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When she came to, her body was splayed out in the floor near her bed. She rubbed her eyes and crawled over to the window, pulling herself onto the windowseat.

Trying to remember what happened, Sophie grasped memories of falling to the ground right after entering the room. She gave up on discovering specific details and lifted her head so she could admire the view.

Sophie gazed out the window, watching raindrops race down the glass. Stormy black clouds swirled around the castle, and guards marched up the red carpet to safety.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the windowpane, listening to the patter of rain against the roof.

Only one thing occupied her mind.


He was all she thought about, all that dominated her thoughts 24/7. Just him and nothing more.


She thought about him, waiting for her return, then realizing it would never come. Sinking to the floor to sob or just closing his eyes and letting a small tear trickle down his dirt-stained face.


Sophie jerked her head up, hitting her forehead on the glass. Rubbing it soothingly and biting back a yelp, she looked out to see what had produced the sound.

"Squawk! Squawk!"

There it was again. Scanning the hazy black sky, her eyes landed on three black forms coming toward her. They were the size of a large bird, with neon orange beaks and feathery wings about a foot wide.


She remembered them from her childhood - large masses of feathers and noise, awaking her in the mornings. Following her on her way to school. Even leaving a few 'presents' on her backpack.

Focusing her glazed eyes back on the birds, she curiously watched as they seemed to fly right toward her.

They got closer... And closer... And closer.... Until....

bAm! SpLaT!

The collision of feathers and fat against glass shocked Sophie into jumping back and nearly falling on her bed. Regaining her balance, she shook the spots from her eyes.

Scrunching her brows together, she faced the confused birds. They seemed to be looking right at her, and numerous times pecked the glass with their beaks as if trying to get in.

Shielding her face from the wind, Sophie reluctantly opened the window to let the birds in. She felt bad for the drenched and freezing masses of misery - at least until one pooped on her bed.

"Hey! No! Stop that!" In an attempt to shoo the birds away from her, she accidentally hit one and it squawked, falling to the ground.

She immediately felt horrible.

"Oh! No, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to-"

Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew in, pushing the two airborne ravens to the wall. Sophie quickly jumped to her feet and ran to the window, hoping to close it before something blew in.

But she was too late. Two more black birds came tumbling into her room, and she threw her arms up in exasperation.

"Who do you think I am? Cinderella? You here to make me a dress?"

They regarded her with a cold stare, as if offended by her statement. She sighed.

"I'm sorry. My mood has just been crushed by the whole 'being kidnapped' scenario. In fact, I'm so crazy I started talking to you guys."

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