Chapter 18

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      I sat in my cabin alone. I kept replying the dream of Spock and I kissing. 'Stop thinking about it sera!' I yelled at myself. I sighed and got up. The captain said it would be a week or two until they were close to earth again.
     I gently picked up arwen and walked to the medbay. Bones often helped with arwen since he had a daughter. I had never known he had been married before.
    I walked inside and over to the office. I knocked and waited. After a few seconds the door opened, revealing bones.
     "Oh, hey sera" he said smiling. He had apologized for the way he broke up with me. He admitted he had been a little drunk.
     "Hey bones, can you do me a favor?" I asked, bouncing arwen gently.
     "Sure" he said and let me in the office. I thanked him and sat in the chair. He sat in his and looked to arwen. He sighed softly.
    "You know, somethings been confusing me. I understand that it was his wife but...why didn't he come with us? Arwen would have at least had her father." Bones said.
     I smiled sadly. "You dont know my kind bones. That wasn't his wife. We don't marry although we can. We mate. Mating is much stronger than a ring" she said. "Mating is the binding of the souls. If your a human and say your mate is an elf like me. Your human years will extend to that of an elves. Losing your mate is the worst pain you can bare. You physically feel their soul rip from yours, you feel their life drain. Many elves go centuries hiding the pain of a lost mate."
      I looked to arwen sadly. I heard bones get up and felt him gently wipe my cheeks. I hadn't realized I was crying. "Have you been through that sera?"
      I let out a small laugh. "No. When we mate. We mate for life. We may date different people, but when you mate someone they are yours and you are theirs until the end of time. Cheating will cause the same pain to both" I explained.
     "Why both?" Bones asked, listening.
    "So the one who cheated knows they've made a mistake" I said.
Spock POV
      I walked into sick bay and over to bones office. I noticed the door was open slightly. I walked closer but stopped, hearing serissa's voice inside.
        I leaned against the wall by the door as I listened to her explain the mating for her kind. Vulcans do have a time of heat that they go through. Mine was coming close which is why I came to speak to bones.
       He had a mixture that prevented Vulcan heat. If I didn't take it I would most likely go after serissa. I didn't want to hurt her or force her into anything.
      I moved away from the door as I heard the two stand. The door opened and I looked to them.
       "Oh, Spock. You wanted to speak to me right?" Bones asked, holding arwen.
      I nodded once and watched serissa walk out of med bay. I look to arwen and then to bones. "She asked me take care of her for a couple hours so she could spend time with mera"
      I nodded and followed bones back into his office. "So what do you need?" Bones asked
    "It is almost my mating time" I said.
     "Oh, right. You know you wouldn't have to take it if you just confessed to sera" he said
      "There's nothing to confess" I replied.
     "Uh-huh" he said sarcastically.
       "I do not know what your implying doctor" I said.
     "Spock cut the crap, everyone can see your head over heels for sera. Jim, uhura, Scotty, mera, me, we've all seen how much you went from the emotionless prick to staring at sera with every chance you get." Bones said. "Spock, she's gonna be leaving soon. I suggest you say something before you lose her forever."
      I listened to bones and kept my facade up. "Doctor I can assure you. I feel nothing of the sort for the lieutenant" I said though it was a lie.
      Bones sighed in annoyance. "I don't have the drink mixed up, come back in a couple hours. I have my hands full right now"
      "Very well doctor. Thank you" I said.
     "Yeah yeah yeah whatever" he said. I turned and left the med bay, walking down the hall to the bridge.
       I stopped, hearing singing. I walked to the observation room. I looked in through the window to see serissa, mera and meras fiance. Serissa was holding an instrument that resembled a guitar.
    She was singing in what I assumed to be elvish. Her voice was smooth and beautiful. She sounded like a goddess.
    I felt like I was in a trance as I listened to her. 'Maybe...i could tell her'

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