The Full Story

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"Your mom and I weren't very close about ten years ago," he began. Lana leaned forward, excited to hear what he had to say.

"We met when I was on a float and she was with some random guy, his arm slung over her shoulder. Suddenly the fountain behind them exploded and she got soaked while he only had a few wet spots on his jacket. Freezing and shivering uncontrollably, she asked him for his jacket.

He simply smirked and backed away from her. I remember him saying,'No way, I ain't getting this sexy jacket wet,' and he laughed rudely. She was still shivering and so I ordered the coachmen to stop the float.

Jumping off the escalated ground, people pointed and gasped as I ran toward the girl. Taking off my thick jacket, I wrapped her in it and gave her a warm smile. She smiled back.

Then her boyfriend tapped my shoulder and whispered,'She's all yours.' I called him a few names that I won't repeat and punched him in the face, ending the trash-talk.

Storming back to the float with the woman in tow, I pulled her aboard and continued the procession. Through a smile, I asked her name. 'Coraline,' she replied.

I remember the day when, while we were dancing at a ball, she asked me if I loved her. I thought about it, hard. I finally made my decision thirty minutes later.

And that was when I knew she was the one for me."

Lana's Pop finished his story with reddening cheeks of embarrassment. Sighing, Lana secretly wondered how her 'mother' had become the monster she is today.

"But what about me? The abduction?"

"I was getting to that. After the parade, I gave Coraline a tour of the castle. She loved it. We started our relationship then, in the Royal Gardens. We dated for a few years before I proposed and moved her into the castle as my wife.

We lived a happy life for about a year but that was when I told her we needed an heir to the throne. She turned red and confided one of her biggest secrets in me: her fear of childbirth.

We considered adoption but, after a quick look at the slim pickings, realized there was nobody there who would act as a good royal. We thought and thought, but our results were fruitless. We almost gave up then.

Around that sad period, a close friend of mine suggested abduction. At first I was horrified but he insisted that every earthling girl's dream was to become a princess. I was convinced and Coraline agreed with me.

So we sent out a team to look for a girl with light hair and light skin. This way we could easily transform her skin and hair colors without muddling them. Our first team found a couple of girls but either their personality wasn't quite right or they couldn't bear to snatch them from their families.

So we sent the King before me and made sure his father was able to talk him through it and make sure he didn't mess up. The reason we sent him was because he was said to be a blank, emotionless slate, and that was what we needed.

He came back with you and we were overjoyed. Easily able to transform your skin and hair, we did struggle with your dark eyes. First we tried gold and then lavender. The result was lavender with flecks of gold, more beautiful than they could have been if our singular attempts had worked.

You were the perfect princess. The golden girl. We couldn't have loved you more.

And that's pretty much it." finished King Sweete, looking earnestly to determine his daughter's reaction.

She smiled and he let out a sigh.

"Good. I was hoping you weren't a cruel monster who liked abducting little girls from their homes."

He laughed.

"I may be many things, but that sure isn't one of them."

Lana stretched out on the couch and let out a yawn. "I'm felling tired. May I take a nap?"

He nodded. "You may."

Walking to her room, Lana thought about what Pops had just told her. Could it be true? Was he really not a bad person after all?

Sighing, she opened a soft purple door and sauntered to her bed. It was so weird. She was extremely tired, even though it was the middle of the day.

Lying on the fluffy purple comforter, she tried to stay awake long enough to finish her train of thought.

I wonder what it could-



I apologize for such a short chapter, but I've been down with writer's block. #prayforsicklysweet

Don't worry, I'm giving it a fighting chance.

If you don't quite understand what I'm saying, let me put it out there: SICKLY SWEET MAY NOT BE UPDATED EVER AGAIN

So... I may need some motivation ;(

Please comment what ya think and based on that I will decide if i should give it up or not. I need to know if it's worth it.

Vote. Comment. #PrayForSicklySweet

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