A Day With the Princess

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Sophie sat by herself, feeling lonely without Martek's company. She turned to the flat-screen HD holo vision and pressed a small blue button on the remote to turn it on. Immediately a 3D orange appeared before her eyes, the brand name of a very popular holo vision company. Thick block letters spelling out ORANGE solidified and then, finally, it took her to the HV guide. Some popular channels were Spoon and Jar HoloVision, Cagid for Cids (Kids), and the 13 'o'clock news.

Sophie still didn't understand fully how time worked here. The hours started at five and went to twenty-two, but she still would look out the window and think,"Oh, that sunrise must mean it's about 5 am." She had often referred to the times differently and Martek would look at her strangely and then continue the conversation.

Anyway, as she channel-surfed thoughts tumbled through her head. What did he mean by what should I know? He seemed to be sensitive on the topic. Maybe his mother died when he was young, or he never told his father goodbye when he went off on an airplane ride that had him killed.


She scolded herself, thinking how intrusive she was being. Turning her attention back to the screen, she finally found an intriguing show: The History of Sweete. Sophie decided that she should learn more about the King and his family, even if it meant watching boring documentaries such as this one.

She pressed SELECT and a 3 Dimensional loading symbol popped up. After a few moments, the show finished loading and Sophie was right in front of a man with a large nose and a rather noticeable wart on his left eyelid. Suppressing a giggle at the ugly royal, she listened carefully as the man voiced over the picture show.

"As you can see by the label in the bottom-right corner, this is Prince Archeldargendalew, heir to the throne after his famous father, King Archeldargendalew. Prince Archeldargendalew later changed his surname to King Sweete when he made the throne promotion for career purposes."

I would change my name too.

"King Sweete is the father of our King today," the voice droned on,"And is well known for trying to murder both his son and daughter in their early teens. He didn't succeed in killing his son but his daughter, Princess Cara Sweete was unfortunately slain by the King's knife. It was a very sad event."

Sophie's eyes opened wide. How could a man murder his own daughter and attempt to murder his son? She thought about Cara--she must've had a life, friends, hobbies--all dissapearing because of one insane father. Sophie curled into a ball and felt like grieving the young girl's loss, but forced herself to watch the informative video.

"King Sweete was abruptly put to death and his son, Prince Sweete, became King Sweete II. King Sweete II was and is currently a strong and fair ruler of Sickly Sweet. Our city, Sickly Sweet, was originally called Sickly Meadows but was changed to its current name due to the King. King Sweete II borned a daughter with Coraline Sweete, the Queen, on Berget 37, 3056. They named her Lana Dey Sweete, and she is currently Princess of Sickly Sweet.

Lana Dey Sweete (a picture of her as a child was shown on the HV) is currently fifteen years old. She lives with her parents in the Sweete castle, a renowned estate of our history. The Sweete family are just rulers of our country today and serve in our government."

The screen went dark and another loading symbol appeared, marking the entrance of a future show. Sophie fumbled for the remote and jabbed a red button to power the HV off. There was so much information to take in.

Right at that moment, there was a knock at the door and Sophie jumped in her seat.

"It's just me," called out Lana's sweet, singsongy voice.

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