Chapter 21

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Serissa started to wake to the sound of movement. She opened her eyes slightly and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She turned around only to see spock doing up his belt.
She frowned softly and rubbed her eyes. "Spock?" She asked softly. "What's wrong?"
Spock tensed and looked to her. "Oh. Lieutenant your awake" he said. He was shirtless still.
Sera frowned and looked away. "Really spock?...even after what happened?" She asked quietly.
Spock looked to her. "We can not compromise ou-"
"Bullshit spock!" She yelled, cutting him off. "Stop making up excuses! Please!" She begged.
Spock stood there, his eyes wide in shock. Tears formed in seras eyes and she stood up, still pissed. "That's all you ever do! For once! Once! Stop thinking about yourself and your reputation and focus on what's going on around you! All I've done is support you and help you! I looked up to you! Respected you! I loved you spock!!" She yelled. Her voice dropped. "I still do...but I know you'd never love me back.... That's why I requested to leave. I cant stand to be on the same ship as you knowing that everytime I see you you only see a former student and lieutenant..."
Spock was stunned unable to form words. He didnt know how to respond to her outburst or her confession.
Serissa stared at him and scoffed softly. "Who am I kidding?..." she said and started grabbing her clothes to get dressed.
Once she was dressed she looked to him. "Commander" she said and turned to leave. She was heartbroken. She gave him her virginity and he acted like she was nothing.
Sera quickly left and went to talk to Jim. She was going to ask him to request spock to stay away from her. She couldn't handle this anymore.
She got in the elevator and almost broke down. 'Why me?...' she thought. The door open and she took a deep breath. "Premission to enter the bridge"
Jim turned and looked worried. "Granted" he said. Sera stepped onto the bridge and went to jim.
"Captain i....I wish to place a request" she said, her voice breaking as she spoke. Jim stood worried and grabbed her arms gently.
"Of course sera, anything" he said worried.
Tears started to fall from her eyes. "Keep spock away from me" she said and broke down sobbing. Jim's eyes widened and he hugged her tight.
"Serissa what do you mean? What happened?" He asked, rubbing her back.
"I helped him with his heat....and he broke my heart" she sobbed and clung to jim.
His eyes widened in anger. Before he could say anything the elevator opened. Spock didnt even ask for permission as he speed walked in.
Jim pushed sera behind him and had her sit in the captain's chair. "Explain spock. Why did you do this? Why?" He snapped.
Spock looked to him and stood straight. "Let me speak to her" he said.
"Not until you explain" jim growled in full protective brother mode.
Spock looked to him. He looked away from him. " are aware I am half Vulcan. My vulcan half tells no lies, feels no love, no emotion, and focuses on logic" he said. "My human side... I feel love, emotions that I cant describe, I think carelessly, and cant focus on logic"
Spock looked towards serissa. "This morning when I human side was causing....emotions that I thought I would never feel....emotions I couldn't think....I thought my heat my still affecting me...but....hearing serissa yelling at me and watching her leave....made me realize wasn't my heat" spock explained.
He walked past jim only focusing on serissa. He moved infront of her and offered a hand to her.
Serissa was staring at him wide eyed. She hesitated but took his hand. Spock pulled her up and against his chest, causing her to gasp.
Spock looked in her eyes. "Serissa...I do not understand emotion as well as you...but I do know.. that I love you" he said soflty.
Her eyes widened and filled with tears. " do?" She whispered.
"Yes. I've loved you since the academy" he said softly. "Its taken me years to realize...but I know now that what I feel for you is stronger than anything I have ever felt"
Serissa let out a small sob. "I love you too spock." She said softly. Spock gave a soft smile and leaned in, kissing her. Serissa kissed back, holding his cheeks gently.
Spock didnt care who saw. All he cared about was the woman in his arms. He slowly broke the kiss and looked in her eyes.
Serissa smiled and hugged him tight. He hugged her back and buried his face in her neck.
Jim watched them and smiled like a proud father. He heard the elevator opened and turned to see bones.
Bones stood their wide eyed in shock. "What did I miss?" He asked confused.
"Love bones. Love" jim said and walked over, patting his shoulder.
Serissa smiled and kissed spock's nose. "Will you be mine?" Spock asked.
"Yes!" She smiled happily and hugged him again. Spock looked up, hearing bones. Serissa looked over and smiled soflty.
After a little while spock and serissa walked back to spock's room. Spock showered her with love as his apology for hurting her that morning. Jim had excused him from his duties for the day.
Serissa cuddled against spock's chest and closed her eyes. She soon drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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