Chapter 19

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   Bones sighed and set arwen in the spare crib, once he knew she was fully asleep. He walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed the stuff needed to mix the medicine for Spock.
    He started mixing it and stopped. His lips curled into a devilish smirk. 'if you won't tell jer on your own. Ill give you a boost' he thought.
    He started mixing a different drink that had the same flavor, scent, and feel of the medicine. However, this mixture wouldn't stop spocks heat. Bones knew that since Spock was head over heels for sera his heat would amplify it.
    'this is for the best' he thought and stuck the medicine in the little fridge to cool.
   Bones continued with paperwork and taking care of arwen. After a few hours Spock came back, the tips of his ears green. It was a sign his heat was starting to kick in.
    "Starting already?" Bones asked and grabbed the 'medicine'. "Here" he said and sighed.
    "Thank you doctor" Spock said, taking the mixture. Bones waved his hand and sighed. He watched Spock leave and smirked. 'good luck serissa'
  Spock walked down the hallway towards his cabin. He did his best to avoid anyone he could as he walked. Turning a corner he felt somw relief as he approached his door.
    He started typing in his code when he felt his body tense. A sweet aroma of caramel reached his nose and his ears tinted darker. Spock turned his head to see who it was.
    It was serissa. She was walking down the hallway towards Spock. She had her head doen and was fiddling with something he recognized as a kid. A Vulcan toy. It was a box of puzzles and equations.
    Serissa looked up and blushed lightly. "Commander" she greeted.
    Spock pushed his heat aside and turned to her. "Lieutenant" he greeted. She walked closer.
    "I um.. Could you help me with something?" She asked. He raised a slim eyebrow in curiosity. She held up the cube and pouted. "I can't figure this out"
    Spock blinked and took the cube carefully. He looked at it silently, analyzing the sides. "This equation is a simple one" he said, he started moving the pieces to show the answer.
    Series a leaned closer so she could watch what he was doing. His body tensed again as her scent got stronger.
   He kept his cool and solved the part she was stuck on. He handed it to her and stepped back. "There" he said.
     Serissas eyes widened. "Whoa. I really need to start studying again" she sighed and looked to him. "Thank you commander" she said.
    "Your welcome lieutenant. Now if you'll excuse me" he said and motioned to his door.
    She gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry" she said and bowed. "Thank you again" she said and turned to leave.
    Spock turned away and punched his code in. The door slid open and he stepped inside. Once the door closed he almost dropped to his knees. He let out a deep shaky breath and opened the medicine.
     Drinking it quickly, he sat on his bed and held his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. He waited for the medicine to kick in. 
    Serissa went and got arwen from bones. She kissed the little girls head and thanked bones. She turned to leave and saw the half mixed medicine. Curious, she looked at the ingredients and her eyes widened. 'A Vulcan heat medicine?' She thought. 'its only half mixed'
    She thought back to her encounter with Spock and realized his ears were green and he was more tense than usual.
    Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. 'spocks in heat' she thought and blushed bright.

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