The Only Thing We Have To Fear

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I arrive to work and say goodbye to Alfred. I walk into Arkham's entrance, and continue to my office. When I turned the corner to my room, I notice my door is open. Crane is sitting in the chair in front of my desk.
"Good morning, Jonathan." I say as I set my briefcase on my desk. I notice there's a cup of coffee again, but only this time, the creamer and sugar is already in it.
"Morning." He smiled up at me as I sat at my desk and took a sip of my coffee.
"You're looking quite cheery this morning." I set the coffee mug back down beside my briefcase, which I then opened and pulled out Edward Nygma's file.
"The Batman is back. I'm very happy." He smiled wickedly as he stirred his coffee.
"Are you alright, Crane?" I set the file down and studied his face.
"I'm peachy," He smirked at me then stood up, "I have to go write these prescriptions and such. I'm working with Mr. Freeze today." He said in a sarcastic happy tone.
"Have fun." I smiled lightly and picked up my file to read again.


Once Crane entered his office and locked the door behind him, he walked over to his filing cabinet. He opened third drawer to reveal vials and beakers filled with liquids of different shades of grey and black.
"How is this toxin not affecting her?" He whispers to himself as he grabs a notebook with formulas written in it. He opens it and begins reading, while mixing different liquids with each other. There was a knock on the door which startled him, and caused him to drop two beakers. As the liquids intertwined on the floor, they evaporated into a gas which floated up to Crane's face. He began coughing.
"Just a minute!" He shouted. His breathing began to speed up, he began to see hallucinations of bats. His biggest fear. He pressed himself against the wall, "Get away from me!" He screamed to his visions.
"Dr. Crane?" Leland asked on the other side of the door.
"Make them go away!" He screamed as he sunk to the floor, covering his eyes and beating his head against the wall. Leland and a few guards finally got the door opened. He was unconscious in the floor.

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