Chapter 12

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     "I really don't want to go" I whined the mera as she did my hair.
    "Nonsense" she said. "As soon as spock see's you he's gonna forget his vulcan half. He'll be drooling over you!"
       I sighed sadly. "Mera im with bones" I said. I was dating bones but he seemed very distant lately. I hoped but also didn't hope something was wrong.
       "Yeah....yeah I know...." Mera sighed. She finished doing my hair and started on my makeup.
      "Really mera? It's a little party, you don't have to go all out" I said.
      "It's just some eye shadow and lipstick" she said. I sighed again. I was going in a pair of black ripped jeans, a black shirt with a skull on it, a red plaid flannel, and black flat boots. Mera was wearing a green skirt with a purple v-neck shirt, her hair was up in a messy bun and she had light eye shadow.
       Once she finished with my makeup I looked to see what she did. She put a white eyeshadow, which was slightly visible against my pale skin, and black lipstick with a slight cupids bow. My hair was up in a high ponytail with peices framing my face.
     "Wow" I said amazed.
      "See, spocks gonna drool over you" Mera said and grabbed my arm. "Now come on or we'll be late"
      She dragged me to the cafeteria, which is where the party was being held. "Sera!" I turned and smiled seeing bones jogging towards us. He was in blue jeans, a blue muscle shirt, a jean jacket, and brown boots. "Whoa, you look amazing darling"
     "Thank you, you look amazing as well" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He coughed and started walking.
     "Yeah, uh let's get going" he said. I watched after him confused. Mera looked at me worried but I waved it off and followed him.
      It's been three hours since the party started. Bones had been avoiding me the entire time. I was currently sitting with chekhov and mera, drinking fruit punch.
     "Serissa, can I talk to you?" Bones asked walking over.
     I looked up to him confused. "Sure"
       "Alone" he said. I was even more confused, but I nodded and followed him to an empty corner.
      "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
        "....I'm breaking up with you" he said. "I know your never gonna truly be with me. You say your my girlfriend but I know your heart is somewhere else. This is best for the both of us."
        Bones quickly walked away leaving me crying. He was right, I still loved spock, but after all this time together I had started really liking bones. I sobbed and sprinted out of the cafeteria. I ran down the hall ,not paying attention to where I was going, and crashed into someone. We both fell but I got up and kept running.
      I was stopped by someone grabbing me. "Serissa." I recognized the voice. It was spock. I sobbed and fell to my knees. "What happened?"
      "B-bones d-dumped me....." I cried. "....b-because I l-love someone e-else..."
Spock POV
     My heart clenched hearing that she loved someone else. I was angered that bones would cause her this emotional pain. I did the only thing I could. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.
     "He was wrong to hurt you" I said softly.
      "S-spock why A-are you so nice t-to me?...." she asked. I looked down at her.
      "We are more alike then you know" I said softly. She looked at me confused. Hesitantly I placed my fingers on her face in the vulcan mind meld.
Serissa POV
     My eyes widened as I was sucked into spocks memories.
     A little boy, bullied because of his half human side, because of his mother.
       The destruction of his home planet, our planet.
      The death of his mother....she died the same day my father did.
      What shocked me the most was the next memory.
     I walked beside my father towards the council room. My father stopped to talk to another council man.
      "Your weak, you let your emotions control you." I turned to see three vulcan boys, younger then myself, bullying a young vulcan girl.
     " W-why d-do you hate m-me?" She cried,covering her ears. I walked over to them.
     "Picking on others is disgraceful" I said. They turned to me and quickly left. I watched after them before kneeling infront of the girl. Gently placing my hand on her head i watched as she looked up shocked.
      I watched as she looked up carefully and around. The boys were being talked to by my father who had also witnessed the bullying. She looked back at me confused.
     "Are you alright?" I asked in vulcan.
     "Yes" she replied and quickly wiped her tears away. She looked at me and something flashed in her eyes. "....your not full vulcan..."
      My eyes widened visibly. "How?..."
      "Your eyes....their like mine" she said and smiled softly.
      "Explain...." I said.
      "My mommy said eyes are the windows to the soul. Those kids eyes were cold and mean. Yours are soft and kind" she said softly. "Like mine"
     I watched her curiously. She didn't look to me in shame like most do. "Spock" my father said. "It's time to leave"
     "Yes father" I said and stood. He turned to the young girl.
     " You are the daughter of sav'en, correct?" He asked. I looked to the young girl.
     She stood quickly and bowed. "Yes sir." He nodded once and looked to me. He once again looked to her.
    "Your father is a good man." He said. "If you are ever in need of help. Our house hold will welcome you with, as some say, open arms"
     "Thank you sir" She said. I turned and walked away with my father. Glancing back I wondered if I would ever see her again.
Serissa POV
  I was pulled back into reality as spock broke the mind meld.
     "You remember....."

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