Chapter 6

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    I gasped loud and sat up quickly, coughing. "Whoa! Get me an oxygen mask!" Bones yelled pushing me back down. I coughed and gasped for air. A mask was placed over my mouth. "Deep breaths sera"
     I looked at bones takeing deep breaths. "W-what...."
      "Shh don't speak." he said. "Nurse notify the captain"
     "Yes sir!" The nurse called and quickly ran out.
      "Serissa can you breath easier now?" Bones asked. I nodded lightly and he pulled the mask away.
      "T-the h-he okay?...." I asked quietly. I still felt weak.
      "He's fine." Bones said checking my vitals. I closed my eyes trying to keep my breathing steady.
      "Cadet mot't". I opened my eyes to see kirk and spock. "It's good to see your awake again"
     "I-is h-he...." I tried to speak but started coughing. Bones gave me some water and the mask again.
      "Nero is dead. The romulan ship was destroyed" Kirk said. I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry for the torture you were put through"
      "You don't have to be sorry..." I said. "I was weak and let my emotions get the best of me...."
      "Don't say that serissa" Bones said. "Your not weak, you lost your father, it's only normal for you to grieve for him."
      "not as a vulcan...." I looked at him then sighed closeing my eyes. "How long was I out?"
     "Three weeks" Spock finally said. I tensed and looked to them and then noticed something.
     "Where's captain pike?" I asked.
     "He's relinquished command of the enterprise to me" Kirk said. I looked to him and smiled.
     "Congratulations, captain kirk" I said.
    I stood beside bones and spock as kirk received official command of the starship enterprise.
      "Space the final frontier, her five year mission, to explore deep space, and to boldly go where no man has gone before" Kirk said into the mic.
     I tried to clap but the crutch I held onto prevented it.
      "Cadet mot't. In the attack against the enterprise you were kidnapped and tortured. I do not expect you to return but, it would be an honor to have you on board once again" Kirk said smiling.
      "The honors all mine ."I said smiling brightly. He smiled and shook my free hand. "Thank you captain"
     "No thank you" he said and saluted. I smiled and saluted back.
     "Five years bones, you ready?" Kirk asked clapping his shoulders before going to the captains chair.
     "God help us" Bones mumbled. I giggled and he smiled lightly.
     "How it going scotty?" Kirk asked through the the com.
     "Engines purring like a new kitten captain....get down!" Scotty replied. Kirk chuckled and looked to sulu.
      "Ready when you are mr. Sulu" Kirk said.
      "Aye captain" sulu said pressing some buttons. "Warp at maximum captain"
     "Punch it" Jim said. Seconds later we were at warp speed.
1 year later
     "Bones your sick, you need to go back to your room" I argued following bones.
      "I said I'm fine sera" Bones said.
      "It's obvious your not!" Sera argued.
     "Get back to your duties mot't" he snapped. I stopped walking and stared at him shocked. He froze and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him.
      "Very well. Doctor. As second in command, it is my duty to report your sickness to the captain and let him decide what you do. You are not to stop me" I said emotionlessly. I turned on my heel and left med bay. I fought back tears as I walked to the bridge. Bones had never snapped at me. He's been sick before and always put up a fight but he never snapped.
     I pressed the button on the elevator and waited. A single tear trailed down my cheek as the door opened showing commander spock. "What is the matter?" He asked.
      I quickly wiped the tear away. "Nothing commander" I replied. He stared at me silently before nodding.
     "Where are you going?" He asked.
      "The bridge, sir" I said. He nodded and stepped aside to let me in, since he was standing halfway across the doorway.
     I stood at the back and gripped the bar as the elevator moved. No matter how many times I rode the elevator, it still scared me.
    "What reason brings you to the bridge?" Spock asked breaking the silence.
      "Doctor McCoy, is ill and refuses to listen to his second in command and rest until he's better. He told me to return to my duties so it's my duty to report it to the captain" I replied. My voice was shaking slightly and I think spock noticed.
     He looked at me and his eyes traveled to my hands gripping the bar with white knuckles. He raised an eyebrow but I refused to look at him. I had started developing feelings for him but I knew he wasn't the same boy from when I was four.
     His eyes, which used to be bright and kind, now held coldness. The elevator beeped and spock stepped forward. I stepped up behind him. "Permission to enter the bridge captain" he said.
      Jim turned to us and smiled. "Permission granted" he said. Spock nodded and walked to his station. "Miss mot't, what brings you here?"
     "Doctor McCoy is ill and refuses to rest. I ask that you put him on mandatory sick leave until he is better" I said. Jim sighed and pressed the com.
      "Bones report to the bridge please" Jim said. I glanced over to spock. Jim saw it and smirked. Him, mera, and bones were the only ones who knew of my small crush on spock. "You should tell him" he whispered
      "That would be illogical captain" I whispered back. I knew spock could hear us.
     "Oh come o-" Jim was cut off when the elevator opened.
      "Permission to enter the bridge" Bones said.
      "Permission granted" Jim said standing up. Bones walked in and hesitated, seeing me. "Bones why are you still working?"
     "It's my duty" Bones said.
      "As a commanding officer and a doctor, your duty is to take care of everyone on the ship. That includes yourself. You being sick can get others sick which means more unnecessary work" Jim said. "Since your being stubborn, I'm putting you on mandatory sick leave until your better. And not when you say your better, when miss mot't says so"
     Bones sighs irritated. "Fine" he said.
     "Good, dismissed" he said. Bones turned and left. Jim rolled his eyes and sat down.
     "Thank you captain" I said. Jim looked up to me and nodded, smiling.
     "No problem" he said. I nodded smiling lightly and left for sick bay.

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