Chapter 14

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      I sat in my room listening to music. I still couldn't get the image of spock and uhura kissing out of my head. I sighed as my alarm beeped signaling it was my shift. I took a shower and got dressed. I walked down the hall to med bay and got to work.
     A few hours later I was called to the bridge by captain kirk. I walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the bridge. I gripped the bar tightly and waited for it to stop. Once it did I fixed myself and stepped out. "Permission to enter the bridge" I said.
     "Permission granted" Jim said. I walked over to him.
     "You called for me captain?" I asked. Jim stood and turned to me.
      "Yes, we have come across a planet that seems to speak the same language as you and your brother" Jim said. He motioned to sulu, who played a transmission.
      "Please help, we're stranded and my wife is pregnant, she's sick and might not make it. Please help us" a male voice said in elvish. I tensed.
      "I need to go down there" I said. Jim nodded. "You, spock, scotty and I will go down" Jim said. "Our shuttle leaves immediately"
      "Yes captain" I said and turned. I headed to the elevator. I was followed by spock and jim.
    Once we made it to the shuttle, I sat in a seat and buckled in. "If I may ask, what did the message say?" Spock asked.
     "Why don't you ask uhura?" I snapped slightly. I don't know why I was angry...i just...was.
      "That would be irrelevant since she does not speak your dialect" Spock said confused on why I would suggest that and why I was angry.
      "Then it's not my problem" I snapped and kept my eyes forward.
       "Come on sera what did it say?" Jim asked.
    "A man and woman are stranded down there. His wife is pregnant and sick" I said to him. He nodded and the shuttle shuddered as it started to take off. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat, sighing.
      "Hey, what's going on with you and spock?" Jim whispered leaning close to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
      "It's nothing captain." I said softly and looked out the window. "Just....nothing"
     I could tell jim wanted to ask more but he decided against it. He sat back in his seat and stayed silent for the rest of the trip.
      The shuttle landed and we got up. I grabbed  a med kit and exited the shuttle. I was followed by Spock, jim, and Scotty. They all held blasters in case this was a trick. "Scotty do you have the coordinates for the transmission?" Jim asked.
      "Ay it's just east of 'ere" Scotty said. I quickly started off in that direction. The three men following staying in their toes. I saw two figures in the distance. One was kneeling next to the other, who was laying on the ground. As we got closer I could see it was an elven man and woman.
     "There they are!" I called and took off in a sprint. I knew they followed, due to the sound of three sets of boots.
    The man turned and looked to them crying. "Please help!" He yelled in elvish. I ran over and quickly kneeled beside her. I grabbed my tools and started checking her vitals and the babies.
      "Captain she's not stable. We can't move her and if she gives birth now she won't make it" I said looking up to him. 
      "Is there any other way?" He asked. I shook my head.
    "if we move her it would kill the baby and her. Beaming her up is to risky" I said. The woman screamed in pain. "Captain I have to get the baby out now! Get him away from here"
    Jim nodded and pulled the male up. Jim and Scotty pulled him away. "I need you to take deep breaths okay? Deep breaths in and out" I spoke to the woman. I noticed Spock was still there. "Spock if your gonna stay here then your gonna help." I said. I pulled a thin sheet and a pillow out of the med kit bag. "Put that under her head" I said and passed him the pillow. I put the blanket over her lower half and gave her a numbing medicine.
      Spock put the pillow under her head and froze when the woman grabbed his hand. The woman held on tight as tears fell from her forest green eyes.
      "I need you to start pushing" I told her. She nodded and started pushing as hard as she could. "Good, your doing great. Remember to breath" I spoke to her. After a while I saw the babies head. "I see the head".
     Spock watched me. He held the woman's hand to help keep her calm. "Ok I need one big push" i said. "On the count of three. 1.  2.  3." The woman pushed as hard as she could. The babies head came out and I carefully pulled the rest of it out as she pushed. The woman relaxed panting and let go of spocks hand. I cut the cord and wrapped the baby in a blanket as it started to cry. "It's a baby girl" I told her. The woman held her arms out for her. I carefully set the bag in her arms. The woman smiled and held the baby gently.
     The man ran over and dropped to his knees beside the woman. He started crying as he looked at the baby girl. "She's beautiful" he said. "What shall we call her?"
     "A-arwen" the woman said quietly. She smiled softly and let the man hold her. I quickly noticed something wasn't right. He breathing was slowing and she was getting paler.
     "Jim move him away" I said quickly. Jim once again pulled the man away. I quickly started checking the woman's vitals and saw that they were failing rapidly. I started grabbing tools to try and save her.
     Suddenly there was the sound of yelling and phasers going off. "We gotta go!" Kirk yelled.
     "I have to save her!" I yelled. The man seemed to understand the situation right away.  He ran over to me and passed arwen to me.
     "Please take her. She'll die if you don't. I won't leave my wife here to die alone. Just please take her with you" he begged me. My eyes widened and filled with tears. I nodded my head and held arwen close. The man took off a necklace and placed it around the babies neck. He kissed her forehead and moved over to his wife and held her close. Spock grabbed the supplies and we all ran to the shuttle. Once we were in the shuttle we buckled in and took off. I looked out the window at the last minute to see the two.

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