Chapter 4

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I shot up in the med bay bed panting. I looked around and saw vulcan elders getting checked by bones and the other nurses. Some looked towards me with curiosity or sympathy.
Not waiting for a nurse or bones to notice I was awake. I jumped up off the bed and sprinted out of med bay followed by a yell from bones. I didn't care, I needed to find spock.
I ran to the bridge and entered. Everyone looked to me and spock stood. He walked to me not saying a word.
"Where is he?...." I asked quietly and looked around the bridge. I saw mera with tear stains on her cheeks. I looked back at spock with fear filled eyes.
He said nothing as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "He wished for me to give you this.....when I found him he was trapped under a fallen statue.....He said to find you, give this to you..... and tell you he loves you....."
Tears fell from my eyes as I took the box with shaky hands. I opened it and sobbed seeing a locket. I opened it and it showed my parents and me as a father was smiling. Engraved on the back were seven simple words but they hurt like gunshots.
'Happy birthday serissa
-love mom and dad'
All reason left me and I fell to my knees in front of spock and started wailing in agony. My heart was shattered completely. My father was the only thing that kept me going. Mera was like a sister and helped when I was feeling down, but my father always kept me on my feet. Now he was gone.....I was officially an orphan.
Bones ran in and stopped, seeing me sobbing on the floor. He immediately kneeled next to me and wrapped his arms around me trying to calm me down. He glared up at spock who had just stood there watching as I broke apart.
"You don't just stand there and watch someone cry spock!" Bones snapped.
I stood quickly, knocking bones on the floor and sprinted from the room. "Sera!" Mera screamed running after me. I ignored her and kept running. I ran until I was in an unfamiliar part of the ship. I stopped and fell to the floor sobbing.
I stayed there for what seemed like hours. I was snapped out of my depression by the sound of approaching footsteps. Looking behind me, I gasped just before the butt of a gun hit me hard in the back of the head. I fell to tell floor in pain and blacked out.
Bones and mera searched the ship for serissa. "Did you find her?" Bones panted jogging up to mera.
"No but someone saw her running towards the brig" she said worried. They ran towards the brig only find three dead officers.
"Shit" Bones cursed. He checked to see if there was any way to save them. Mera looked around scared. It quickly turned to horror when she saw a locket laying next to a small pool of blood.
"B-bones..." she stuttered picking up the locket. He turned towards her and paled.
Bones and mera ran onto the bridge. "Captain!" Bones yelled.
Spock looked to them and stood. "What is it?" He asked.
"Serissa's gone..." Bones said. "We found her locket in the brig, along with three dead officers. It looks like she was wounded"
"Sir someone got on this ship and took her without us detecting them" Mera said, tears streaming down her cheeks. Spock looked to her then towards sulu.
"Mr.sulu scan the enemy ship for any signs of miss mot't." Spock said and sat in the chair.
"Yes sir" sulu said.
I woke with a pounding headache and an ache in my neck and shoulders. I lifted my head and groaned. That's when I realized I was hanging by my arms from chains attached to the walls.
I tried to free my hands but groaning stopped me. I looked over and my eyes widened seeing pike strapped to a table with blood coming from his mouth. "Captain?..." I whispered.
His head rolled towards me and his eyes widened. I growled at what they did and struggled to get free. A light shined brightly at me and I flinched.
"Good, your both awake" nero said stepping out to where I could see him. "Now maybe we can get somewhere"
I glared at him in anger. "Now. Captain. Let's see how you react to your crew's torture." He said and moved behind me. I turned my head to try and see what he was doing but the sound of a whip snapping made me squeeze my eyes shut.
I clenched my fists and bit my lip hard to stiffle my scream as he snapped the whip against my back. "No!" Pike yelled. Nero laughed and did it a couple more times.
"Now christopher. Will you tell me what I need?" Nero asked walking over to him.
"Don't tell him anything captain. My pain is not that to the pain others will feel if you tell him anything" I growled out. I yelled in pain as he whipped my stomach a few times.
"What will it be 'captain'?" He said mockingly.

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