Chapter 8

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     "You also have these, and these, and also these" I said placing the stacks of paper that bones had to do on his desk. Bones held his head and took a sip of whiskey. "I told you to stop drinking" I said snatching the bottle from him.
     "Come on serissa give it back" he said.
     "Absolutely not, if we get attacked and your drunk on duty who's it gonna be pinned on? Both of us. You for doing it and me for not stopping you" I said and left the room closeing the door. I walked to my room and placed the slightly full bottle in a cabinet.
      I walked back to med bay and started working. It had been a month since the incident with spock. He acted as if nothing had happened, and I was glad. I didn't know if I could handle talking about it.
     Suddenly there was a loud explosion. The ship jerked sending everyone to the floor. "Red alert! The enterprise is under fire!"
     I stood and quickly ran to the bridge with bones. We got to the bridge and the ship jerked again. I gripped the bar so I wouldn't fall. "Shields at 2% captain!" Sulu yelled.
    "We're being hailed!" Chekhov yelled.
     "Put it up!" Jim ordered. A man with blue skin, white hair, and violet eyes appeared on screen. He seemed to be slightly older then me.
      "Hn, I am prince naru'eh from planet mellhine." He said looking at everyone on the bridge. His eyes moved to me and spock. "Ah two vulcans, but wait, oh no, your not just a vulcan. Serissa mot't, the last female elf"
      "How do you know who I am?" I asked stepping forward.
     "Who doesn't deary? The last of your kind, and half vulcan at that. I know more about you then you'd like" he said. I tensed and glared. The markings on my body started to glow in anger.
     "What do you want?" I said keeping a calm tone but letting venom seep into my words. Naru'eh chuckled and looked to the captain ignoring my question.
     "Your ship is weak captain. One more blast from mine will kill you all. Send serissa and the vulcan over here or say goodbye to your crew. You have ten minutes to decide" naru'eh ended the transmission. Jim looked to spock and serissa.
      "Captain, he knows who I am, I have to figure out why" Serissa said.
     "Ah serissa, wonderful to see you" naru'eh said as spock and I were led into the room by guards. I glared at him and stood my ground. "Feisty aren't we? Take him to a room for later on's show"
     I watched worried as spock was dragged from the room. I looked back to naru'eh and glared. I stepped back in disgust when he kissed my hand. "Who are you really and how do you know me?"
     He smirked and got close to my face. I stood my ground no matter how much I wanted to back up. "I know you because I knew your mother." He said. My eyes widened. "Oooo that got a reaction. Alila was a beautiful woman. She loved to help people and practice her archery. Music was a passion for her and I'm guessing yours to."
        "What do you want?" I growled.
    "You don't really know who you are, do you serissa?" He asked ignoring my question.
       "What are you talking about?" I snapped.
      He smirked again. "Did you ever wonder why you never saw you grandparents on your mother's side. Why the only relatives you know are vulcan?" He asked walking over to a window and looking out. My brows furrowed at his point. I've only met my vulcan relatives.
      "How would you know?" I asked still glareing at him.
      He smirked again. I was starting to hate that smirk. "I know who your mother was before she married sav'en. Though I was only a child when I met your elven princess next in line for the throne"
       My eyes widened in shock. " mother wasn't a princess!" I yelled.
     "Your right, you mother wasn't but Alila was." He said turning to me. "When your grandparents, The king and queen, found their daughter was pregnant with a half vulcan baby. They were ecstatic, thinking this child would bring peace to the two worlds. Unfortunately your mother thought otherwise. She hated being a princess, having to follow rules and listen to boreing lectures about running a kingdom. She didnt want to put you through it. She wanted you to be free, to follow your own path. A month before she was to become queen, she ran away.
      Your grandparents were angry she would leave her duties as a princess for a child, but they still thought you would bring peace. So they disowned your mother and made you the next ruler. That week you left for vulcan, was the week your grandparents had planned to steal you from your parents and bring you back to raise you as royalty. Unfortunately the planet was destroyed before anything could happen" he explained.
      "H-how d-do you k-know a-all this?....." I stuttered feeling sick. My whole life was a lie.
     "Your grandparents had made a deal with my father before you were born." He said walking over to me. He grabbed my chin with his pointer finger and thumb lifting my head to look at him. I was dizzy and felt like I was gonna pass out. "We are betrothed"
       The last thing I saw before I blacked out was that hated smirk.

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