Chapter 7

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      As I was stepping  on the elevator I remembered spock hadn't come for his examination. Since I was in charge and everyone else was busy I would have to do it.
       Stepping back onto the bridge, I approached spock. "Commander" I said.
       Spock looked at up. "Yes?" He asked.
      "It's come to my attention that you have not come for your mandatory examination. Will you please accompany me down to med bay?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow but nodded. He stood and I turned, walking to the elevator. He followed me down to med bay. "Please have a seat" I said motioning to an empty bed.
    I grabbed my tools and walked over to him. I checked his sight, breathing, hearing, any signs for illnesses, and reflexes. Here came the part I was regretting.
      "Would you please remove your shirt and lay down." I said and lowered the top of the bed down. I walked away to grab the scanners. I walked back and almost died. Spock was very lean with an obvious six pack. Takeing a deep breath I walked over and started the next part of the examination.
      I placed two electropads on his temples and looked at the monitors watching his brainwaves. They looked to be normal. I turned back and took the pads off. I then placed four on his abdomen two on his chest and two near his abs.
     I took a scanner and moved it back and forth over his body while watching his vitals. Everything was working normally. I pulled the pads off and cleaned up the tools. Spock sat up and put his shirt on. I couldn't help getting a final glimpse at his body.
     "Your free to go mr.spock" I said writing the data down in my PADD. He stood up and I looked up at him. "Thank you"
     He nodded once, watching me. I blushed lightly wondering why he was stareing at me. Suddenly he turned sharply and left. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched him go. I feared he could hear it.
     I let out a shaky breath before going to get the paperwork bones never does, done. I didn't mind paperwork. As long as I kept the door shut I could listen to music.
     Hours passed and I had made a good sized dent in the paperwork. It was around seven so I decided to stay until nine.
     There was a knock on the door and I stopped my music. "Enter" I said.
      The door opened and one of the nurses looked in. "Everything's cleaned up and put away. The night nurses should be here soon" she said.
     "Okay, thank you. Have a good night" I said.
     "You too" She said and left closing the door. I turned my music back on and started working.
     About an hour later there was another knock on the door. I stopped my music and looked up. "Enter"
      The door opened and my eyes widened seeing spock standing there. "Commander" I said standing respectfully.
      "At ease Luitenent." He said and placed a tray of food on the desk. I looked at him confused. "You skipped dinner. You need to eat, or you'll be to weak to work"
      "Thank you commander" I said and sat down. He nodded once. I ate but I kept working still. I noticed spock didn't leave but I didn't say anything.
     Suddenly my music started playing and I looked at spock. He was holding the PADD I used to play the music. He looked confused. No wonder, he's probably never heard k-pop. "It's BTS" I said.
     He looked to me. "What is it?" He asked.
     "It's a Korean pop band. Their real name is bangtan boys. The song playing is 'blood sweat and tears'" I explained. He looked at the PADD before setting it down. I started working again but noticed out of the corner of my eye, spock had sat down. After a little while I finally spoke. "Is there anything I can help you with commander?"
     "No, your friend mera was worried you would miss another meal. I told her I would make sure you eat" he said. I raised an eyebrow at him.
     "And if I had refused to eat?" I asked leaning back and tapped my pen on the desk. He looked at me seriously.
     "I would have to force feed you"  he said. I gave him an 'oh really' look and chuckled lightly.
     "Forgive me commander, but you don't look like the type to do that." I said
     "You'll find, I can be very persuasive" he said looking straight at me. My eyes widened slightly and I started working again, not wanting to think about what he just said. And yet I did.
    'What did he mean by that? What would he do if I refused to eat?' I thought. I started to blush but hid it with an exasperated sigh, laying my head down. "I'm fine with paperwork but eight hours worth of it with more to go is ridiculous. I'm making sure bones does this next time"
      I kept my head down until the blush disappeared. I looked up and saw spock filing the papers. "Commander?" I asked confused.
     "This will only take more time" he said and kept filing them. "How many do you have left?"
    "Twenty maybe" I said. I did feel tired now, but I kept working. All the while, spock kept filing and BTS kept playing. I laid my head on my arm and kept working. I got to the last paper and filled it out. I started to drift to sleep.
Spock POV
    I looked over to serissa and saw she was half asleep. I don't know why but she stirred feelings in my heart that I had never felt towards another person.  Was it her personality?, her looks?, was it a trick created by her race?, illogical. 
     I turned her music off and walked over to her. Takeing the pen out of her hand I gently and carefully lifted her into my arms.
I carried her bridal style out of med bay and to her room. Carefully putting in the commanders code to open the door, I walked in and laid her on her bed carefully. I turned to leave but her voice stopped me.
     "Spock?..." she whispered.
     "Shh, sleep" I said. I don't know what came over me just then. I leaned down and placed a light kiss on her forehead.
      I stood quickly and left.
Serissa POV
     I felt myself being lifted out of the chair. I opened my eyes slightly and saw spock carrying me. I couldn't help but fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
     I woke and saw spock turning away. "Spock?...." I asked. I didn't remember what happened and was to tired to think.
       "Shh, sleep" he said softly. I felt soft lips on my forehead before the quick sound of footsteps. My door opened and closed which told me he left. I sat up shocked and touched my forehead.
     'D-did he just?'

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