A Beautiful Mind

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"You're making excellent progress, Mr. Nygma." I smile at him as I put my pen down.
"Thank you, Doctor. Now let me ask you something." He smiled back at me.
"By all means." I leaned back in my chair.
"What belongs to you, but is used by others?" He sat there, with a smile on his face. I leaned forward, thinking of his riddle. I shook my head, "Your name, Doctor. Now. Your name is a very popular one. Especially with Joker looking for you."
"This session is done." I walked over to my door and opened it. A guard walked in and escorted Nygma out.
"Until next time, Doctor." He nodded to me.
"Until next time." I smiled. I walked back over to my desk.
"Harleen." Dr. Leland ran into my office. I turned to face her. She seemed distraught.
"Yes?" I asked, walking over to her.
"It's Crane. He's in a mental breakdown. Please, come. He's only been asking for you." She turned out of my office, I followed her. We walked, fast paced, to the patient quarters. We approached a door with two guards on either side. As we reached it, Leland nodded her head to them. They opened the door and I stepped into the room. I saw Crane strapped to a chair.
"Dr. Crane?" I called as I circled around to face him.
"Dr. Crane isn't here right now, but if you'd like to make an appointment," He looked up at me, "Harley Quinn. Look at that. The service here is fantastic," He looked me up and down, "So this is what Batman is so in love with?" He scoffed.
"What do you mean?" I sat down across from him.
"Don't play me for a fool. I know Wayne is Batman. Who else has the means and money for the gadgets he has?" He gave me a look that I can only describe as insane.
"You're very mistaken, Jon."
"You were completely immune to my toxins." He muttered to himself.
"Toxins?" I asked, confused.
"Yes. You think I'd just give you coffee every morning out of the kindness of my heart?" He laughed, maniacally.
"You used me as a Guinea pig?" I say, irritated.
"Tried to, anyways." He rolled his eyes.
"You've lost your mind, Jonathan." I shook my head as I looked at him, wide eyed and my mouth slightly open.
"The mind has so much control over the body. You can only do what your mind allows you to do," He smirked. I stood up and walked to the door, "Oh, Harley." He calls.
"What?" I say sternly over my shoulder.
"He knows you're with Bruce." As I turned to say something, a guard ushered me out.
"He's gone mad." Leland shook her head.
"What exactly happened?" We began to walk towards my office.
"We heard him screaming in his office, so a few guards and myself went to go check on him. When we finally got the door open, he was unconscious on the floor. He had beaten his head against his office wall." We walked into my office and both sat down.
"What caused this? Do you know?"
  "Sadly, not yet. We found beakers full of liquids and even some on the ground where one had broke. We sent it to the lab to be tested." She let out a long sigh. I glanced at the coffee mug on my desk.
"He, uh, he said he had been putting toxins in my coffee to try to see the effects. But I'm immune."
"I suppose that's what we found in his office. But that also opens up the question of how are you immune?"
"Poison Ivy," I smiled thinking about her, "She gave me this vaccine that made me immune to most toxins and things like that."
"I'm proud of how far you've come, Harleen," Leland stood up, "You're gonna be assigned Crane's case. I'll get started on the paperwork, but you can go home early." She turned and walked out my office. I picked up the phone and called Alfred for him to come get me.

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