The Princess

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Sophie stood just outside the royal gates, shivering with excitement. There was to be a parade for the princess's birthday and she was getting a close-up look at the royal procession.

The dazzling fountains had floating lotus flowers on all five tiers that were equipped with gleaming alabaster to shed some light. The Pink Sapphire flooring glinted in the moonlight, and Sophie smiled at her reflection on the impeccably cleaned stones. There was the sounding of a trumpet and the parade began in front of her sparkling brown eyes.

First out were the elegant friends of the Princess, smiling atop thrones of roses. Their float was completely made of flowers, except the wooden core and rubber wheels. Rainbow gowns gleamed in the moonlight.

Next were the close family members, excluding her parents. Their tight outfits and forced smiles made Sophie feel uncomfortable. Aside from its residents, the float was quite beautiful. It consisted of drapes of golden cloth with silver embroidered stars and crowns.

The last and most important float was the princess and her parents atop a mass of glittering gems. She was just as Martek had described her to be, only better.

Her lavender hair flowed down her shoulders like a river. Golden highlights sparkled almost as bright as her blinding smile, which was lined with a soft purple gloss. Twinkling lavender eyes smiled at the townspeople.

Beside her was her mother. Squeezed into a revealing red dress that hugged her figure, she didn't look at all attractive to Sophie. Narrow red eyes scanned the audience,pausing at attractive men. Thin red lips curved into a coy smile.

Last was King Sweete, with ice blue skin and cold navy eyes. His grin was nonexistent; dry and cracking lips formed a perfectly straight line. He stared ahead, arms crossed in his golden suit with a red tie. Icy white hair clung to his scalp. The entire figure reminded Sophie of President Snow from The Hunger Games, but with blue skin and darker eyes.

She admired the lavish float the royal family sat atop. Gold and purple thrones sunk into a gold sheet with red roses scattered upon the glittering finish. The next layer was soft lavender with gold drapings. Silver and glittering wheels lugged the whole float along, a good deal behind the others.

Sophie shivered and turned to Martek, who looked dashing in a white tuxedo.

"Can we go home? It's getting cold."


About an hour later, underneath the satin sheets of Martek's guest room, Sophie thought. She thought about home and how much she missed it. She thought about school and how much she didn't. But mostly, she thought about her neighbor's barn.

If you recall, back at home Sophie would wake every Sunday next to Polka the cow with a rolling pin in one hand and spearmint gum in the other. Since the play had debuted on Saturday night, and she had stayed in Sickly Sweet for two days, a Sunday had surely passed.

But then again, time could be different here. For all she knew, every day could be a Saturday. Or maybe it was Wednesday, and Sunday hadn't passed yet.

Whatever it was, Sophie was relying on that weird fact about her to get her home.

Suddenly a crash from downstairs interrupted her thoughts. She jumped out of bed and grabbed a robe on her way out the door. What was happening? Had someone broken in? Was Martek okay?

She ran down the stairs, trying to contain her panic. Maybe he had just dropped a dish or a vase. He was probably fine, just on the floor cleaning up the mess.

But as Sophie entered the kitchen, she saw that was not the case.

Next to the glass oven, lavender hair in a messy bun and a crazed look in her eyes, was the princess.

She widened her eyes and tiptoed toward Martek, who was facing Princess Lana. The royal noticed Sophie and pointed the rolling pin in her hand at her menacingly. Sophie darted toward Martek and cowered behind his back. But wait a second. If in one hand the princess had a rolling pin, could the other possibly contain...

Sophie slowly stepped away from him and directed her eyes toward the princess's left hand. There it was. A blue pack of Extra spearmint gum, clutched tightly in her lavender fingers.

"Um... Hello." Sophie squeaked, not knowing how to greet her.

Lana visibly relaxed and set down the rolling pin.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting your peace. I just had a bad dream and needed to find somewhere to comfort myself other than that dreaded castle."

Sophie was confused. So... Lana had broken into their home to break down and cry? And she hadn't even thought of the residents inside?

She stared at the princess awkwardly before attempting at conversation.

"And why did you leave the palace? Don't you have the King and Queen to comfort you?"

Lana shook her head sadly.

"I'm afraid you don't understand. They are the nightmare."


In a bad mood since I had to write this twice because it didn't save. Hope you enjoyed it though.

Rock that Chocolate,

Me :)

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