Dr. Crane.

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We pulled up the Arkham Asylum. Alfred parked the car, got out, and opened our door. Bruce got our first, then helped me get out. We walked up to the front door and walked in.
"Ready?" Bruce asked. I breathed in deep.
"As I'll ever be." I walked up to the counter. There was a brunette woman sitting behind the glass.
"Name please?" She asked.
"Harleen Quinzel. I'm here for-"
"HARLEEN? My god!" Dr. Crane walked in and hugged me, "My, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He pulled away and looked me up and down, "And look at you!" He glanced behind me, "And you're with Bruce Wayne?" He walked over to Bruce and shook his hand, "Hello. Dr. Jonathan Crane. Psychiatrist and phobia expert."
"Bruce Wayne. Billionaire. Owner of Wayne Enterprises." Bruce smiled.
"Well. Shall we?" Dr. Crane held the door open for me. I looked back at Bruce, who nodded. I walked through the door with Crane, who walked by my side. He opened an office door for me and let me in. He walked in after me, closed the door, and sat behind the desk, "Please sit," He gestures toward the chair in front of the desk. I sat down as I was offered. Crane put on his glasses and opened my file. He skimmed over it and then looked up at me, "Dr. Harleen Quinzel.  I never thought I'd see you around here ever again." He smiled, ecstatically.
"Neither did I." I chuckled.
"Well, either way..." He pulled out a pen and notepad, "How are you feeling today?" He clicked the pen.
"Pretty nervous, actually." I laughed.
"Do you feel homicidal or suicidal?"
"No. I actually haven't had that feeling in a while." He scribbled down in his notepad.

The questions went on for a while. Crane put his pen down.
"Well, Harleen..." He looked up at me, "You seem perfectly sane to me." He held his hands together.
"Oh my god..." I smiled wide, "So I can get my job back?"
"Yes, but... Off the record... Why do you want this job back? Living with the Joker, you were set. He always made sure you had what you needed. And now... You're with Bruce Wayne. Which puzzles me. What would he want with one of the most notorious criminals in Gotham?" He leaned back in his chair and chewed on the end of his pen.
"I'm not WITH Bruce Wayne. He offered me a place to go."
"So the rumors around Arkham are true..."  He leaned forward, mesmerized.
"Rumors? What rumors?" I stared, wide eyed.
"Just that you cheated on the Joker. And he's out for blood. And looking for you." He smiled.
"Oh my god..." I leaned back in my chair.
"Well! I'll have your notes sent up to the officials and you'll get a call back soon," He stood up, "It was great talking to you, Harley." He shook my hand and ushered me out the room.


Dr. Crane sat at his desk, dialed a number, and waited for someone to answer.
"Yes?" Someone asked.
"Zsasz... I found her."

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