Chapter 9

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    "...mot't......mot't...serissa wake up" a voice called through the darkness. My eyes fluttered open and I saw spock leaning over me. "Good your awake" he said.
    I sat up quickly and looked around. We were in a cell type room. I took a shaky breath remembering what naru'eh said. "This can't be real...."
      "What did he say to you?" Spock asked. I stared at a spot on the bed.
     " mother was a grandparents were the king and queen....they thought a vulcan and elven child would bring great mom thought differently and ran away with my father....." I took a deep breath. "The week I left my planet to go to vulcan.....the week it was grandparents were coming for me.....I....I'm the last princess..... a-and...."
       Spock looked to me waiting for me to finish. "N-naru'eh h-he's.....m-my f-fiance......."
        The cell door was ripped open and guards walked in. They grabbed us and dragged us to this arena thing. The rows were full of blue people and guards. Naru'eh stood in the middle smiling. I glared as we were dragged over and forced to our knees infront of him.
       "Let. Us. Go. Naru'eh" I growled. He smiled.
      "Why would I let my beautiful princess go back to that awful place? I bet they treat you badly for being a prodigy and last of your kind" he said. My eyes widened cause it was true.
       "Mot't is a respected Luitenent  and doctor" Spock said making me look to him.
     "Silence" the guard behind him growled. Naru'eh chuckled.
      "I can see you think of her as more then just a respectable Luitenent and doctor." Naru'eh said. "A friend? Partner maybe? A lover even. Your eyes show it all, just like a humans."
     I stared at spock in shock. Spock glared at him. "It would be illogical"
      My heart clenched and I stared at the ground. I knew he wasn't lying...vulcans do not lie.
      "I think you've hit a nerve" naru'eh grinned. My hands clenched behind my back.
       "Luitenent mot't do not let your emotions control you. They are weak" Spock said. He didn't actually think that way anymore. He had begun to care for serissa. His need to protect her made him stronger.
      "You see serissa, vulcans do not lie. He doesn't care about you" naru'eh said quietly kneeling infront of me. "Join me, I care about you"
       I looked up at him fighting back tears. I opened my mouth to reply but was stopped by spock. "You forget naru'eh, vulcans may not lie" spock said and smirked at him. "But I'm not a full vulcan"
        My eyes widened and I grinned. "Ill stay where I am. The enterprise is my home." I said glareing at naru'eh.
       "You little bitch" he growled and grabbed my throat chocking me.
      I gasped for air. He smirked squeezing harder. Everything started to go black. 'Fight back my child!' A female voice yelled.
     'Mom?' I opened my eyes to find I was in a world of white. Standing infront of me was a woman I never thought I'd see again.
      'Hello my little princess' Alila said. I ran forward and hugged her tight.
      'I missed you so much. Am I dead?' I cried looking to her.
      'I missed you too, no your not dead. It is not your time. You must fight serissa, their are powers in you that you must use to protect yourself and the ones you care for' Alila said holding her cheeks. 'It's time to release them. Elves are naturally skilled in useing them so you will have no trouble'
      'Mom what are you talking about?' I asked.
      'I can't explain you must go now or you will be killed' She said as tears fell from her eyes. 'I love you so much my princess. Just remember I'll always be in your heart'
      'I love you so much mom please I don't wanna leave you' I cried.
      'I will see you when your time comes' She said smiling sadly. She touched my forehead and I slammed back into reality.
      "It's a pity you have to die, you were so beautiful" naru'eh said grinning and roughly kissed me.
     I felt power course through me and I grinned. Naru'eh pulled back confused and his eyes widened in fear.
No one POV
    Serissa's eyes and markings were glowing a pure white. Her hands ignited in a blue flame melting the cuffs off her. She grabbed naru'eh's wrist burning him. He screamed in pain trying to pull his arm away.
     Guards ran up behind her and grabbed her in a head lock. She let go of naru'eh and growled. She elbowed the guards in the stomach making them let go. Serissa ran over to spock and melted the cuffs.
       "Serissa?" He asked. She smiled lightly at him before glareing past him. Spock turned to see naru'eh getting away. Just then guards attacked them.
     Serissa noticed they weren't actually trying to fight. "Go, he can't get away princess" one of the guards said. Her eyes widened and she looked at all the guards. They stopped fighting and turned to her.
     She clenched her fists and nodded before sprinting after naru'eh.

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