around important subtopics around the subject: mental health and mental illness.

One thing in it could encourage other happier users to share their struggles, inspiring stories and such around mental health and mental illness. How they've come as far as they have come in their recovery from their mental struggles and conditions.

Another day of the course could focus on facing, overcoming and gaining enough confidence and courage to stand up against the stigma and discrimination around mental illness. How it can affect others, share/include a few stories found through online research on popular or well known platforms with many shared stories being impacted around mental illness, stigma & discrimination.

I think mental illness is quite known for some who we interact with here in the happier community and including myself as well. Having a course and such for these features offered in the happier community would be a great source to offer those who would be impacted and changed greatly.

I also would love if the Happier team created another new course offering towards being more creative. For example, using art for therapy in recovery from mental illnesses, addictions, relapses, etc. Creativity can be so great and useful for like Albert Einstein quoted: "we can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used wen we created them." Creativity can also be helpful to help express onself creatively.

I have been doing/pracitng this kind of ritual/routine for a few months now (prob since early this year: 2016) and have benefited greatly from it. Another day of this creative course could focus on daily creative writing journal entries or anything. Using creativity, creative arts to help solve more of the world's problems by focusing on solving our own that in which contributes to the world's improvements.

Another course could tag around the labels, expectations and standards of society that can be hard, but yet unhealthy to follow but using helpful inspirational quotes and other reliable sources and any experiences from the team of how to just stay strong, know ourselves, being true to ourselves, finding ways to cope with daily stresses, anxiety, pressures to be perfect.

Choosing imperfection over perfection. That topic of perfection and imperfection could be another course. Other topics or subtopics covered in the mental health and mental illness course I've mentioned earlier above, could also give helpful tips, advice and solutions to practicing better, healthier and positive mental health.

As for this quote could be part of the course somewhere: "mental health is just as important as our physical health." And another quote similar about how we go for physical and dental checkups but never go to mental wellbeing checkups. The stigma around that kind of scenario.

Another could be focused on gaining more optimism and how to use it properly and not encouage (of course, anything negative like negative behaviours or anything around crime, criminals, committing a crime).

Also maybe mention in the mental health/mental illness course about a quote that states "that's so depressing" is just like saying "that's so gay" and how it offends, hurts and harms one's wellbeing of a gay person. Saying that something is "so depressing" is basically stating that the object, thing your calling depressing comes to our perspective and view that the object your labelling as depressing is just as depressing as us. Being labelled as the "mentally ill" kind of group in society.

What other materials or information would you like to get from Nataly/Happier?

Share tips, advice, experiences on hard situations involving stress, anxiety, perfection/imperfection, mental health/illness society's labels, expectations & standards, etc and how any of the Happier team members got from those experiences of how they coped with it before learning the right, healthy and positive way to handle/cope/maintain the situation and mental health overall.

What they learned from those experiences and how some of us with their certain mindsets and beliefs that make them only believe certain things, not being open minded even when opportunity arises from friends, family members, co-workers, etc.
Believing everything that they say are logical in some way around their own logic and beliefs yet if there was a way to get them on their own or by someone trained and educated on the type of issue to educate them on outcomes in every area of their own actions in the past given from their beliefs, mindset, logics, etc and another example of the opposite:

~ the healthier, positive and more logical yet with a little creativity of solving problems better with a healthier, positive, logical and creative mindset, beliefs, and logic to follow/live by in their lives.

~ And the affects of both. What they think of each example and both cons and pros of both and which they think is the better way to live, think, act, etc after that education.

In your own words, please share what your favourite thing is about Nataly and Happier (including Nataly's emails, happier app, content and anything else about Nataly & Happier)?
I love how her past with her childhood with her family history and all part of that being what brought her to the idea and creation of Happier, an online gratitude journal.

And also love all the courses (I"ve tried all the free ones, well the ones that used to be, but will complete them again with my family together to help them practice better mental methods with mediation, confidence, happier habits, etc and later on try out the other premium courses too).

What would you love from Nataly & Happier? Survey

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