Chapter 5

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"I got your back" Kirk said to spock. They had just been beamed onto nero's ship and we're in the middle of a gun fight.
"Your sure?" Spock asked looking to him. Kirk nodded looking around. Spock and kirk stood and shot down everyone in the room. Spock kneeled and used the vulcan mind meld to search for captain pike and the red matter.
"Did you find it?" Kirk asked keeping watch. "The black hole device?"
Spock looked up. "And captain pike". They ran towards the hanger deck. Once they got there spock boarded a ship that carried the red matter.
Kirk ran to where spock said pike was. The door opened and he shot down whoever was in the room. His eyes widened seeing pike laying there bound to a table.
"Kirk.....what are you doing here?...." pike asked weakly.
"Just as you ordered sir" Kirk said working on the straps. A romulan ran in and pike grabbed Kirks gun quickly shooting him.
"Kirk....get her...." pike said.
"Who?" Kirk asked undoing the last strap.
"Mot't..." he weakly pointed past kirk. Jim turned and his eyes widened in horror seeing a beaten and bloodied serissa. Her clothes were in shreds and she was covered in lashings and bruises.
"Bones serissa is here she's in really bad shape, so is the captain. Scotty you need to get us out of here" Jim said into his com.
"I'm sorry captain. Until that machine is off yer sittin' ducks" Scotty replied.
"Thanks for the reminder" Kirk said sarcastically. He put the com away and undid the chains holding serissa up. He carefully held her bridal style and laid her on the ground. She was unconcious and had lost alot of blood.
Kirk looked out the window and saw the ship spock boarded shoot the machine down. "Scotty now!" Kirk yelled into the com. White lines circled the three of them and spock.
They appeared in the transporter room just as the ship spock was in crashed into the romulans ship. Bones ran in with mera and a few other nurses.
"Sera!" Mera gasped. "My god what happened?"
"Nero tortured her to get me to respond....." pike said weakly as bones helped him out of the room. Two nurses picked serissa up as spock and kirk ran to the bridge.
My eyes flickered open slightly. Blurry figures moved around where I was laying quickly. They were all talking but I couldn't make out most of it.
"I need a blood transfusion stat!..." I heard a familiar voice yell. My head lulled to the side to see the blurry figure of a man above me. "Hang in there serissa....."
My vision started to go black again. Before I fell back into darkness one name slipped out of my mouth.
"Your weak you let your emotions control you" a vulcan boy said. A young serissa sat on the ground crying. She had been in vulcan two days and already everyone hated her.
"W-why d-do you hate m-me?" Serissa stuttered crying.
They just proceeded to insult her and her family. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, blocking them out. She stayed like that for a few minutes until she felt a hand on her head.
She looked up carefully. Instead of the group of boys, there was an older boy infront of her.
Serissa looked around and saw the boys being talked to by an elder. She looked to the boy confused.
"Are you alright?" He asked in vulcan. He must have been around fifteen, but his voice was deep and smooth.
"Yes" she replied and quickly wiped her tears away. She looked at him and noticed he didn't have vulcan eyes. His were hers. "....your not full vulcan..."
His eyes widened visibly. "How?..."
"Your eyes....their like mine" she said and smiled softly.
"Explain...." he said.
"My mommy said eyes are the windows to the soul. Those kids eyes were cold and mean. Yours are soft and kind" she said softly. "Like mine"
He watched her curiously. "Spock" the man who was talking to the boys said. "It's time to leave"
"Yes father" Spock said and stood. The man turned to serissa and nodded softly. "You are the daughter of sav'en, correct?"
Serissa stood quickly and bowed. "Yes sir." He nodded once and looked to spock. He looked to serissa once again.
"Your father is a good man." He said. "If you are ever in need of help. Our house hold will welcome you with, as some say, open arms"
"Thank you sir" Serissa said and watched as the two walked away.

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