Chapter 16

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~hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately and I probably won't for a while due to family issues. I hope you guys like the story and I'm sorry if this chapter sucks


   He turned his body towards me. "How?" He whispered in a tone that made my heart melt.
    "Your eyes.... they're like mine" I said in a soft tone. Spock gently took my hand and placed it on his cheek.
     "Explain.." he said softly, closing his eyes. He leaned into my hand, nuzzling it. He opened his eyes and looked right into my soul.
    "Mother said...eyes are the window to the soul..." I whispered and watched him lean closer to me. "There's were cold and mean.....yours are soft and mine"
    "Serissa" he whispered. Our lips, centimeters apart.
   "Spock" I whispered and closed my eyes. My whole body felt light as air, as I felt his lips press against my own. They were soft and warm.
    I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his hands on my waist. I melted into the kiss feeling nothing but Spock and the sparks, flying through my body.
    I eventually had to pull back for air. I looked up to him panting softly. I blushed seeing his cheeks tinted a light green. He was also out of breath and flustered.
   I held his cheeks gently and stared into his eyes. "Spock....what am I to you?"
    My eyes teared up as I heard him speak without hesitation.
    "The love of my life"
   I started to cry happy tears and hugged him tight. "I love you spock" I cried into his shoulder. "I've loved you for a long time"
    "I love you too serissa. I've loved you since our first class together" He said softly. My eyes widened and I looked at him shocked.
   "Really?" I whispered.
    He nodded. "I'm so sorry about the bullying. I wanted to step forward and stop it but I knew if I did it would give away that I felt something for you" he said and looked away, almost guilty.
     I made him look at me again and kissed him softly. "You were the only reason I made it through the academy. Everytime I felt like giving up, I would think of you" I said softly.
    He looked at me shocked. "Truly serissa?" He asked. I nodded softly, staring into his eyes. My heart stopped as I saw his lips curve up into a smile.
    "Spock..." I whispered. "You look amazing when you smile" I said, smiling as well.
    "I smile only for you" He said and held me closer.
     I smiled happily and laid my head on his chest. "Thank you, spock"
    "No." He said " Thank you serissa". I smiled and stayed close to him. After about ten minutes we walked back to my cabin. We walked in and I went over to arwen. I gently picked her up and held her close.
     I turned to Spock and smiled softly. I watched as he walked over and gently took arwen. "I wont let you raise her alone" he said softly.
   I smiled and sat with him. I watched as he gently rocked her in his arms. I didn't notice the tears that fell from my eyes as I watched him.
    "Spock, to the bridge please" jim said over the intercom. I looked to Spock and held out my arms for arwen. He shook his said and held arwen with one arm as he stood. I looked confused and took his offered hand. I stood and followed him to the bridge.
     We got on the elevator and I gripped the bar. I felt an arm wrap around me and looked to Spock. I smiled nervously and leaned into his hold. I stayed close to Spock as we went up to the bridge. Once the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I pulled away but held his hand.
      "Permission to enter the bridge captain" Spock said. Jim turned and his eyes widened seeing us. Spock was still holding arwen and I was holding his hand. "Captain?"
     "Oh, uh permission granted" jim said and stood. He walked over to us and smiled. "So I guess talking to you is out of the question"
     "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
    "I was getting annoyed at how he acted towards you so I was gonna talk to him. I guess you figured it out on your own" he chuckled.
       I giggled softly and nodded. I looked to spock and smiled softly.
     The sound of a fazer went off and I went cold. I saw jim yell and the others jump up.  I looked to Spock and saw him reaching out to me as if to catch me. The fazer went off again and I fell forward, into Jim's arms. My vision blurred and started to fade. I turned my head slightly to see who had done this. I saw the silhouette of a man before I blacked out.
The last words I heard were....

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