chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own star trek or its characters. I only own serissa, mera, sav'en, and Alila
"Cadet mot't please come down here and finish the theory on the board" commander jones said. I nodded standing up. I grabbed my PADD and walked down to him.
I set the PADD on his desk before finishing the theory and putting the equation. I walked back to my desk hearing judgemental whispers.
Jones heard them too and whistled loudly. "I suggest you treat her nicely. One day she could be saving your life" he said. All whisper's stopped and I silently thanked jones.
Class went by normally after that. Although I did get glares from some of my fellow cadets. It wasn't my fault that both my elf and vulcan sides made me a prodigy.
Class ended but I stayed in my seat until everyone left. "I'm sorry, you don't deserve to be treated like that" jones said walking up to my seat.
"It's fine commander. I've gotten use to it" I lied.
He sighed softly. "If you ever need help with anything you know where to find me" he said.
"Thank you commander" I said. He nodded and walked back to his desk.
" hurry along before your late to your next class" he said. I nodded grabbing my stuff and left the class.
I may be part vulcan but I hated hideing my feelings. It was so boreing. Of course if I was in the presence of another vulcan or enemy I would act the part but around my friend I was a normal person.
I jogged to my second class but stopped outside the door. I took a deep breath putting my vulcan side forward.
I walked into the class just before the bell rang. "Almost late once again Cadet mot't." Commander spock pointed out making some of the students chuckle.
"Forgive me commander spock but commander Jones wished to talk to me after class ended" she said making her way to the back of the room.
"Very well" he said and turned to the board. I sat down and silently sighed as I pulled out my supplies. Suddenly something wet hit my cheek. I reached up and wiped the spit ball away and started writing down what spock wrote. However, everytime spock turned to the board more spit balls would hit me.
I struggled to hold back tears. I was constantly bullied for being a prodigy, an elf, and the last of my kind. A spit ball hit me directly in the eye. I wiped it away disgusted. Takeing a few deep breaths I raised my hand.
"Yes?" Spock asked.
"Forgive me commander but it seems I am unwell. May I be excused?" I asked. Spock looked at me his eyes traveled to my ear and I realized I must have had a spit ball still there.
"Yes you may" he said nodding.
"Thank you" I said. I gathered all my stuff and quickly made my way down the stairs.
"Cadet mot't" Spock said and I stopped, turning to him. He walked over and handed me a few papers. I took them nodding a thank you and quickly left.
I got to a stairwell and made sure I was alone before breaking down. I sat on a step and let the tears fall freely.
"Why? Why me?" I cried, hugging myself. "I didn't ask to be the last of my kind.... I didn't ask to be a prodigy.... I didn't ask for any of this"
I sat there crying silently until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned just in time to see another cadet before they shoved me down the stairs.
A short yell left my lips as I tumbled down two flights of stairs. When I stopped I could barely keep consciousness. Everything hurt and I couldn't move. My vision started to tunnel just as I saw two pairs of shoes come into my view. One ran to me and the other up the stairs. That's when everything went black.
I woke with a pounding headache and aching everything. "Urgh" I groaned trying to move.
"Don't try to move" a voice said.
"W-where..." I started and coughed.
"Your in med bay. Cadet McCoy and Cadet kirk found you in the stairwell and brought you here" the voice, now more clear to be a man, said. I opened my eyes but everything was black. The doctor seemed to sense my confusion. "You suffered major head trauma. Bright lights could cause seziers" he said. I nodded softly when a thought came up.
"H-how long have I been here?" I asked.
"Over a week" he said. My breath hitched in shock. The sound of a door opening startled me. "Your friends are here"
"Sera?" A voice asked. I recognised it. It was my friend mera. She was a dwarf and top student in Jones class.
"Hey mera" I said. I felt her hand grip mine and I smiled softly. Then I remembered the doctor had said "friends" meaning more then one. "Who else is here?"
"Cadet". I recognised that voice.
"Commander" I said. Although I couldn't see him I knew he was standing opposite of mera. "What brings you here, if I may ask?"
"It is a commander's duty to check on their students if they are injured or sick" he said. I nodded lightly.
'He's lying about something' I thought. Spock informed me of what I missed and gave mera work for me to do before leaving. Soon mera left as well leaving me alone in the dark.

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