Chapter 10

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    "What do you have uhura?" Jim asked. She had been researching naru'eh and his planet so they knew what they were against.
     "Naru'eh the prince of mellhine, was betrothed to the last princess of the planet Alatos. The princesses mother, the previous princess, ran away with her vulcan lover to keep their daughter safe, the planet was destroyed before the princess claimed her right" uhura said.
     "Alatos.....that's Serissa's planet, what was the former princesses name?" Bones asked.   
        "It doesn't say" uhura said.
       "So serissa...could be a princess...she's half elf half vulcan" bones said covering his mouth. "We need to save them"
     "Mr. Sulu get our power on!" Jim ordered walking quickly to the captains chair. "Chekhov scan for serissa and spock"
      "Aye sir!" They said.
      'Hold in their guys'
       Serissa sprinted after naru'eh. She found him trying to work a space pod. "Why the hurry sweetheart?" I joked. He turned around and stared in fear. "The party's only just begun"
      Her hand ignited in a blue flame and she destroyed the control panel for the space pods. "I surrender!" He yelled falling to his knees.
      "Pathetic, you can't even fight" she glared and made ice cuffs on his hands. She dragged him to the main deck where spock was talking to the captain, on the main screen.
      "We're fine captain" Spock said and looked back at her. She smiled and sat naru'eh against the wall and cuffed his ankles.
      "Serissa?" Jim said shocked.
      "In the flesh" she said and smiled. "Bones you get that paperwork done?"
     "No, I've been to busy worrying about you two!" He exclaimed. Serissa giggled.
     "We almost have power fully on we'll beam you back when we're ready" Jim said.
    "Thank you captain" Spock said and the hail ended. Serissa deactivated her power. Her eyes returned to normal and her markings stopped glowing.
     Suddenly she was hit with a wave of exhaustion. She fell forward only to be caught by spock. "Serissa? Are you alright?" He asked.
      "Y-yeah just, R-really tired" she said. He sat cross legged and held her in his lap. Her head lulled to his shoulder and she closed her eyes. "Using my power for the first time might have caused this"
      "It would only be logical" Spock said. She looked up at him and chuckled softly. He looked down at her showing no expression. Serissa lifted her hand and lightly ran her fingers our his cheek.
     "You know.....sometimes I think about what it would look see you smile..." she said quietly as her thumb traced the edge of his lips.
     Spock watched her, curious to what she would do. "Serissa...."
        "I know....vulcans do not have emotions...." she said pulling her hand away and tucking it to her chest, yawning. "But even you said....your only half vulcan...."
       Spock watched as she fell asleep. "Your blind" naru'eh said. Spock looked over to him emotionlessly. "Can't you see she cares for you?" Spock ignored him. "You can see it in her eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul"
      Spock tensed. He gently laid serissa down and walked over to naru'eh. He knocked him out just as the com beeped. "Mr. Spock, ms. serissa, were ready to beam you back" sulu said.
     Spock picked up serissa bridal style. "We have a prisoner as well" Spock said. White lines circled spock and naru'eh, since spock was holding serissa.
     They were beamed to the transporter room where guards took naru'eh to the brig. "Serissa, spock! Are you guys okay?" Bones yelled running in.
      "We are fine doctor. Ms. Mot't just needs some rest" Spock said.
     "Well you two still need to come down to med bay for a check up" Bones said. Spock nodded and followed him to med bay.
    I woke up and blinked at the bright light above me. Slowly sitting up I saw that I was in med bay. The curtain was drawn around the bed and the lights were off. I heard voices and slowly stood. I peaked through the curtain and froze.
      There was uhura and spock....kissing. my heart felt like it was just stomped into dust. Tears poured down my cheeks and I backed away from the curtain. Silent sobs racked my body. Using the quietness of an elf I snuck out of med bay without disturbing the two and sprinted to my room.
     I locked myself in my room and grabbed the bottle of whiskey I took from bones. I took a large swig and chocked as it burned my throat. I didn't care as I took another swig.
    I started feeling warm but tears wouldn't stop falling. After a few more swigs I set the bottle down and laid back on the floor.
      I soon fell asleep feeling empty and broken.

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