Chapter 11

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Bones POV
     I walked into med bay, only to see spock and uhura very close. "Get a room" I said disgusted. I knew that serissa really liked spock. If she saw them she'd be devistated. She lost her planet, her father, and now if she loses the one she loves....who knows what she'll do.
     I walked to the curtain and pulled it open, only to see serissa was gone. "Dammit spock I told you to watch her!" I yelled running out of med bay. I ran to Serissa's room and knocked on the door. "Sera?"
   No answer
  "Sera?!" I called louder.
   Still no answer
   I quickly punched in the commanders code. The door slid open and I jogged in. "Serissa" I quickly kneeled next to the passed out girl. I noticed my bottle of whiskey laying next to her, almost empty. "Jesus"
      I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to med bay. "Doctor-"
      "Not right now spock" I snapped pushing past him. I laid serissa on the bed and injected a serum into her neck so she wouldn't have a hangover.
     I really did like serissa. At first she was just a friend, then she became like a sister, but lately I've started thinking of her more and more. I knew I liked her. It's the same way I felt when I first met my ex wife.
      I sighed and went to my office to start working.
Spock POV
        I grabbed uhuras shoulders and pushed her away slightly. "Luitenent. Forgive me but my feelings for you are that of a friend" I said. I could see the tears  in her eyes.
     "Get a room." I looked over to see doctor McCoy walk in and towards the curtain serissa was behind. I looked to uhura but she was already walking out of med bay. "Dammit spock, I told you to watch her!"
      I looked to see McCoy running out of the room. I wanted to follow but I knew it was not a logical idea. I walked out of med bay and walked towards my quarters. I saw McCoy walking towards me with an unconcious serissa.
       "Doctor-" I started but he cut me off.
      "Not right now spock" he snapped pushing past me. I turned and watched as he walked into med bay. I frowned and walked to my room.
     Standing by my window, I pondered on how to deal with this situation.
Serissa POV
      I woke up and groaned. Everything came crashing back to me. My heart clenched in pain and tears started to fall.
      "Serissa?" I looked over to see bones sitting next to me. "Are you okay?"
      "He's gone.....I lost him...." I sobbed sitting up. He moved from the chair to the edge of the bed. He hugged me tight and all I could do was cry.
     "I know.....I know....I'm sorry serissa" he said. I sobbed into his shirt. Once I calmed down I sat back, but tears still fell.
      "I should have known he wouldn't chose me.....I'm not as pretty as Luitenent uhura.....or as talented in xenolenguistics and-" I was cut off by bones grabbing my face and kissing me. My eyes widened and I sat frozen.
      He pulled away a few seconds later. "Your right your not pretty....your beautiful. Who cares if she's more talented in that, your better at medical and engineering"
      "B-bones?..."I asked shocked and confused.
     "I know you could never truly be mine, but.....I really like you....will you give me a chance?" He asked looking down.
      I stared at him shocked. I really liked spock but....Bones has been there for me more then spock was.... I could at least give him a chance. Who knows, maybe I'll get over spock...
      "Alright bones, I'll give you a chance" I said softly. He stared at me shocked before smiling softly.
      "Thank you sera" he said and kissed my forehead. "Rest, you need it." He gently pushed me into a laying position. "If you need me, just call"
      "Thank you, bones" I said softly. He smiled  gently.
      "Your welcome sera" he said and closed the curtain, leaving. I laid on my side and tried to forget spock, but it only brought more pain as I cried myself to sleep.
      I sat with bones in the cafeteria. It's been three months since we started dating. Bones knew that my heart still longed for spock, but he didn't want to think about it. He wanted to enjoy what time he had with me.
     "Sera please eat" he said softly. I looked to him coming out of my daydream.
      "Sorry, I spaced out" I said takeing some mashed potato and  putting it on his nose. He chuckled lightly and wiped it off.
      "Don't make me hand feed you" he said. I pouted and took a bite of my bread. "Good girl." He said and patted my head. I pouted more and smacked his arm. He chuckled and ate his food.
      "Hey guys!" Mera exclaimed running over. "Guess what?!"
     "What?" Both bones and I said. Mera looked at us with a 'wtf' face. She shook her head.
      "The captain is letting the crew throw a party!" She exclaimed.
      "What? Why?" I asked.
      "Everyone has been on the ship for a while. He thought having a party would be a good way to release some stress" Mera explained.
       "That sounds like a good idea" uhura said walking up with spock. "Over heard you guys, when is it?"
     "Next month" Mera said.
    I looked down at my food. Bones wrapped his arm around my shoulders reassuringly. I smiled and put more potatos on his nose.
      He smirked and smeared some across my forehead. "Oo oo I know this movie! Lion king!" Mera called out making everyone minus spock chuckle.
      I rolled my eyes and wiped my forehead before cleaning off bones nose. He quickly kissed me and smirked.
      I smiled softly and hugged him. He hugged me, rubbing my back. "So sera, about your dress" Mera said.
      'God help me'

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