The Plan

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Cara paced back and forth. Her phone was gone. Her keys were gone. THE key was gone.


Before I get into this chapter, let me explain. I'm just going to call Martek Cara because it makes it easier for me. You know what I mean.


She punched the crystal table. Cara heard two cracks and cried out as she cradled her finger. The table now had a line snaking down the middle, and her finger had swelled up and turned purple.

Raging, Cara rummaged through the kitchen cabinets until she finally found the medical supplies. Injecting a shot of pain relieving medicine in her finger, she bit her lip as the needle pierced her skin.

Instantly the pain was soothed and she let out a sigh.

I do have an odd habit of punching things, she thought.

Running up the stairs, Cara opened the maroon door and walked over to the hidden pink one. Closing and locking it, she picked up a poster laying on the floor and taped it to the wall, covering the door.

Still doubting its safety, she pushed a desk against the wall and plunked a computer down to hide the top of the painting. Inwardly declaring it Sophie-proof, she walked toward the door before remembering one last thing.

Running to the bottom corner of the room, she turned on all three sinks so that if Sophie walked past this door she would think someone was here.

Opening the door, she surveyed the room one last time.

It's ready.

Closing and locking the entrance, Cara smiled and went down the stairs.


Fifteen minutes later she was in the middle of Sweete Park formulating a plan. Cara decided she would put The Plan in action today, in one hour. And it would work. It had to.

She had been planning this for years. Every now and then she would switch identities, her most common being King Sweete II and Martek. Her final plan was to go to the current King and present herself as Cara.

Then she would convince him her father never killed her and that they loved each other dearly. She would switch to King Sweete and form a bond with the King. Then he would take over and change into the form of a true King.

She smiled wickedly. It was time.

Walking smoothly up the paved road to the palace, she smiled at anyone who looked at her. Yawning on the red carpet, she made her way up the stairs before taking a deep breath and allowing herself to be seen by a guard.

"Hello!" she grinned. He looked confused.

"State your business." he ordered. She gave him the puppy eyes.

"I willy need two see te King and Qween," she mumbled sadly. "It's uwgent."

He smiled at her. "Sure thing, kiddo. King Sweete loves visitors." She returned the smile and waited as he began dialing a number.

"Bart? Hey, Fernie again. We've got a little girl here to visit the King. Yeah, sure. Mmhmm. Thanks." He hung up.

"They'll be here soon," he assessed. She nodded.

Soon he whisked her up the steps and opened the door for her.

"In ya go. Have a nice visit!" Cara beamed. Running into the first room, she noticed King Sweete relaxing on a plush velvet chair.

"Let's do this," she muttered to herself.

"Hewo?" she projected. He immediately sat up, smiling at her. As she got closer though, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Um, your n-name please?"


He gasped. "No way."

"Yup. I'm Cara Sweete. Pleasure ta meetcha."

He frowned at her. "You're dead."

"Uhm, yeah, sure. That's why I'm standing right in front of you." she rolled her eyes.

"People these days."

He was astonished. "B-but the King - he killed you!"

"That's what I'm here for. He was falsely accused. The supposed witnesses had been planning a rebellion against him for ages. I'm here to set the record straight."

He grinned. "I knew a fellow Sweete could never kill his daughter!" Gingerly shaking Cara's hand, he looked at her curiously.

"Where is he?"

"Oh, Daddy is back at the house. I could call him, if you'd like."

"Yes, please. Tell him it's urgent."

She nodded. "One sec."

Walking out of the room, she took out a fake phone and pretended to dial a number.

"Daddy? It's Cara. The King wants you to come over. He says it's urgent. Hmm? Yeah. Okay!"

She put it away and went back in the room. Facing the King, she smiled and said,

"He said sure, but he needs me at home to tend to the gardens.Is it okay if I leave?"

He nodded. "Do as you will."

She grinned and left the room once more, this time exiting out of the palace doors. Hiding in a dark alleyway near the castle, she downed a potion that transformed her into King Sweete II.

But this time she quickly injected a pain relieving shot into her arm so as it wouldn't harm her.

Coming out of the alley as a man in a white suit, he nodded crisply at anyone who looked at him. He marched up the stares and opened the unlocked palace doors.

Turning into the room which King Sweete was occupying, he forced a smile on his face and sat next to the King.


"Your daughter tells me you were accused of a crime you didn't commit."

He nodded.

"Yes, falsely accused is the way we put it. And as you can see, I was. My daughter is fine and healthy. Not the least bit dead."

He pursed his lips. "Then I would like to apologize. And also to ask you something."

King Sweete II leaned forward in his seat. "Yes?"

"I would like to ask that you partner with me. I have had troubles lately with my ruling and I could use a coworker. What do you say?"

"Alright. I suppose. But one thing. I want to become friends with your daughter. She is a curious creature. May I befriend her?"

The King looked surprised. "Of course! Now I can trust you with her since I discovered you were...falsely accused."

King Sweete II smiled. This was part of his plan. 'Befriend' her, seduce her, marry her, murder her... And blame it on the King. He would be executed and King Sweete II would be forced to take up his position.

Nodding, he stood and shook hands with the King. "Where may I make my home?"

"Down the hall four doors, open the fifth. You should like it," he said, winking.

So he went.



Argh! It's so annoying to write the King and then King Sweete II! It's confusing for me and maybe you guys too. So, from now on, I'll call King Sweete II Ferdinand.

Just kidding! But for real, from now on he will be Martek, kay? It's a pain in the arse to write King Sweete II over and over again. And the King will just be the King.

Hope ya enjoyed that! I'll be updating another short one today :)

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