Chapter 3

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     Kirk shot up as I was listening to chekhov's report. "Lightning storm in space..." he breathed panting.
    "Ah good your awake" McCoy said. "My god man!"
    "What?" Kirk asked and looked at his hands seeing they were balloons. "Ah!"
     "Negative reaction to the serum. Nurse!..." McCoy ran to get something and kirk jumped up running over to the screen. He rewinded the message and listened again.
      "...seem to be a lightning storm in space..." chekhov said. Kirk turned and grabbed McCoy's face.
     "We gotta stop the ship" he said before sprinting out of med bay. McCoy and I quickly following.
      "Jim stop! We have to keep your heart rate down!" McCoy yelled. Jim stopped long enough for McCoy to inject another serum into his neck.
     "Stop it!" Jim snapped wincing. He checked a monitor and started sprinting towards xenolenguistics.
      Jim found ahura and started talking but his tongue went numb. I watched as they discussed something about romulans. McCoy injected another serum into his neck.
     "Stahp ith" he yelled.
     "Kirk what is going on?" Ahura asked.
      "Were flyving intoh a twap" Jim said and we all sprinted to the deck.
     "Capfain!" Kirk yelled. Christopher pike stood and looked to them.
     "Kirk how the hell did you get on board?" He asked. McCoy started saying that he was  delusional but kirk cut him off.
     "Vulcan isn't experiencing natural disaster it's being attacked by romulans" Jim said catching everyone's attention.
     "How are you sure?" Spock asked.
     "That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space, also occurred on the day of my birth. Right before a romulan ship attacked the S.S kalvin" Jim said.     "You know that sir I read your diatation" he said to pike. "Three days ago the same anomaly occurred before a romulan ship attacked a fleet of klingons. The ship was very large and heavily armed. We're flying into a trap"
      "Are you positive?" Pike asked. Jim looked to ahura.
      "He's telling the truth I translated the message myself" she said.
      "Sir, they're waiting for us" Jim said. Pike looked to him then at spock.
     "The cadets logic is sound" Spock said.
      "you speak romulan cadet...?" Pike asked ahura.
     "Ahura sir, yes all three dialects" she said.
     "Check for signs of romulans in the area" he said. She nodded and jogged over to the station. I looked to spock and then forward.
      "I'm not picking up signs of romulans, or anything for that matter" ahura said.
     "Thats because they're under attack" Jim said. Pike nodded and moved back to the captains chair.
     "Red alert, shields at full" he said and sat in the chair. Everyone waited anxiously.
"Dropping out of warp in 3...2....1" sulu counted down. Suddenly the ship was dodging the reckages of the other ships. Until we saw a very large ship that put the enterprise to shame.
      "Captain were being hailed" chekhov said.
      "Put it on the screen" pike said. The screen changed to show a man with markings on his face. "This is Christopher pike of the U.S.S enterprise."
     "Hello, Christopher. I'm nero" the man said.
     "You have just declared war on the federation" pike said.
      "I have something to show your vulcan and elven crew members" nero said ignoring what Christopher said.
      Spock and I stepped forward.     "I'm sorry have we met before?"Spock asked.
     "No, not yet" nero said and looked at me. I saw hatred flash through his eyes. I stared at him not showing emotion. He smirked and looked at  christopher.
     "Your communication and transporter are down. You will board a shuttle alone and fly over to my ship. If you refuse you will be destroyed" Nero said and ended the call.
     Everyone looked to the captain as he stood. "Captain..." Spock started.
     "I need cadets with combat training" pike said. I went to step forward but spock held me back.
      "I have training sir" sulu said.
"Alright come with me, you too kirk, your not suppose to be here anyway" pike said and walked out. Sulu, kirk, spock and I followed him.
     "Kirk. You, sulu and engineer Olsen will skydive from the shuttle to whatever that thing is they've lowered to vulcan. You'll land on it and disable it. Once the transmitter is operational, contact starfleet and report" pike said moving to the shuttle elevator.
     "Captain what about you?" Kirk asked. Chris turned to him.
      "I guess you'll have to come get me. Spock I'm making you acting captain" pike said. "Kirk your first officer now"
     "Captain-" Spock started but pike cut him off as he stepped into the elevator with kirk and sulu.
      "I'm not captain anymore, spock, you are" pike said. "Don't scratch the ship too much, I just got her painted"
     The door closed and I looked to spock. "Cadet mot't you will return to med bay and prepare for the wounded"
     "With all due respect captain. I am part vulcan too, nero seems to have a hatred towards both of us. If he is attacking my home, our home. I wish to be present if something happens" I said stareing up at him. I was tall for a girl but not as tall as spock. "Also I think it wise at this moment for us vulcans to stick together"
He stared at me and I thought he might deny my request. "Very well" he said and started off to the bridge. I quickly followed him inwardly surprised. We reached the bridge and spock sat in the captains chair. I stood on his left and bones on his right.
     We listened and watched as the three got closer to the platform. "Olsen pull your shoot!!!" I heard kirk yell before there was a scream.
"We lost olsen" chekhov said sadly. A few minutes later we heard sulu announce that they shut off the device.
     "Wait! They launched something into the hole they created!" Kirk yelled. Sulu yelled followed by kirk as they started plummeting to vulcan. "Were falling without a shoot! Beam us up! Beam us up!!"
     "I can't lock on their moving to fast!" The transporter room eclaimed. Chekhov jumped up yelling he could do it and sprinted to the transporter room.
      We waited and listened. "Calculating.....and.... now!" Chekhov yelled followed by a slam, groaning and an exclamation in russian.
      I heard bones mutter. "The heck?" And I looked at him.
      "I believe he said 'Damn I'm good'" I said giving a small smirk to him. He raised an eyebrow and nodded.
      Kirk and sulu ran onto bridge and sulu ran to the con. "Sulu check to see what the device they shot into vulcan is" Spock said. Unconciously I gripped the back of the captains chair. Spock looked up at me then back at sulu as he started to speak.
     "Sir, its seems they've created a black whole inside of vulcan" sulu said. Spock stood up and my eyes widened.
     "How long does the planet have?" Spock asked.
      "Not long....a few minutes maybe...." sulu said.
Spock tensed. "I'm going down there" he said moving to the elevator with me, bones ,and kirk following.
      "Spock you cant!" Kirk said.
"The elders are in the high temple along with my parents. They cant be beamed out so I have to go get them" Spock said.
      We reached the transporter room. "I'm going with you" I said.
"That would not be logical" Spock said.
     "Logic be damned! My father is down there! I have to save him!" I yelled. Spock turned to me wide eyed. I glared at him shaking in fear and anger.
    "Forgive me" Spock said before using the vulcan nerve pinch on me. I immediately passed out and collapsed.

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