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Remembering what Kelly said on one of my happier moments (don't remember what one it was) and I really and truthfully agree with her on her thought "you can teach this world so many important things. Your words are inspirational when you want them to be. I wonder if your situation is one that you'll be able to lead others out of darkness because you've bee there." I honestly believe that my story is one that will inspire those who are going through the darkness and give them hope. That is a new part of my life purpose. I don't just want to inspire and change the world (with my optimism) but also inspire others with hope from telling my story and to always be by their side.

I want to be that someone who people look up to like a role model like Justin Bieber but also to help when they struggle with their mental health. Never make them feel like they are alone in this. We will all get through our mental health issues together. That will help end the stigma! Anyway, in conclusion, I would like to thank Kelly for all your support (other than everyone else's here on Happier, still ever so grateful for your support too) and all your inspiring, positive, happy, supportive and understanding comments and words.

They truly mean a great deal to me and my recovery! Overall not just Kelly's support has made a great deal and impact on me and my recovery! And for all that, I'm so truly grateful and so happy to have that! Thank you! Keep being who you are: embrace every part that makes you unique and who you really are inside and out!

Hey, Nataly Kogan! I wanted to start off by saying that I'm so happy and grateful that you created this amazing positive social media community! I'm sure I have already in a previous happier moment of mine. Next I would like to say that I have been through a lot and I'm sure I have shared that with you on Happier and in one or two emails in the past. And I'm really grateful for your help and everything Happier and all the Happiers have done for me since I became a part of the community almost 3 years ago.

I've come a long way with my recovery from my depression. I had to do a lot with recovering and I'm truly grateful and happy with it all. Yes it took some time but it was worth it. I've been having trouble with my parents. They want me to be this person that I really don't exactly want to be. And they want me to focus on things that aren't really a big priority for me right now.

I've been wanting to have enough courage to have a big long talk with them on what kind of person I want to be, and so much more. I have discovered my life purpose for almost 6 years now. And my parents and my sister told me to give up my purpose. I think they all don't understand it from my perspective at all. Without them thinking differently like I have been for a few years now, I love and absolutely enjoy it. And well about them telling me to give it up, you probably have an idea of how that made me feel.

I also have gotten diagnosed with my depression. I have mentioned it a few times which I had told them last in August. Haven't since. Because they don't think I was depressed. They believe it was something else. And they also don't seem to understand mental illness especially like I do. I did take a online mental health test May 20th last yet and it said I had a 90% change of suffering with both depression and anxiety disorder.

I know and I've been told to stop thinking about wanting a diagnosis and making that happen, but I would really like if I was able to get the diagnosis. And after taking that online test, the diagnosis will prob what I would expect. And then my parents would have no choice but to accept that and anything the doctor or mental health professional would recommend with treating me better. As it is possible to have a relapse.

And lastly I would like to add that with where I am in my recovery, I haven't felt as happy and confident that I wanted to like in my dreams. And I was wondering if you could give me some tips and advice on these topics. If you have a lot to say on this. You can email me at: laurenannabelle@hotmail.com!

Thanks again for everything!

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